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... ABEfDARE. MEETING OF COLLIERS.—A meeting on behalf of the Aber- dare colliers was held on Monday, at the Nelson Inn, LIan- fabon, when delegates from the various works in the district were present. A resolution to the effect that Mr. Powell be requested to discontinue his new workmen, was put to the meeting and negatived. It was then suggested that the Mon- mouthshire men should join the ...

Published: Friday 05 April 1850
Newspaper: The Principality
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 161 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 

(fmml JhmI

... TO 1^* My bc,,tu' iful my beautiful! oh, would that I could be A guardian spirit of the air, to hover over thee To catch thine eyes' celestlal fire-thy red lips' sunny smile— To feel niystlf as if borne up in Paiadise the while. Thine eves' soft light—to me more bright than morning's fairest beams— I 1.3ats through my soul midst daily toil and night's more tranquil dreams; And still my spirit ...

Published: Friday 05 April 1850
Newspaper: The Principality
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 192 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... LIVEltPOOL. TUESDAY.—ThP arr'v.-ls of grain, meal, alldflour from Ireland and coastwise, this week, are on a reduced scale, but from foreign ports we have received very liberally of Iddian corn, wheat, Egyptian beans, and flour. The weather has been severe and winterly during most of the pa-it week, and our trade had more confidence imparted to it. Several speculative purchases of wheat and ...

Published: Friday 05 April 1850
Newspaper: The Principality
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 184 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 

llanelly iv . , t

... HiEWAUN. Wednesday evening last, the iiev. John Tnomas, >f Glyn- neath (late of Bvvlchnewydd), delivered a very able leetare, on the Principles of Nonconformity, at Nebo Independent chapel, at this place, which was crowded to excess; when Messrs. David E. Williams, Thomas Williams, and Evan Evans, were appointed delegates to the forthcoming Parliamentary Iloform Association, and Anti-State ...

Published: Friday 12 April 1850
Newspaper: The Principality
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 59 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... On Saturday last a public meeting was held iu the town-hall, Cardiff, for the furtherance and support of the means adopted by her Majesty's Commissioners, for the carrying out the projected Great Exhibition of Industry of all Nations, 1831, CHAULES VAGIIELL, HsqUtRE. MAYOR, in the Chair There were also present—Sir George Tvler, K.C B., Cottrell. J. Bruce Peyc. E-q., Dilffryn Walter Coffin, ...


... CARDIFF POLICE.—MONDAY. [Before Charles Vachell, Eiq., Mayor, & VV. Nicholl, E=q.] As IaulI Row.-A beautiful specimen of Irish wonan- hood, named Bridget Kelly, applied to the magistrates for a warrant again-t two countrymen whom she designated as- Paddy who live* next door to me and his lodger. In re- ply to the tnavor she said that this Paddy'' had beaten his wife 01 Saturday night-that she ...


... (Held before JOHN WILSON, Esquire, Judge.] The April court was held in this town on Friday last, tile 5th instant,-the hall, with the gorgeous trappings of the Eisteddfod unreinove(I-the flags, banners. festoons of I'.er- greens, &c., presenting a most novel appearance as a court of law. HATTIL FOLL versus HrCHARD JONES. In this case Mr. Langley appeared for the plaintiff, who is a wholesale ...


... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. THE ABERDARB STRIKE.—Some considerable alarm was felt at Aberdare, on Monday last, in consequence of the circulation of a rumour that the colliers from MOII- mouthshire intended to join the Aberdare men at the Navigation House, for tl^e,purpose of agreeing toageuera strike, and making another demonstration at Aberdare. Every precaution had been, as usual, taken by ...

Tu the Editor uJ ihe Cardiff and Uerthy Guardian

... Latest London Market Prices, LONDON CORN EXCHANGE, FRIDAY, APRIL 2(3. -The little English wheat un sale readily brought Mon- day's prices. Foreign had rather more inquiry and a hriner feeling. Bailey met a fair demand, anù IS quite as dear. Hye, malt, alld peas unchanged in value, onh ill moderate relail consumptive request. Beans had rather more favour. Although the foreign arrivals of oats ...


... NEWPORT POLICE.-MONDAY. [Before the Mayor and Thomas Hughes, Esq.l .1ollatltan Griffith* and Thomas Taylur wre charged with stealing a pair of trousers and other articles, the pro- perty of Daniel Edwards, their employer.—Mr. Cathcart was employed to prosecute, and called P.C. Pullen who proved apprehending the prisoner Griffiths, and from some information he received afterwards took Taylor, ...

'——————————————';.... ~r TO THE VENERABLE ARCHDRACOX ^

... THE MUR.DK LI AT BASSALLEGr. The adjourned iuquesl on the body of Jane Lewis, who was so brutally murdered near Bassallesr, in the vicinity j of Newport, was held on Friday last, at the Union House, j before WILLIAM BIIEWLH, Esq., coroner, and a respect- able jury, and t verdict of ilful Murder returned against the two Irishmen taken up on suspicion,—oue of whom. I named Maurice Murphy, aged ...


... Jacteristic traits of his own. The working-men of this country had a right to demand education, and before long they would demand it. They would ask what barred the road to it ? And he was sorry to think it would be said it was religion only. Secular education was said to be godless; but he had learnt to know that everything was godless which was not according to the little opinion of the ...

Published: Friday 05 April 1850
Newspaper: The Principality
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 390 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News