... On Friday last, at the Athenscum, the Rev. T. Hineks delivered a lecture on the Poets of Humble Life,-Thom, Prince, and Nichol. W. Hichens, Esq., in the chair. The lecturer observed that the poets he had chosen for consideration were comparatively but little known, but they were truly deserving of a more wide spread repu- tation. They give us the result of their experience,- they' tell us of ...


... I A-rFCTED) ACCOUCHEMENT OF THE QUEEN. ta late hour last night the several members of the cabinet, the Lord /lmancellor, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and prin- tial 1enbers Of hlie Queen's household were suddenly placed ODthe ll, ,ie by an intimation procxeding from the Palace on the / tom5 lad developed themselves of the approaching that CYIIrPC(y Ocement of her Mdajesty. At the late hour of ...


... A swallow in the the spring Came to our granary, and 'neath the eaves Essay'd to make a nest, and there did bring Wet earth, and straw, and leaves. Day after day she toil'd With patient heart; but ere her work was crown'd, Some sad mishap the tiny fabric spoil'd, And dash'd it to the ground. She found the ruin wrought; But not cast down, forth from the place she flew, And, with her mate,fresh ...


... CB3tV¶O~l. NO. 72. Ail:-rOIr1 OF TIIE LIFF AaD TATROUuS OF THmE LATE 11cV. JOSIAS WIUSOX. By 11. Ilastincs, M.D., Oxon. W~ithl Ilatolnc-ltorv Ohoervationis, by the ller.. Johnl BUrveon, LL.D., Wlvelrliampton. London : Nesbit ~S Co. Belfast: Jfm. Nl'c,,mh. A faithful anid full biography of one who, in his day, and in three diverse aid important localities, unostentatiously, and ill humble ...


... 0 MEiN LfEt (O My LovE). Serenade. Sung by Herr Formes, for whom it was expressly composed by CARL ANSCssaEZ. J. Gregg, Southampton-row, Rus- ?? of our readers will recollect the sen- sation this beautiful serenade created at the Exeter Hall concerts, when sung by the renowned German basso. Its success was most complete, arising as much from the originality of the melody as from the skill with ...

Published: Sunday 28 April 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 873 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... (FROM OUr OWN CORRESPONDENTS.) BELFAsT.-(LesSee, Mr. J. Harwood).-..Miss Helen Faucit hois performed here for four nights very success. fully, On Mondy she perforuied Juliet to Mr. F. Con- way's Romeo, Tuesday, in King Rene's Daughter; Wednesday, Panlirein Te Lady of- Lyons; andi on Thursday in As You LIke It. Mr. James HfLarwood from Astley's, has embarked inl this speculation, and, at the ...

Published: Sunday 28 April 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1418 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... LI TE RAT U RE. Tee pozVC-ALX~~ Wi~raS or HaarY W. LoxnvzrSnow. Liver- po, ol:Slbn~ e 59 TH SaI olo visa FiRmsio's. Br H. W. Longfellow. second Editiun. Liverpool: John Walker, 1I50. Doubts have sometimes been felt and expressed as to the ropriety of diffasing German literature among us. Visions of mysticism. pantheism, and cloudland. floated in dusky per- gpective berore the eyes of many ...


... I 3pattry.., ?: MINISUttSWQN'T o ! .. A TOrt S LAMENT. hi present Opposition ha&. ?? that any. pt lion ver id, r evr eonj have done, towards fl 0at a Mnistr'y but notwithastandfilF ae dne~sI fns been so f~equentlY given,-the hinistoc won't Tho' hard ve strive with might nud main t IThe WhigO to overthrow, - And lost dominion to regain- The Ministers won't go ! 'As sticks the stubborn limpet ...


... LI.TERA TUBE. Geasrnl KlD~apa's ~emtoirs of! the Wlar Ins rngyasry. 2 vol.. Gilpin. 1850, This is the work of a genuine soldier, and bears the frank, the rude, and simple stamp of one. As General Xlapka was in the counsels and command of f the Hungarian insurrection, none so fitted as he to depict the double mnarvel of its asnexpeoted success and its as unaccountable defeat. The volumes of M~r ...


... THEATRE ROYAL-THE FRENCH OPERA COMIQUE. Now that we have witnesed the coup dressai of Mr. Mitchell's bighly praised corps of vocal artistes, we feel obliged to confess, wbilst we own to our delight in the cleverneses, finish, and grace of their performance, that we have failed to recognise anything in the shape of vocal or histrionictmerit which mnay not at least be equalled by pro- fessors ...


... P PHILHARMONIC SiCIETY'S CONCERT, We have ever regarded this society in unison (to wesa concert phrase) eith its Anltient compeer, as the represn. tative of the mticel taste and geniuas of our city. eV have had frequent and delightful opportunities of formirng an opi nion as to its merits as a musical society, and it has been anr pride frequently before now to offer the tribute of ...


... NEW WATER COLOUR SOCIETY. This year's exhibition shows no falling off in any of the leading contributors, and several of the younger men are making great ad- vances. The landscapes of Mr Bennett give us the assurance of a new and delightful genius in this charming department of English art. His pictures have been said to resemble those of De Wint and David Cox, and there is no exaggeration in ...