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Lancashire, England


Preston, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... SUPERIOR OFFICE WRITING INKS. COCHRAN'S B LACK OFFICE INK, and new bright RED and 1} BLUE WRITING INKS, of the first quality, made up in sealed and labelled Bottles, are respectfully submit- ted to public attention, as being well adapted for Counting- house purposes. Sold by all respectable Stationers in Preston and other towns of Lancashire. Manufactory, 13, Cable-street, Liverpool. Y WILLIAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADvERTISEMENTS.] DEAFNESS.-3r. Swift, surgeon and aurist, whose suc- cessful practice in this town for a great many years, has left him with many witnesses who cheerfully testify their restoration to good hearing, without having to suffer the least inconvenience or pain. Amongst many others, he can name Mr. Cheetham's boy, 16, Everton Gardens, six years of age, who was deaf and dumb, and who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS, MANUFACTUR1ERS, &c. THE I NEW FYLDE TIMBER COMPANY, 2 FLEETWOOD, AN E on hand, in tlseir Yards here, for SALE, a H . large Stock of Quebec Red and Yellow PINE, OAK, ELM, St. John's and Baltic TIMBER, (in any lengths to 70 feet,) and DEALS, all of the best quality, at a a msoderately low ?? terms apply to J. MARGINSON, Agent. r Fleetwood, January 23, 1850. N.B.-The timber ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i/ PRESTON INSTITUTION. A MEETING of the Delegates of the Lancashire and Cheshire Union of the Mechanics' Institutions will be held in the Theatre of the Institution, at Avenham, on Wednesday, the 6th March, at which the business of the Union will be transacted. W. B. Hodgson, ?? in the chair. After which a SOIREE will be held at the same place. TEA, ON TSE TABLE AT 5 O'CLOCK. The Meeting will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. Rev. J. B. Reade, ?? Patentee. E. D. LINES & CO.'S METALLIC INKS. FREE FROM ACID. TNKS, free from acids, have become an indispensable J desideratum in the commercial world, in consequence of the universal use of Steel Pens. E. D. LINES & Co. offer to the public BLACK, BLUE, and RED INKS, possessing this new and important pro. perty, which, with other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / PARISH CHURCH, PRESTON. (XN SUNDAY, (TO-MORROW), March 10, 1850, two 0 SERMONS will h)e preached at the Morning and ?? Services, by the Rev. JOSEPH WOLFF, D.D., Vicar of Isle Brewers, Somersetshire, and formerly Mis- 5;0eary among the Jews; after which Cellections will be lade in support of the Parish Church Sanday and In- fant Schools. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, PRESTON. 7' N SUNDAY, the 17th of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nothing brings on Nervous Debililt ntiture Oid A* castd Shwiens Humanr Life, more that. J 'seases of the Chest. PB O'IrECTED BY HER MAJESTY'S RwOYAL LETTERS rATENT. lURTHER PROOFS OF THE WONDERFUL F EFFECTS OF ROPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTER. The best and cheapest remedy for Coughs, Asthma, Hoarse. ness, Indigestion, Palpitstion of the Heart, Croup, Hoopipig Cough, Spinal and RheumatiC Affections ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, PRESTON. O N SUNDAY, the 17th of March, TWO SERMONS Fill (if the Lord permit) be preached in St. Paul's Church, at the Morning and Evening services by the REV. ALFRED HEWLETT, M.A., Incumbent of Astley; after which Collections will be made for the Church expenses of the year 1849. Divine service in the Morning at half-past Ten, and in the Evening at half-past Six. TO-MORROW. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TR YTHAT FAMOUS REMEDY, 2R'ARRS LIFE PILLS. TT is a f7act beyond dispute, that most of the P1 diseases wvith whicb the human race are aflicted, are the result of a disordefed state of the blood. To remedy this, the a occasional use cf PARIR'S LIFE PILLIS should be had recourse .- to, and sickness prevented as well as cured.' ';FirstThey increase the strength, ,ehdift sost other Mnedieisset ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I WESLEYAN MISSIONS. ON Easter Sunday, March 3Nst, the ANNIVERSARY SERMONS in behalf of the Preston Branch will be preached by the Rev. G. B. MACDONALD, of Hud- dersfleld, in Lune-street Chapel at half-past ten, and in Wesley Chapel, at six: the Rev. PETER M'OWAN, of Liverpool, in Wesley Chapel at half-past ten, and in Lune- ?? Chapel at six: the Rev. GEORGE MA.THER, of Feietwwoo, in Wesley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _44DR. WOOD AND CO., SURGEONS, 16, FOX-STREET, PRESTON, ONTINUE to be consulted as usual, from nine in the J morning until two, and from six in the evening until ten. Dr. Wood and Co. offer a Speedy Restoration to Health, without confinement, hindrance of business, or restraint of diet. Their long experience and reputa- tion is the patient's guarantee. Letters immediately attended to, if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4JSUPERIOR STEEL PENS. Mt ArANY complaints are made by persons who are much W -- engaged in writing, that they are unable to obtain Pens possessing the requisite qualities of flexibility and durability; and that, from the great varieties kept on hand by stationers and dealers, they are often unable to pro- cure a continued supply of the quality they deem best suited for their purpose. In order ...