Advertisements & Notices

... ST. JTAMES'S THEATRE.-UNPARALLELED ATIRACTION VOR ONE NIGHT ONLY.-Mr. BUNN hels tehontiouroftlniouncing thathbiANNUAL BENEFIT takesplace0on WEDNESDAY, April 10, 1850 (his last appearance pievious to his departure for the provinces), when ho will be ravoueed with the valuableservices of the following eoiinenl urtitts:-AtdUe. Carlotta Grisi, Mr. Charles. Kean, Mr. B. Webs er, Monsieur Samson, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE O0 AN ABsCEsS IN ZTHE ARm , CuitED BY HoLLowAe'S OINTMENT AND PILIS.-MrS. Howden, the wife of a carpenter, residiug at tineton, noticed about two years a swelling in the upper part of her anr, whieb, though not painful at lirst, ultinmately Caused her intense suilbring. Whilst cinder medical treatment a wound appeared, which it was found ifpos- ,ible to heal, and she was ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IrR~ON-GATE WHIARF.-STEANI to F&t- JL OUTHt, TRtlt.1O, &c.-Tho Cork Steam Ship Comnpanty' tle'tttid vessels AJAX or PIEtidSISVIIER ADLER, start from 2pagidelrona'ewharf, (where passengers walk on boar4 free), oyery Thursilay morning, at 8 o'cbnche, taking Goods and Passengers ftr 'Fulmoutli, Truro, Redrutb, H-elaton, OCauborne, and all places tdim, stery low rites. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITLLINOIS) BONI)s.-NoticC is hereby given, that t te11VLN1) arsigout of thle Collectioss of the MilleTax f Irortote lot Januiary It-t, %will be PAILD by bessr4. MATIE SON F.2nd CO.1 Ott the STEilLINti CANAL BO0ND1S, in the following 2l proportions, Vs-ic. Onl £100 Wiods ?? 8d. Onl £225 B~onds ?? oSl. Onl £,00 Bonds ?? 0(1. The Overdue Coupons of the said Bonds, due July, 1842, will I, be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MLIGRATION to AUSTRALIA.-Passahie 3lI oncy, includjing provisiotis. medical collforts, sand maess uitenisils, £ 15 per adult, with the Ordinary description of aeceonmo-4 dati on, or £18 with extra space and cuclosed calbins, by a linet of sule=o firet-clats ships of largo totsisago, sailing the Ist anid 16thI of eahmonth from London, and the 11th axist 25th from Ply- mouth :load at the jetty, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UFNOS AlRES LOAN.-MTessr. BAIRING j B BROTHIERS and CO. beg to Inform the holders Of thse STERLING BONDS of the BUENOS AYRES LOAN of 1S24 that utrticientt remittances hare been received from the Gorerinent to effect a PAYMENT equivalent to ONE-1ALF of a semicalltua DiVIDEND. Uponu pressitatien, therefore, of the Coupon due 1st January, 18-7, at No. S, Bislhopsgate-strcet WVithin, where lists ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Oxioredhire--Tho fine Domain ?? Park, with its capital Mansion, very valuable Farms, and other appendages, t~s whole Freehold, tithe-free, and exonerated of land-tax, In tha centre of a fino, healthy, and sparting part of the county, IN. twees Woodstock and Chipping Norton, and only about 15 ludle0 from Oxford. M/jESSRS. DANIEL SMITH and SON weill -, SUBMIT to PUBLIC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO the HOLDERS of MEXICAN BONDS. T G9NrLAsxN-%Na e hereby beg respeetfully to CONVENE a GENERAL NEE ING of the 'Mexican Bondholders for THiURS.. DAY, April 1. at I o'clocks, at the London Tavern, when we shall be prepared to submit to your onusideratL n a full statement of our pxo. ceedinagr sinte your interests were confided to our charge. We have the honour to ho, gentlemen, Your moet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IVALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, N BYMESSRS. THOS. WINSTANLEY & SONS, Ti ('Teswday,) the 2nd instant, at Two O'clock In the heafternoho, at thle Clarendun Reooms, South Johni-street, Liver- it. pool, subject to conditions of sale to be then and Iter-c pro- s01Loted,&I h tS HOP , ME SSU A GE, orF on Lot 1.ADWEINGI.HOUSE, onl the north side of Tithle- pi barn-street, in Liverpool, containing in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TLAM to INDIA and CHINA, vii EMGYP''. eular.1monthly mail 3team conslavann for passengers and tot goods to CYON ADA, CAL CiTTrA, PENANG, SINGA. yopE, and HONG.KONG.-Thi Peninsualr and Oriental Steam laipaibon Coampany book passeger and reesive goods end parcels r te above ports by their eteamers, starting from Southampton ethe 20th of every month, and from Suez. on or about the 18th of tk5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' **a~e In Ruton. Woetejoire.-VU e of Eveshem l TO be SOLDX, pursuant to a Decree of the Hieh I C'urt of(Chancery, made in a cause of Cowpe versus Bajw. well, with the approbation of Sir William Horne, one of the Master 5 of the6id oourt, osoetime in the month of May next, of which doe 5 notioe will be given, a FREEHOLD ESTATE, called the Noreher, situate in the fertile Vale of Evesham nd ...