Advertisements & Notices

... E B R A V E D There is a tear for all that die, A moiitiier o'er the humblest tomb-, Sc siln!_s thle poet, and a sigh Counts from the depths Of memory's gloom. 'Tb, trite atd na , an ho shmow h Nooutward s ignals of distress; 'Tie nlot rtie. sable garb of WOO0 'flint does the inward grief express. 'We may be clad in rainbow hue3s, lit, parnioiin fit for festal day, Anld 3st tilea torti heart ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR COUGHS, SHORTNEnSSof BREATH, ?? &C. POWELL'S DALSAM of ANISBED, under the Immediate Patronage of seceral of the m et diathrguishied Nobiltty atid Gentry in the King 0111, in Bonttlee at ise lad and2i~ 3d each1. The greet fame thin eel ebrated enedicine hoo nJustciyerqluredI throuiiheut the world, by tlancedity, ieecuisUd. Asthrmat. &e1., and which it fully nim b h etlO several of the notis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nt CO L O N I A , P O L I C Y. ed Colonial policy engagras Iv That minds of lecsleativo sages, of ?? Lord J lhn Ruisull -*eoms to doubt L It they know what th *y talk about, p A nd so, to cdar away al ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Or'NEWV POLKA._The NAIADES POLh'A of Il Cosmpalolseb d lbyt iAD~ltD, inl ou rs ant otd.b Price So. nt of BnThdis is. Wi lciot ceptionl, the most ?? thut ill . o ed ?? has es'er ucxeclite !; 'T]e glitt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ot 3Dat'lp PeWo. DRURY LANE. TO.sOtRasi EYINiao, THE LADY OF LYONS. Messrs. Ander. I sew, I. Montague, Rntmer, Baker, Barry, and Parry; Misa Van. denboff, Mrs. Oriffith, and Mrs. Winstasley.-Aud ROB ROY MAC- GlREGOR. Messrs Cooper, Diddear, W. Montague, and Emery; MrLTernai.-DNors open at 6^. HAYMARKET. Tinrs EverniN, AS YOC LI}KE IT. Messs 0. ?? Sturt,. gswve, Selby, B. Wentwortb, tilbury, H. ...

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... 1 OYAL IRISIf ACAD1EMAY. ANTIQUE, Bl:OOCHES. Amongst the Rare and Beautiful Collection of Antiquities at the Roval Irish Academy are some choice Specimens of Brooches, wfhich were worn by the Irish Chieftains about the T'nth Century. WVATERHOUSEJ, and COMPANY, atticipating that the revival of these Brooches of the olden timr;ould and favour in the present day, have by ?? qecured the pattern ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MESSRS. T A D M A N BROTHERS, DRArERs, 50, Market-place, Hull, are in WANT et an APPRENTICE. LINEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPERY, &c., &c. J OS. 3ONES and Co. are in immediate w want of Two or Three APPRENTICES; Youths from the Country will be preferred. Hull, March Ist, 1850. TO GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. 1TANTED, an ASSISTANT to tbe Retail W v BuBsiness.-Apply to JoHni LEE SMIITII & CO., 38, Market ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AlxlvpttU o FUIRNITURE. ?? BY MESISRS. [UPTON & HEYE9, On Monday next. the 4lh nstant, at Eleveno'o'ock precisely, on the Psemises, No. 4, Copporrs-hill, Liverpool, tho P. tnperty of a.Geentlemin Char ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- T' 3MO 1RROW sill Inc perfirmned ?? play of TILE LADY OF TYONS. Claifle AMelnotte, Mr. J. Anderson ; leausclant, 31r. W. Mlontaguo ; General DanRo, Mir. 13. Baker; 31. Deschapellew, Mr. Barry , Pauline Deechalnclle¶, 31i-. Vanidelnhot'; Madame Des- chnapelles, Mrs. Winstanle.y. ?? .s-oplude with tine operatic play of ROs lOV MACGREGOR. ?? OsbaMntiotonne Mr. V. . ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d -agummoma Di S1?E(CAL NOTICE. TO SECLTRE Tr116 AIVANTAGE ?? IaYEAR',i E'NrRy, PROL) ?? Mlzi at [1 LODil1lE) ATI Till, IIRAL. OFFICE, Oil AT ANY OL1' 'li fE ?? AliEN. : CI,6, ON OR BIEFORCE llT AlAlt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONTEITH noR0IPS. K ONE OF rTROItSSOR ANt'&RSOS NI ROYAL BATMORAL ENTERTAINoIENT tN GLASGOW. Y I -EYN1S he 14fl1 gntK Ae Aiole of his ROYAL -S,>gtAlE. the sau eaS O entoilanded by Her MAJESTTY te QbE S at her HIGiLW\D HO'E. t 31 srr55v SsttkON h at P.r- M., the LAST DAY PERFOR- D e en ever - Rvening at Half-past Seven, the Royal Enter- S emt (oeac s at Eight, conlading at Ten. (T7-NgKOR ...