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Advertisements & Notices

... SALE POSTPONED. _J PUBLIC SALE OF DAMAGED COTTON WOOL. There will be offered for Sale, by Public Auction, in the Sub- scribers' Sample Room, No. 25 South Hanover Street, Glasgow, on Thursday the 14th instant, at Two o'clock P.m., (in place of Friday the Sth, as formerly advertised,) r HE Whole of the COTTON, about 1600 Bales, recovered from f r the Bark Margaret, stranded on the Ayrshire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dteauy IISnpE:. FORTH AND CLYDE AND MONKLAND CANALS. Le E 0 NOTICE. THAT part of the Navigation between PORT-DUNDAS and e iBLACKIiHILL LOCKS is to be STOPPED on Saturday, .l0th~curt., at Ten o'clock Forenoon, for various operations, which are expected to be finished by the end of the following Week. The Canal from Forth to Clyde, and the Branch to&Port-Dundas, will continue Navigable as usual. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CURE FOR CORNS BUNIONS, ?rith iEFFICACIOCALLOSTIES, &C., a Mc 1 uOUT CUfTTf ,, Ox CAUSING TH SIJGHTEST PAIN, YY ME. EISENBERG, AUTHOR Or P POSITION ON rTrT HussAW FOOT, JD I t DoaASiS OF THE-FEET.I' I Et STRET, LNDONMr. I It BIE EEIG. orl4COCKSPURSTREEI TLONDON, b\. eing obliged to leave GLASGOWINAFWDYon to RESUME his Professional ocnpfttofl Metropolis Of En gland, has the honour of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =1f LOST-A: PURSE. FIVE POiUNDS REWARD. - T OST, on Thursdai Evenling the 14tb inst., hin &drAt-class Rail- in £-404 La ay Carrisge to- Gr~eenock, or between the Greenock Station,- 489 and the Belfast Steamer, a imall round SHEEPSKIN PURSE, 3 with a Clasp on it, containing £311, dr thereabouts, in 3 £5 Notesi Branch Thetk of England,~ Manchester; 44R 6 Half Sovereigns; 1085 1 Sovereign.- M37 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E B R A V E D There is a tear for all that die, A moiitiier o'er the humblest tomb-, Sc siln!_s thle poet, and a sigh Counts from the depths Of memory's gloom. 'Tb, trite atd na , an ho shmow h Nooutward s ignals of distress; 'Tie nlot rtie. sable garb of WOO0 'flint does the inward grief express. 'We may be clad in rainbow hue3s, lit, parnioiin fit for festal day, Anld 3st tilea torti heart ...

Advertisements & Notices

... he POLICE NOTICE. rer rHERE have been found in the possession of a person, now in ry 1' custody, the following WATCHES and ARTICLES of .JEWELLERY, which are supposed-to have been Stolen, viz.- SILVER WATCHESNo. 615Jams. Cowan, Edinburgh. of - - 9319 ?? Geo. Bolton, Liverpool. O - ' - 7344. ..Wm. Frankland, London. or- - ' - 1230. ..John Hollms, - k, , - - 50,166Wm. Wallace, - 1- - - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lozengos and Comfits ,RE now manufactured by JAMES WOTHERSPOON and CO., Purveyors of Confectiolnery to the Queen, 27, Trnner's Court, Glasgow, on principles entirely now, by means of Steam MachinerY, of Which they are tho sole PatOntees. III this, as in ether instaucos where Machinery is used, the economy in the nuamufacture is consideabhle, the production being unlihited. The Advertisers nre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V Elone ZManure and Guano, etc. C EAiBLES BRUCE & CO. bog to acquaint their Agrioetltt . k ral l*'ienls, tlat thoey have on hand a Cargo of Superior Foreign BONES, which will be ready for delivery, at the Iluntly Beno Nill aity Iawful day after this dato. Also, a Parcel of best PERUVIAN GUANO, on reasonable terms, either at Portsoy or Iluntly, direct from the legal inxu perteis. a ?? ISE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sO B DE S N'S Ito ~ t B U D G E T o r pSOFESSO ASNLASO WITg ^ liGjTO NOw 65 Argyll Street; and 31r. CuL IJiN SrseetX j~iwsfard Street. It may also be had of Pro- .DF~1(N,~pROYAL, DUNDEE. rie CSu iEg. Free by Post, on receipt of Sixteen Post- ,stwpS D1 Cenipetitor and W'inncr of the SILVER VASE, Trbe 5U t W hitel, for Conundrum marked 148. Jest Pulblished. Oet&-o, Price 3S. 6d., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £ s C 1! I- 2: D ZE P D D I T I 0 X, UNDER THlE COMMAND OF SIR JOHN FRANKLIN. ifolloviag Notification has been received from the Seere. Ttayof tihe Admiralty by the LORD PBOVOST, who has 4jredetd it to be published in the Aberdeen Newspapers:- £20,000 MWAD Willbe given by her Majesty's Government to any party or arties, of any Country, whlo shall render efficient assistance to he Crews ef the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAUTION-NOTICE- but ofw and the surrounding ffistrict arm gE Tyblic.ff t unprinciple dpersons are Selling h tutienedtte e of Hvamt's manufacture. He begs j ?? the sI hI htal h oods Mae by him . q infeto a, is vari°us BRAN S IS ,sr. 0i? thetbfol owin0 ?? Oxford Street. ?? .. ..36 (racechurch Street. LOVO ?? ?? 23 New Street. ?? ?? 63 and 65 Lord Street. .26 'Market Street. .ct~sr~a * z.* 19 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r LAST WEEK. InANVARD'S TRUE ORIGINAl PAINTING. OF Tro MISSISSIPpI RIVElR, Exhibited by command to IH1rr. MA.JESTY TIEI QunE,: H. E. IT A PLICE AnLBEraT, and the ROYAL FErr, at Windsor Castle-now Ofpen. at the WATERLOO ROOMS, for ashort time only, every Evening at Halt-past Seven, and on Wednesday and Saturlay Afternoons, an extra Exhibition rill take place at Half-paWT TVo o'clock. Adynission ...