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Leeds Mercury


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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... AINT GEORG14k'S CHUR1CH, LeES.- S 71'O.MOBROWV (SundS!,) Moraidwi a SERM~t1ON wiO b reachedin this Chutrch by the llotnoareble and Vory (Sev. the DrAN ?? RPON.After seryvice a colleetlolt will be made towarde tie cost f the NEAV ORG0AIN Dr. ~ ii. WESLEY as kidyutelkenl to play the organ gi ail ~onifB ad venling bervice. IAO-FORTE AM.) MUSIJC1 ESTABILISfM'IENT, 16,COMINIORCIA h-SrREET, LEEDS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IREAT EXHIBITION OF THE~ WORKS OF GINDnUSTRY.-At a PU1SLIC M81k1ING of the Juba- bitants of HUDI)ERSFIELD and its sneiglhburbood, con- yedon sreqtoistion to the Constable, signed by the most inletial Merchiants and Ilanufacturers of the district, land holdeitinthe Gutidball, on Wedaesilay, February 20rb, 1850, Wld. WILLANS, Esq., Constable of Uudderslleld. in the chair. It was resolved~,- lat, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On Saturday, the 1th, atnd Thursday, the 21st of February, ,200 BALES AUSTRAkLIAAN, polttr PiltLLIP, & VAN o DltsMlEN'S LANDt WOOL. ByC.and J. D.-IA0(tM 1t, IBrokers, 2, asoingliallbttreet, London. 0 At the Hall of Commerce. Threodtt5Odle-street. on MAsodoy, 0 the 15th, and S4tliod-tY, nhe 23slrd Fdtrtiry, 1ttoU. ~4O0 BALES AUSTRALIAN. VAN DIEMIEN'S bAND, PORT 1l1IILLII', NEW ,ZEALAND, & CAPE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - I IMMENSE CLEARANCE OF WINTER STOCK! 5 IN5 CON QtUU5CII OF GREAT PREPARATIOSs FOR TiE SPRING! S. EaYA vrould with gratitude His thanks return for favours I I For ev'ry week adds more and more I A proud return for labours: I Winter stock he has se-vmacked At prices Most astounding. Come one-come all-and purchase cheap I From ev'ry town surrounding. His Winter stock abounds with gems ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B1EDS PHILOSOPHICAL & LITE RARY ~ CURS ofTHRE LCTUES n COTTISH POETRY ~jj bedelverd a th Pii~ool'iicLIALL, by the REV, wot iNC~iR M.., Pesientof he ocl~ety, ou the tot- IS LECTURE L-ue~dap. F arusy FiJ14s. Scottsh Pets f ?? Century.' L TUEIl..-.Thursday. .Februnary, &ivellls. LETUE, Sir Welter Scott, LECTRE f ?? Twelfth. '~Scottish Peasant l'at since ~urns, E Athaf-past stren o'clock each ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 5ttuatlOiz%, ZC. At lbetters, Post-pafd, addressed ?? s Psinters,are inivariably forwarded to tlheparty.Adwrtisisng if, therefore an Applicant does not receivitan answervit hin 4 reasonableti ne, hie niust conclude either that zhe Advertcleer is. alreadusuited,orthaltlrio some othercause, it has not been. thoenqht necessary to return an ansoer to the Applicatieon, Apptleantsare recommnended ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAPER IIANGINs Mr. J01N, TIEPPER begs to annountce that he will SELL, on Mondayi andi T'resddynr~rt. the Eiqheethci/ and Nineteenth dlaps sof Yetirt ary, at his Cowimercial bulk'11001s1nr, Sterini's Buildings, Leieds.t 3,000 Io elfegalt PAPER HANG- patterns in Slock and geld. latin. rodt pliitii grounds, mrarbles, granites, sientis, &c, lin grout variety. Sate tocommsitce cactil day at eleven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... re rVO BE LET, the SHOOTING Of the G ~ir ..B over the commons and wastelnsith ,s St=uvf in the township of Haworth, containing u ' B eleven ?? acres of ground, Well adapted fcr Parod30 611 abundance o! game. Proposals to be Eent to lr. Assa, f )e DERLAND, of Starnbory, previous to the lfdnceni/i Marrt x- 1rF0 TEA DEALERS AND Dfs C FE LET a very desirable old-established TP t) *r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LARGEP PRIVATI.E LIBR~ARlY OP flOfllS, Kr. JOUN ?? begs to innaunste that hio lois receivedT ifgtitictioiit5 to 6ELL BY 'Utir,iC A IUCTION. Oft tile AVtoi hiAlbon-street. Leeds. Ott 3Msndali next, February Tirentp ari, ed X-eiCfollowigie eays, ALarge and valuable portion of the LIBRARY A of thie 11ev TitimsA SCvueS, NVho Is reaioviag from the townt, mliipdi!,g at upwairil of 2 (04I votLi. OiF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On Friday, thc First of March, at two o'clock, at ?? Brokers' n Sale-rouml, Ifl, North John.street, Liverpool, 2ro B LI'ES S Y 1) FY, fx Chaapill. 1.1110 SPAN1811, EAST IN IiA, UlmKEy, OPOIITO, &D- t l,tt,0 BALES WOOL. Aole tA o I ABRl.'0M GARTSII)E &CO. Wool Brokers. n Friday, First March, 11311. at ilrwne, Hunter. , Co.'s Offiwo, Old ~llallstreet, Live ool,a iSO Bi3teo AUS T tAI , WOOL I :o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tr]FEDS BOROUGLI SESSIONS.-NOTICE 18 i hereby given, that the next GENERAL, QUARTER SESsIIINS OF TIHE PLACE, FOR THlE BiORWUIii OF LFEEDS, inl the county of York, will be holden before Tirobros Fiowt Er%,a 11,s, Esquire, ]Recorder of the ?? borou.4h, at ?? C~UTAI.OUSeC. in Lagoa aforesaid, on 'lu sdav. fthe Fifila day' of 1tfarch next, at nine of the clock in thle forenoon, at ,Vllch time. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 'rFEEDS BOROUGH SESSIONS.-NOTICE JUis hereby given, that the next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIUNS Oil THE PEACE FOR THlE ?? OF ,SEE), in the county Of York,. will be holden before TtroaAS VIOygae ELLIS, Esquire, Recorder of the said borough, at the C;1aT-llOLSIC, in LEEDS aforesaid. on 2Tuisduy, f(he Fifs/I doy ef AMarCc WVe, at nine of the clock in the forencion, at 1eiiichs time and place all ...