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Morning Chronicle



London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... 'rjEAM to INDIA and CHINA vii EGYPT.- S eerMONTHLY )dAll, STEAM CONVEYANCE for ,n'r ' it light goods to CEYLON. MADRAS, CALCU21TA, IS~At' INGAP1liE, Iand HONG K~ONG. -Tt etsua ISt~ma Nuvigti Comipany book paqtoengers and re. ?? ot1 arcls orthe. aboive ports biy their stearbers, etart- * ht~ I o thle 20th of every moath, and frovi Suez tiemlonth. ~ ti~t he tth fotr Bombay can proceed by this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY GPACIOUS3 PERMISSION OF HER% MAJESTY THE CCUE N. ~jHE DEPARTU Rdof tile ROYAL SQUADRON, Tfrout KINO(STONVN HARBOUR. Patinted by X[A'TI''EIVE JjENDRICK, Esq., R.HA. Iii August, 1840, (ielui V'ietoria visited, for the first ltime, her realm of Ireland, Nv her' she seas received with 5 ltiu~nsttie denleols~triithio0 of the atret'loitatc lovatlty and devs-tion toiter per-li and throne Of thle - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1TA oINDIA and CHINA vii EGYPT.- ,T,-~ltMONTHfCLY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for lg t go~5 ttt CEYLON. MADRAS, CALOLUTrA, S1NGAPORE, an HONG KONG. -T'1he Pentusular ?? passengers and re. veports to hirt4eanterssar, lii ?? onthe l0t of every maouith, and frees Saez %r ~ 0th f te month. 11~~Prsetersfor Bombay can proceed by this Colan- tii*4,ovr ofthe~~t of cthe ilsooth to Malta, thetice to Alex- te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y~E11LAND GOODS arid PARCELS for INDIA W-to .Adeni, Ceylon, Madras, Calcutta, Singapore, China, and ia h4~ idh delivered Not later than noon oin the 17th of 'of Sell id if forwarded on the 18th 'will be subject to all cit! e~il Wente 8t alsona udano packages will aol~ ~ icne ate he17h;an c~eemut.Ottexceed 70lhn. in to an slinmc~siio oeroe ubcfoot they vaust be cn(a d rintl ?? Offices, Ma rATAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HENDRIE'S PRESERVATIVE TOOTH ' POWDER.-An eflvetual prel)aration for beautifying the teeth, entd preserri- themis a .soid anid healthy condition ; is exceedigy agrreeable to the loulth, and divesting the teeth of every ipulprity, increrses the beauty of the enamel in polish and I colour. Superior tooth-bruoshoc, and hrnclies of every description for the toiet, anuafactured in the best manner ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7b CHILIAN LOANS.-The FIFTEENTH DIVI- Ju R J DEND on the SIX PER CENT, LOAN, and the SIXTH st DIVIDEND oil the THREE PER CENT. LOAN, both falling due m on the 31st instant, will be PAID on the Ist of April, or auly suc- e ceeding (Iay (Tuesdays and Fridays excepted), between the hours of Ten and Two, at the Conting-hIiuse of BAIRING BROTl£ERS adl CO., 8, Bishopsgate street Within, where lists ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Forwarded postage free on receipt of two stamps, hy Diu Barry anld Co., 127, eNwBond-street, IL°>d on, al abridged RLCOltD oftheir ELBRATED CU1 ES, selected from1! 20,000 tJ coacs, by a pleasant, 55 c, and efcchtual means (without mc- dicinc ineomlvenrelnce, or xV *ense, as it aveS fifty times its cost in other recmedies), of nor, ouns, stomachic, intestinal, liver, and bsiliona complaintS, ...


... to sail fromt Gravesend 8th April and will embark passengers at _Portsmouth (last I il*da dxprill, tie splendid, fast-saiitiig, new teak-bdilt C,( ILuSRltA.\3, 5-0O toils (Is-longing to Messrs. Green, of 2 ur A Ahti Cox, Comnmander l, vtng in the East Ii ~ ?? la~s vety supcrior itconiniodations for pae- ;iiisil it5 experienced &urgeon.-For fireight or api'' t Ms-rs.Griiidlay and Co., 03, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AIHLOAN of 1825, at THREE PER D CN.BONDS issued byMessrs. N. M. ROTHSCHILD a0 And SONS.-The DIVIDEND on the above Bonds, which becomes le due onl Sunday, the 31st of March instant, ?? be PAID by them onay succeeding Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday, between the r-hlouars of El boen and Two.- e, BRAZILIAN LOAN of 1852 ,and 1820, at FIVE PERl it! CENT., contracted by Mir. N. St. Retihschild-The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iu1u C. , iwiTA diet to sail from Gra-fesend IIenu passengers tit Poctsiotouthi (last- .~.~it.~~10.~iri~ithe Splendid, fast-sailinig, new teak-built Il Cl tll~A, ~oo toils (leieongiilg to iessrg. Green, of TF ill, tOrs~tI~L CON', Commander; Iving Iin the East 'I pillt-ks.Ilis sip as verny suplerior accommttodations for pas- I ~ .,il illears a experienced ?? freight or at ~ appliui Me- rI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Life discordant elernents arrests, Rejects the noxious, and the pure digests. W HEN the vital vpo0er i3 unable to effect I V this end, alld natur. sinks sin(er discase, the &iendly aid of medicine cornea to her reltef, and of all agents, DR. SCOTT'S FAMILY APERIENT TAYjLETS will be found the meet effeetive medicine in calming anly d'aiterbnee, correcting those erudities of the vital fluids ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e- _IVEPER CENT. BRAZILIAN LOAN of leC2 DE8t9,de for £C312,508 ?? HALF.9'EAI(LjY DI, le LNdethe ISt of April 55ext, on the altove LOAN, nlegotiated It by Messrs. Samuel and PII, llips, will he PAID by Sir IS 'I C L. ,e GOLDSMID, WILLIAM KING, and WVILLIAM Tljo'Stpsoy' at Agents, at the Couinting-house of Messrs. Th1omuasaid V ti St King, 37, Great Whichester-street, Old Broad-street, oil ilat ...