... the The High Court of Justiciary met yesterday, and resumed boa- rrt ?? of the case of John Cameron, lately night-constable in entGlasgow, who was charged with the crime of murder, in so far as, oed on the night of the 11th, or mornng of the 12th August-las he weickedly and feloniously attacked and assaulted Peter hf'Gil, boot- iry ?? Dovehili Street, with a stick or some other smilar mawapon, ...


... CENT:PAL. VQL-idi Id6ttElf). : un *anu r ?? 'LU-i-LJn I a - Tliis Court set yesterday, steieven o'cloek and being !II, jjj day of the month, :Bailie Gilmour at th cljose of the bnsihCss4 .addresded thefcenrt in fhofoldwing terms.:- . '-1nconclodiig fhebusiness-of ?? fort'hemouth cnding this, :dy. I feel'that ?? not be uninteresting or unprolitablein 'coSn 9#foitj' with 2a petace II~elylntraced ...


... I LA W INTELLIGENCE. ENCUMBERED ESTATES COMMISSION--SATURDAY. The commissioners sat in their court, in Henrietta-street, y, at 12 o'clock. XIn the. matter of tie estate of Thomeaes Talbot. ts Mr. Rolleston, Q.C., who appeared for GeorgeFausset, a a- creditor in this matter, and who had presented a petition for a Id sale, moved that the absolute order granted for a sale on a petition presented ...


... LAW OT:TUWLE. 0 I C(lT'T OF QUEFNN'S BJENCIT-YesTnrDAY. SE 0115RIUS SlrTINGS AVVEtR TFtAM. The Lord Chief Justice enter'd court at half-past ten o'clock, when the record was called in the important case fixed for yesterday of The (Grani Jary q°. ithe couet/y Kildanre v. the G(fsat Southe)'e and Wectern Rai'eeay. MANDAIUs OASR (8PECIAL JUBY). This was an action brought on the part or the grand ...


... LA WV ANTELLIGENCE-wONAny. JUDICIAL COMMITTEE OF TIlE PRIVY I COUNCIL. The members of the Ceountil present to-itav were Lord Broonlhallis, Lrd Campbell, Lord Ltindsle, M ?? Parke, the Right Holl. T. P'emberton Leigh, and the Right ion. Sir Edward Ryan. t IAMIA MA11TAII CIIUND V. TIHE GOVERNMENT OF OENG.AL. Mr. Turner appeared in support of the appeal ; Mr. Loftus s WVivram repiestinted the ...

Law Intelligence

... EAW Utettlfse+ NOTICEB.-Tris DAY. , COURT OF C;ANCERY, LNOOLNW=N AT 10.-ifcr Judgment: Hunter ?? Nickol pecn. Appas Miller v. Priddon, per heard; Shrewsbury and BlrmU46 v. ort Weten w y ?? al v. Pilgrim; Clna v. Mellerah l;xrat v. Tolason. LNON~N .VlC9CHhNEVLLORS' COIJBTS, LlNCOLNvI&Dm. Bzana, m Vic Oaror0oa o iisXoLs.ND.-By order: Gardener V. WiD'ema, short eause. CaUses: Dell v. Rtea 2)pet ...

Law Intelligence

... Raw Intentleae, NOTICBS.-.TEIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LiNCOLN'S-INN. AT 10. Unopposed lunatic petitiona. Appeal motion: .Heatheote v. North Staffordshire Railway, part heard. Appeals: Cross v. Sprigg ; Bagshaw v. Maoneil; Padbury v. Clarke. VICE-CHANCELLORS' COURTS, LlNCOLN'S-INN. AT 10. BBFoBF TEF VICE-CXOANCELLOB OF ENOLAND.-Cause peti. tions: the unopposed first and short causes. Petitions ...


... APPRENTICE. The .Nrtlehd Ster of the i9th ult. gave a brief ac. couvant, ofd ?? suffered by a parish ap1 apprentice at a village near Bideford, in Devonshire, which ended in her death and the committal of her master and mistress on a charge of willful murder. The Western TImes furnishes the following startling .details of the cruelty inflicted on this poor gir:- About three or four miles to ...


... These sessions commenced on Monday morning at the Sersions house, NewingtOn causeway, before 'Thomas Packle Esq.,and a full bench of magistrates. 'The calendar contained the names of fifty-tbree pri- soners for ?? whole ot the morning vas occu- pied in appeals from fined jurymen. Seversl gentle- smen were afterwards sworn in sas magistrates of the ,connty. ROBBERY BY A PO1.CENIAN.-George Wild, ...


... WILLIAM GREGORY V. CUTHBERT BROMLEY. This was an action of £20. The plaintiff is a currier in Burnley, and defendant is a shoemaker at the same place. Mr. John Hartley, solicitor, appeared for the defendant. It appeared that an arrangement had some time ago taken place between the parties, whereby de- fendant was to pay £15 by instalments, but defendant had not kept up his payments. Verdict ...


... THE NATIONAL LAND .OEME; : COURT OF EX3EQUS}R. T31VRSDY-. O'CONNeOI, M.P., v. BRADS5eAW.-Thi, was an action for a libel contained in a hand-bill. The defended pleaded a'justfication.-Or. Sergeant Wilkins (with Mr. Atherton and Ma. Prentice) appeared for the plaintiff;. Mr. Roe- buck, Mr. Keating, and Mr. Bagley, rspres.rated the de-. fendant. Mr. Sergeant Wilkinsein opening theplaintiff's case ...


... t '&W''ND' A!,PO:L!c-SDiiij GOvcaNSSNXt CLEatsxi.,, '1.EOULAJON 4T, THE 'POST. ?? insolvent, JOnathan. King, a Clerk in the. Post -offlce, .wes, opposed -by Mr. Sargood for a Mr. Lcwis Ellis, and .supported by Mer Cooke.-The 'opposition was Jbr a ?? defense, and the case oc- cupied. more thani two hours.- lDlis. brought an action against the insolvens as the holder of a 30 bill of ex- ehsinge, ...