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Advertisements & Notices

... 'or _ _ ?? __ 55 PIPUBLICATIONS. Just published, price 6s., as, rlHE CIHRISTIAN MBREAENBRNCER, )n ILNo. LXVIII., for Aramr, 1860. :sw C)CNnTErT. 1. Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey. ot 2. Ecloge e o 'ropheticae ?? of Euishius. St 3. Ilees-en's African Nations aind Sharpe's Egypt. 4. Funeral Soleumnities in the East. _ 5. Wellesley's Anthologia Polygletta. of aI Colonisation--The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rlC ?? CALCUTTA C Ds''TREAMl will RECEIVE MEASURE- ** ,01 di~ll5 tlie Eaist India. Docks until Satdy ?? iqf' 1-. rcel and CO-, 04, Coruhill ?? CHINA vi& EGYflX.- frt2 LOKE, andYHON, MAONG.- CALCUrVA, and HNG YOG. -The 'enruaoular tt-5 t~4 Stem Na ignit Company book passengers and re- %. 'il arces fr te aliove porte by their stesorer, skitrt- 1tutnothe 20th of every mouth, and froct Sitez ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jl iiOGED to the PALACE CHAMBERS, ST. JL15 JA~fES'S ~-Icy ?? petlnissl nf of her majesty the queen-, ler Nlasat the PICTURl E painted by MllatlieW Kend rick, Fw., jiMAr, MfITCHeELLA trc ItfE of the ROYAL SQUADRON foneat IHINIsO.A N HARIOUrIthiseo PRIVATE VIEW till ftond-trct j alGiod', Hat 1 R tt.. Boxofhc -amssret a tict 11th foiat., at thie aloieo Clambers, St, ?? Cards of cedoiasiotle isa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Q T. JAMES'S THEATRE.-UNPARALLELED ATTRACTION FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY.-Mr. BlYNN has tbe honour of annotncing that his ANNUAL BENEFIT tk5es plae eon WEDNESDAY, April 10, 1850 (his last apprmrne previous to his deatutre for the provine)s, when he will be favoured with the Zaiableservlceo of the following emrinent srtls :-Mdhle. Carlotta Grial, Mr. Charles Kenn, Mr. B. Weabsler, MonaieurSurnson, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... irg ~ Ijr~ r~ _io ' elr ME. . D. H ;ltD'S NEW WORKS ON D lA ^ ,e LESISONS, 06 TR-E pie L230 sOk'RES, .iu Progressive. k te.3042 Imperial qtarto 21.. ?? ih ~llattef 9npf~fquate 2lt.. lar;2cloth Uutefy' rLE 10SS on ART . Cowwe f Progreselive Studies in Drswig, e wth Letterpress Instruetions.- Imperlal 4to, 6 Par*, 2t1; cloth, Leo .25s. ICO NTA the Uee of the Chak'and Lead ?? l. I , cxPruhd.'3t4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fTE AN to INDIA and CHINA, vii EGYPT. = 1eiii umothly mafil ateam Ooan y fo p.gssa men ghit goods to CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCU'rA P' AN, b12'GA.. y~cand IHONG-KONG.-The IPenitsular. and Oriental Steam jjgipron COIRPeny baok Pasegers arid receive goods and parcels bthe above ports by their steamers, otairting from 8outhint ton the 20tib Of every month, and from Suel on Or about thele O the thonth. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EMOVED to the PALAAjE CHAMBERS, ST. R JAMES'S.-By gracious rermiosion of her Majesty the Queen, her Majledve PICTUR2i, painted by Matthew Kendrick, Esq., RBH.A., of the DEPAH' URE of the ROYAL SQUADRON from KINGSTOWN H{ABcOUR, is on PRIVATE VIEW till the 13th inst., at the Pa'ace Chambers, St. James'e-street. Cards of admission may bq obtained on application to Messrs. Ackermann and Co., go6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -I,3vN WSUt-Ui AO'V, 1$485 ~iildiiej,.l 549, -ao .NI, ?? ~% ), , 'ell that a ( I 1 \l, 1.f ?? i-s hier lr git, 1th d* tilt DISOSOLUTION and )VINIJ2'4iG-Cl of the ,,LI c1,11Zo1% WaS., Onl Monday, thle S5di day of FebruarY, CC- * ic' Lord Chaimc-lor inl England hrv Williiam th sdthat it is expeccted ouch ?? Wvill hec o tte Ylce.C~ilctllor Oiiight Bruce, ,on the first pu- G cxl Trinity Term; ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. B LACK WO OD'S MAGAZI NE, No, ?? for AeimL. Price 2s. 6d.; by post Os. CONTENTS. The Ministerial Measures, Britain's Prosperity. A New Song. My Peninsular hledal. By an Old Peninsular. The Dwarf and the Oak Tree. A Vision of 1850. Festus. Cash and Pedigree. Caird's High Farm ing Harrowed. The Clearing of the Glens. Dies Borcalos. No. VI. Christopher tinder Canvas. William ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,-VRENCH.PLAYS.-ST. JAMES'S THEATRE, Fli _hMr. MITCHELI. respectfully announces that the Theatre wilbe RE-Oi'ENED TO.MORIROW EVENING, eupperted by the following eminnent artittes :-Mons. Samson (of the Theatre I ranqais, Parir, his edst ;appearance), Millie. Derain (of the Theatre Frangais), Mons. Regnier (of tho Theatre Franiclo), Nidlle. Nathalle (ol the Theatre Franf.ais), eind Mons. Lofont ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UENOS AYRES BONDS and CLAIMS.-i i! B If Mr. G. T. WHITINGTON, whosle nble Letter appears in I this days Morn egChroniele (Thursday, April 4), will call a Public MIeeting, alid OxpaRitt moro in detail his views, previous to his promised paliphliet, ho will render an essential service to parties interested.-City, April 4, 1850. EIMOTED to the PALACE CHAMBERS, ST. j ltC JAMESS.-By gracious ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE to SHIPPERS for MADRAS-~The ErfltvIRATs will receive ineasulrement goodis in the west IHdia Dock ntit ths day, tifi 5th Inst., but not later, as *be pyocceds to sea Tnoimorr,)w.-For freight or passage apply to U. H. LINDSAY, S8, ast Indi s-chanibers. AUSTRALIA.-For ADELAIDE and PORT I ?? ?? (to sail the 5th of May, this splendid fast sailing A sLA I ,5 oi' .CIU S, commander, lying In ...