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Leeds Mercury



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... ISUECHF PASTORZAL AID S 00 C E T Y CJ L13EDS ASSOtCIATION.-Tlce ANNUAL SERMONS be PB0EACIIED in Leeds and the nelchbdnrhood oil Sweday. je &creneeenfh iatoaf, and the ANNIVERSAsRY MEETING Wilt be held on tbe Ev~ening of Jlonday, thle Eighteellth. ADY HEWLEY'S CHARITY.-The next L MEETING of the TRUSTEES of this charity will be held at Wood's Hotel, Farnival's Inn. London, on Wednesday, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ilg mr wne eame reason., L it or e esae eaon Dr A in _Il 3r ytattt D W ANTED immediately, a competent Person to VT assist as SALEShlAN andinlIOO0iREEPING, Apply e 42, York-street. _ ,_ r 10 a0 011.]16c Or ,ritaitt, ?? ,j ,(ei 1 WRIGHT, DRAPER, PONSTEFRACT, is in inlmme- an U * diate want of an ASSISTANT. Personal application preferred. n rr0 DRAPERS' ASSISTANTS.-W. J. and J. 1 is T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... St Valuable Freehold Estates at Cross Flats, Beeston, negr LetedF i By Mr. JAI IfS WHIALLEiY, at the house of 1r. Abbey, the e Royal lotel, in Leeds, in the countyofYork, ona 1'dneirdayi, re the 7Twenety-seveth ctay, o( M~arch, 1YS(0, at sixz o'clock 111 the le ausernuon (unlless previously disposed of by private contract, ir Of which dile notice will be given, and subject to such con- 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... alo~ ?? tettwu. ,Valeable F reelhold Cottages in the Borough of Bradford. By Mir. TIMOTHYT INOILIAM, at the Swan Inn. in Mlarket- street, In Bradford, in the county of York. ons Wedne~nsda, the 'lsrcsty.s~event day of JMarch, 18501, at six o'clock in the0 0~eiii. ubjct o iich conifdtiofl5 as shall be thou aud teren proubjec, and either togother or fin such lots as Shall be agreed upon at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rADVERlTISElENTS.] HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND FEMALE COMPLAINTS.-SO ex- traordiiiary are the known virtues of ?? Pills, that a great niany titled ladies and others sire purchalsing them in large ?? ?? distribute to poor families. Thete t)ills act in so wonderful a manlner upon l11 system and constiluuini of female3 gencraily (even oln infants at the bretst), that, whether tak ?n whell eiitelipg into ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gs [AEVERTISE)I5NTS.] AEvwyGS ,rAT SEA.-A work has just appeared under 1s, this title, without the name of the author. but the power dits, es Played in it will not permit it long to remain unknown to, II- whom the public is indebted for one of the most charming and ?? books lately published. That the narratives had a- tfeir oundation in real life, the able author himself assure, of s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V ASnIN II PAPER IAN.GINIC1M. a blinte pleI to nritto VtBLIOl~ SAMh Ir lo 'II , t ?? CormerllVCI' S10to Ulno11n, Sen'-ridn Leeric, On Tllrirdfv. and1 IVedillUit y oexrt, ftc Fifth. anld Sixth I VAG & BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF A AI V-t-'R IA NGINOS., CWMPRItnNGI ?? OF 1;,0:-OIl l-'I tES, in whieli will be fovnod a vich rut- yri(d chonicel of pritterls for every oon ofroom, inalln, fokand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WOODI TO BE SOLD BY TICKET, at the house of Mr. Joehoa Kenyon, the Black Bull Inn, in Birstal, on Friday, the -F(k~wah day slf March next, at four o'clock ini the nfiernoon, subject to such conditions as Shall be then produced, A LL that fall Of WOOD, now standing and groingin he edg-ros o th farms occupied by Rebus. ~alerGee.Gooali HanahBurnell, and S. 15. 1~gsinway ?? an Wap Nstin the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 23lubitNMUM.0 T.EEDS AND LIVERPOOL CANAL AND1 .L DOUGLAS NAVIGATION. N410 T IC Bis hereby given, that the next GENERAL ASSENI BLY of the COMi'AN Y of PROPRIEtTORtS of thev gain ilb eda h ?? nBradford, inksirthe prc, 85 EleVEnTolec iunithedfrno, gai wihe arntwere ithproprion- as tor the thmsdevsorthi proxiesgan ate rexpensted tof atotend.nI Forig onrder, ?? ALtOhe, VeiriAt Lh mpranofwhichr to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM BETWEEN GLASGOW AND NEW YORK. IHIE powerful new Screw STEAM CITY OF GLASGOW 1,0I7 tons register (1,610 tons over all); 3t0 horsepower, B. It. &lATIIRWS tformnerly of the ,lJVlrn) momadetr; Is intended ,to sail regularly I GLASGOW 'O NLW YORK, about the middle of evlryrbate Mut. vizn:-Ap~t. June, A spoil, October. .Vfccolb~ler, ltnd etmr lar7;ad FRlOMi NhWx Yfloit, in 31031, Jsly, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Chanctlloruoftile xchedquerleftitofduflfl o 1 Monday for Brighton. A/ The Speaker held his first Parliamentary levee pi an Saturday. a The Earl of Carlisle had an audience of the A Qaseen at Buckingham Palace, On Wednesday, to lisg hands b~ an being appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. T~ Lord Gough had an interview with Lord Juhn - Russell on Saturday, at his official residence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y THE GREAT EXHIBITION FOR 1850. [ DENBY & CO., have this week returned from the varions Markets, and will, on Monleay. the Elevenlh M1arch/, 1I50, SuOW their UNRIVALLED STOCK of i GENERAL DItAPElRY. EXCHANGE ROOMS, ALBION-STREET, LEEDS. a C. DENBY & CO, Proprietors. r S TRAW BONNETS.-C. , a * i« @ i;3 DENBY & CO. have made some extraordinary large and cheap Purchases V in BONNETS, and ...