Advertisements & Notices

... METROPOLITAN COU'NTIES and MGENERAL LIFE AssURANCE SOCIETY, 27, REGENT STREET, WATERLOO PLACE, LONDON. INCOO5POR ATLX PURSUANT TO ACT OFP A5SLIAENT. Spencer Horatio Walpole, Esq., M.P. Henrj. Peter Fuller, Esq. Richard Spooner, Esq., M.P. Edward Vansittart Neile, Esq. DIRECTORS. Samuel Driver, Req,, Whitehall. Henry Peter Fuller, Esq., Piccadilly. Jobn Palk Grifn. Esq.. Tronmonger Lane, ...

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... TESTIMONIAL TO MR. RICKMAN. TIHE Gentlemen who have travelled much on the Midland Counties Railway, having witnessed the attention, kindness of manner, and impartinlity which bave characterized Mr. RICKMAN in the discharge of hlis public and very responsible duties during many years as Superintendent of the Derby Railway Station, nre desirous to present him with some token of their appro- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T2XETER HALL-WEDNESDAY CONCERTS THIS EVENING, Murch 6, will b hetll the ThiiRD CON- PeRC T of the SPRING SEPJES of the LONDON WEDNESDAY CONCERTS. Vocal Perforriero: ?dia Luonmbe, Mia A. WItIanIA, ?? M. M IliamN, and Miss Mtebccoa Isaa ,hicrr Fqrflco, Mr. Del- vant, Mr. Land, and Mr. Mimi Iteoves. Grand Pianoforte. M. Thal- berghis last appearance in Lridon preeious to hia eontiental toes). Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ublic3atfono. THE NEW SCOTTISH ROMANCE. Nowr scdy. 1 2 vole, pet 8vo, 21ls, A N YM O N D RE! V I L LO YD; D A ROMANCE of SOUTLhJD. a By Gwov Wuaerm T Richard Bentley, New BurlngtonKreetL b, Seond Fdition.-Now readyv, in vole, PASSAGES IN THIE LIFE OF b MRS. MARGARET MAITLAND, b OF BUNNY 81DE, Written by Herself, ' ?? most grm ing work of its clasm doe the great ?? of Scottish Mnaere oesed to ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P ERUVIAN LOAN.-Tle SEC'OND DIVIDEND on the New £10 ?? £Jt00 Bonde of this Loan felling due on 1st Apeil next will he l'AID at tbo Cormtlng.houee of Messrs. C. de MURRIE'fA and Cto., on that or soy euverweding day, between the bours of 11 and 2. Lise may be had on r ppileation on and after the- 25th inst, ,aid the Coupons are to beleft three clear dals for exami. lacioo.-7, Adams-court, Uld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIIADIBERLAIN'S OFFICE, Dublin Castle, sa11rch 8, 1850. MEPRE nill be a FULL DRESS BALL at the I Castle, on MONDAY EVENING, the 18th of MIareh, at Nine o'Clock, in celebration of St. PATRICK'S DAY. Tho Laidies to wear Feeathers and Lapl)ets. No Trains. The Knights of thi several Orders to wear tbeir Collars. It is also requecstel tnt the Ladies will appear in Irish jllanc- fjchire. No ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O~~Ae bm s ucffon - it prcw at * warw , N let for Uin Lk Ja-pe am, tinrot- idabb ntA 3 P. I N ONeD directed to SELL b yM .MO Marceh 15, ant 12, the above, lnl'aln Nos. 4, 5, nd16, Wai& sr quae occpie by Ioti.sndn and respectale tsatan ze Oo 5t1 w Bcw-chnehd; and at the gi Freehold Gromad Rents of £4S OdL per an with i rev almto 14 dwellln 4 es of the yearly vwae of ct MR. HAMMOND is instructed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEAM t INDI an~d CHINA, vi& EGYPT.' Reguar ontly ad teon onenoo forpsusengers and Wt goods to CEYLON, MADORAS, CALCUTTlA, PSNANO. SiNGA.. FRE, and HONG X(l'40-Tio Peninsular and Oriental Strejm ?? Company beask passengers said reseive goods and pareesi jth bve Parts by their at~rnmre, starting From Southampton mtiht 20th ?? every Month, and from Suez on or about the ?? 160 month. BOMI8A Y. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMEDICAL GALVANISM. RiI R. LIDBETTEBR, SURGEON, &c. may be daily _ a. consulted in all cases requiring the Scientific Ad- t r ?? of 21oclicil Galvartisno. The following are a Tw of the diseases in which) the judicious application of thic powerful agent will be found of the greatest be. eli: :-Rheematfsilm, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, Tic D. ice antux, Paralysis, Asthino, Dcafiless. Liver Corn- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FREEH1OLD BUILDING LAND% Nor sale, at 1p5244clt. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, O d By Mr. ROSS, On T1hursday, March 28th, 1850, at Six o'clock in the evening, for Seven precisely, at the Crown and Anchor BOUT TWENTY-ONE RODS of FREEHOLD A BUIDING LAND. eligibly situated in High Street, in the parish of Saint Margaret's, in Ipswich. Full particulars may be had of P. B. Long, Esq., Soli- citor, or of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Thirty-third Annual Statement of the OXFORD SAVINGS BANK. __ - ?? - - -- ?? - _ V a.J.U %X~ ZtLx L~. I General Mleeting of Trustees and Managers, holden the 22nd da,,y of February, 1850, a GENERAL STATEMENT of A'AaCCOUNTS was examined, apparovcd, andT confirmed, and the following ordered to be printed: tho Rev. Dr. BULL in. C To Balance due on I including Interest l In/ the yar eard1in To ...