... LITER AT RE, I The Modern, HousetWif, or Menagere: comprising nearly One Thousanad Receipts for the ?? aind Judicious Prepara- tion of every oeoal of the Day, and thase for the Nursery and the Sick Room; with Huintte Directionsfor Pamily Manage- meaC fin att itd Branichteg Illutrhatedl wyith Engravings, includ- fty the Modern Houseie'Jos Unique Kitchen, and Maygic Stove. By ALEXIS SOYER, ...


... I _ QUEEN'S LOA:L THEATr.E. On Wedneslay evening a brilliant and crowded audieuez again attended this elegant little theatre, to witness the repe- tition of the highly successful extravaganza of The )slaedof ,Jewets, which was received 'with such eunboucided applobation on Monday and Tuesday nigh,. On seeing its performance for the third tine, the nigh opinion which we formed of its excellence ...


... The Queen nnd 1Prince Alert, wirtn tne rrince oi the nriecess Royal, and the Princess Alice, took an air- ?? lltall opel carriitge and four. ; 1(Sr.11,1 yr BNTlB1.--._VQ (Pri'7lttOtI ' , 1Ipeilre to anltivulitV the arrivel ol satr- (j t . if tbe x.i-x tv)g and Queen of the French, and of the d31x 1fl~ts ibcil> .f .emours, and tleir intereqting offsprih'.- ] v a lplda d* t ioer. 'The ...


... On Friday last, at the Athenscum, the Rev. T. Hineks delivered a lecture on the Poets of Humble Life,-Thom, Prince, and Nichol. W. Hichens, Esq., in the chair. The lecturer observed that the poets he had chosen for consideration were comparatively but little known, but they were truly deserving of a more wide spread repu- tation. They give us the result of their experience,- they' tell us of ...

Public Amusements

... joublic. auluotmato id- 1d- DRURY LANE. tice Ce The tragedy of Jane Shore was played on Monday nut L night innte dumb show until the last act, when the siv I excellent performance of Miss Vandenboff in the. bee edeath: sene arrested a moment's. attention. ThesO nl.oste~sible causof disturbance was the rowdedo atI state of the house. A hew spectable followed, called i atthe Deels Ring, or Earth ...


... = V&Ntwy : .-stp t6 you or I have aent a letter, boo-swrd IV . * - r 0! on 4i,.t_.ts ;It ?? If' * Rt5ZZOTR 0? or Ca*e do 6f --eurtainly not 0o its proper destination, which thl turned out to, be the 1Amphsitrite_. Valparaiso,: or thi elsewhere. Who' but the lsnwk-eyed gentleman de 'vvwho presides at tie Iblind tzble,,.would have of to' found out that arnodtisr boy in her Majesty's naval r, ...


... MEETING OF WORKING MEN. hi On Thursday evening last, a meeting was held at the tB Institution for the Diffusion of Knowledge, to consider the propriety of calling a public meeting of the working classes, h to assist in carrying out the exhibition of the works of industry of all nations, to be held in May, 1851. James se German, Esq., Mayor, and S. Cartwright, Esq., attended fr as a deputation ...


... t wb liutlwo. - thi THE DEMOCRATIC REVIEW OF as BRITISH. AND FOREIGN POLITICS, tai HISTORY, AND LITERATURE. th Edited by G. JULIAN HARNEY. NO . XL be April. London: J. Watson, 3, Queen's A- Head-passage, Paternoster-row. be Tnas number of the Democratic Review con. da hii tains a fourth letter from the editor, exposing ra the injustice and evil influence of the Taxes of on Knowledge. The ...


... I A-rFCTED) ACCOUCHEMENT OF THE QUEEN. ta late hour last night the several members of the cabinet, the Lord /lmancellor, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and prin- tial 1enbers Of hlie Queen's household were suddenly placed ODthe ll, ,ie by an intimation procxeding from the Palace on the / tom5 lad developed themselves of the approaching that CYIIrPC(y Ocement of her Mdajesty. At the late hour of ...


... QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE, 2 I his new melodramatic fairy extravaganeza. The ljmd ,r Jewels, announced for some time as in preparationat th4 elegant little theatre was presented on last evening before a densely crowded and highly iespectable audience. This brilliant romance of 'the drama is one of those piece whose gorgeous scenic splendour, brilliancy of decoratioet atq racy humour of burlesque ...

Selected Poetry

... _ZTtctrb aoctrp. MEMTORY, MUSIC, AND HiOVE. Tyizaxw God for memor'y! This is the greenldell; I hear the rill with miusic's ripples flowing; The scents of flowers recail 1y ciildhood wvell; I feel tise SlIn of new-born summer glowing, And in liy spirit's viewa I see the stream, And the bright fish that tile waters gleam. TIbalia Coil for otsiec ! for the pleasant voices Of iionghis and ...