... . COURT O4? :04kWNKRUFTY. TN rr DAVIES.-C. W. Davies, victualler, of Brown- low-street, applied for his certificate. His debts were 1,096; assets, 367. Mr. Lawrance urged that one of the bankrupt's former failures was owing to the stoppage of a bank in Shropshire ; a large dividend was then paid. On his second failure there was a great deal of litigation, and that bad prevented any dividend ...

Published: Sunday 03 March 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4859 | Page: Page 14 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... THE CASE OF ANN MERRITT NOW AWAIT- I ING EXECUTION. Mr. Sheriff Nicoll, accompanied by Mr. Under. Sheriff Millard, and Mr. Haly, of the Middle Temple, attended at the Home-office yesterday, and had an interview with the Under-Secretary of State. It was undershood that the case of Ann Merritt, now lying under sentence of death in Newgate, formed the sub- jeet of their visit. After their ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSIONS.-YESTERDAY. BEFon M. SxDm.JNT ADAns, Aw=TAJ JuDOx Ro03aRT AT A CONXCT RoOM. 7 Gliza Gardisner was indicted for having ctolen a purse, a p halt sovereign, and other moneys, the property of Joseph r p Crisp, from the person of Eiz Crisp, n Mr. Crouch appeared for the prisoner. b The wife of the prosecutor stated that she resided with ih her husband in Brownlow-street, Bolboru, ...


... TreI INQUEST ON MRS. A1OIR. Yesterday, at two o'clock, Mr. Bedford, thle eoroncr for Westminster, Ind a jury of fifteen highly respectable llbabiah tanets of the parish of St. Paul, Covent-garden (of 'i11010 Xr, ?? Ashieroft acted as6 foremanl), Ilssonliklbe at the Old Dirury TJavern, opposite the pit entrance Of D~rury. lane Theatre, for the purpos;e of inquiring into thle circI I~. stances ...


... PORTSMOU'TrH POLICE. !r, M SONDAY.-feforo J. 0. Travers and W. Thompson, Eoqrs. 1i) As INCORRInIBLoE Ber-Lewis Sopor, aged 12 years, was us charged situb being found in an inclosed yard, in lte occupatioa rio of Sir. Robert, Gardiner, of the Lord John Stuseell, beerhousen, to Lendpert, on Saturday night, for an unlawful purpose. is, This youth has been twice convicted of felony and loft the ...


... iloi, MONDAY.-Before J. 0. Travels and WT Thompson, Eogre. iots There were only Iss' cas'es before the Bench to-day, nacsiety,. tise Ellen Ale. Clean, adisoreleely wostan in Queeo'strest, en Sunday: ?? evening, wise seas diseltargr wil nadmonition ;and John 'out found a diseherced soldier frees the 4th Regiment, who was an~u leer, druisk and locapable of takcina care sf himself, at Land- an ...


... I THURSDAY, March 7. Her Majesty's commission of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery for the county and city of York was opened this day at York Castle. The Learned Judgess the Hon. Sir Edward Bull Alderson, Knight, and the Honl. Sir Robert Monsey Rolfe, Knight, who preside over the business of the Northern Circuit for the spring assizes of the present year, arrived in York from Durham ...


... ?? COURT OF JUSTICIAPY. . Il ,, 1X Tem TnerniAy, MAoRC 14. The Court met again this morning. EXvciSrv 5W hDLTXG I Ames Rendria and Daniel Charles 'L2ntosh were placed at the6 bar, r charged with falsehood, fraud, swindling, and wilful insposition, as also forcery, and uttering forged orders, in so far Ps they had formed a fraudu- lent-and felonious design of obtaining the goods of others upon ...

Assize Intelligence

... , ? U I, ? 4 (ft., Itilture. b-ORCHESTER. . M~SaLAusEtTsRv- AT T'HE PoRO pR *MslgvO-irso..Mr.Johi Brake tess indicted for ba ff, at Fording~n,`sbn 'the 9Oth of' Febr par lr William Alleposq the head, thereby ain, mortal bruise, a mortal fracture of the sk l Oet mortal extravasatirm of 'blood o ti b esku .he died.-Mr. Cockburn, Q. C., and'g' l were the counsel for the defence *r. to peared ...


... In a recent number of our journal we ell-N1 J1 deavoured to call the attention of our readers CA ?? and the public to the defects which are apparent NI y in the present law of divorce. Some of these EU ef defects were illustrated by an authentic account of Al e legal proceedings arising out of a case of local cCX interest, and we then showed the gross injustice NI. )c of a system which compels ...


... WNESTERN CIRCUIT.-DORCHESTER, MARCH 13. Thle commission was opened here this morning by Mr. Justice TalfOurd, who afterwards attended divine service at the parish church. The courts Will sit to-morrow at ten o'clock. It is under- stood that there are about six causes for trial, and between twenty and thirty prisoiers, some of whom are charged with lie TIIERN CIRCUIT-YORK, MARCH 13. CROWN COURT ...


... TEE WOMAN UNDER SENTENCE OF DEATH. A case is now before the public that oecurred at the Sessions-house, Old Bailey, on theSthinst., which de- mands some interposition on the part of the friends of humanity. A womaan is sentenced to be hanged, not on fact, but on an opinion. Ann Merritt was charged with having poisoned her husband by ad-ministering to him arsenic. The wretched woman admits ...