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Selected Poetry

... $?rlrcttb 3,,)Cfrtro. OIT, LET MIE BE ITAPPY TO-DAY. EorrT r: for cachll day is the evil it brings Tf one day, then, be free froni dvll sorrowi Oh, chase not its joy by the sad littered fear That some trouble may rise oil the morrow. While clear an-i -ndimm'd is the bluc alch above, And the ?? glowes warm, do hot say That tenipests may rage ere the nighitshiades depart, Bait, ohl, let mle be ...


... FASHIOPABLE INTELLIG;,JENCE - The Queen hnd Prince Albert took a drive in open carrlage and four on Monday. I a Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Rent his Serene Highness the Prince of Leiningen dined wit Majesty on Monday evening at Buckingham Palace i her VICEInEGAL CounT.-Yesterday evening tr Viscount Gough was the principal guest at the Viceregal 1rtd Their Excellencies the Lord Lieutenant ...


... | Last evening a fresh and most attractive novelty was pro- duced at the Queen's, in the shape of a dramatic representa- tion, founded on Goldsmith's delightful novel, The Vicar of Wakefield. It is surprising that this interesting story, so true to nature and so rich in exciting incident, was so long and well known without being adapted to the stage. The much-desired task has, however, been ...


... BALLYsIAmNo.-Our May fair was held on Ih and seldom has a larger show of stock been exhibited 'Ty, were many dealers on the green froin the neighbo5* . 'eer ties, who bought up beasts of goodquality with coe but we cannot say that the prices of dry stock . proved. Eeves went off well at advanced prices r and milch cows also advanced in value, ani met i WYeerling calves brought gomd prices. ...


... I QUQEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. . l The Islanl of Jewels has had a series of the most brilliant triumphs at-the Queen's, drawing every evening crowded and most fashionable houses. Notwithstanding the novelty of a French opera comique at the Theatre Roval, with that charnm- ing actress, ?? Charton- the display of hursemartship at Pablo Fanque's-and an occasional brilliant concert at the a Antient'-the ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Jrazl)ioll imb YaTicti'm t T Ha'E COURT. M1'rE are hlappy to stnlte thlat ader iesly tii tbec inimfat Priuce canlitic to so -vell. Tue firlliving is thle latest billetini is- SU(!(I by tbC 1al(e(1C:a latlendalilts: tiednghaln Palace, Mow 4, I S50, Nine, ?? Thel Quleen hais hadl anlothler -oode niiglt. Iler Majesty and the infant Prince Cointia no well. Tlie D)uichcss of Kennt, tihe Du ...


... I. FASIIOXABFLE INTELLIGENCE. I IL' in Urs 'as ed vie ry, he lot ?? I? ild irs z I tel zal l I ir- ;or re- of we- rir is of x- iat It nd eir he 0- of Is, so of tit :er ill .rt- rn bVs. ?? evn tt an Ill 5s- St in le . r- es ?? ,h eI THE ROYAL ACCOUtCHEMENT. WINDSOR, WEDNESDlY.-Tisi3 morning, immediately upon the ar ival of the gratifying intelligence that her Ma- jesty had given birth to a ...

Original Poetry

... @rigdiltal ,3octru. *Ir A Y. [IVt IT T L N F 0 It T tL r. E - r. ws - L r. r T F. It.] CHItLDtHOO D hails tlise, dle:isanlt MM.p!- Thyself tite fairest child of the year; The little OnIeS feel ?? blecss plIay, Like the twining arms of companions dear! The fresh brighit blue of thy mormning shiies Lau'lnI% with the thit of their innocent eyes Thy ineadoes-bloloron ?? the clhiilish grace That ...


... BI rb No. 75. Txin UjxsIVirsIrv MAAZtsrra. Slay. Dublin : Jos. NI'Glvrshan. Thisnnlaber isafr'eshl andfragrnt Sty-galadof the fairest bloomilsofliteirtiure anPl)oesy. In tle openi agairticle-an ew collection of Irisih popular ?? tile Ieaitiful ilind. i re sorry to say, ivy-ngone. cstols relation to the chelora- tion of tire Sa V-day festival iii Ireland are most ngrecaibly tle- tailed, and set ...