... THE DRAIA, MUSIC, &c. - HER MIAJESTY'S THEATRE. A. 1Grand[ Classical,. Dramatic,:3Miscallaneesis, Concerted. Musical Entertaillilent Wa's given at fliki great temple of the lyric drama, on Mronday muorninhg; whtiel, for, variety-, stupenidousnless, alid tile talent collected together and centred in its performance, has not been equalled for some years. Its; groatest fault was that the ...


... LOVE IN DEATH. (er.OMI FRASER'S XAG.1ZINE FOn may.) A mother sits by a lowly grave, A hillock small and green, '.1 . - -tones at the bead and feet, ai Ad te daisted tatf betwveen. Silent she sits in that place of graves As if tranced in a dream of prayer, And her hand oft plays Nvitl the rustling grass. As with curls of an infant's hair. Does she think of the time when she hush'd it soft With ...


... - - - i-- ?? cati fhieA8 eh Worldeie. :otEere Peiaps. ?? Ja'esc -Bailey, ?? rofhFestu. betro'idon': W.'Picke-i'?g, -.Twelve yes- a ?? ale' s Th rst jioe ave ' eliipsed since tfhe publicatioii' ! ir. i c o ri athis peri nothing appeared from his pen, except some additional matter intended andincorporated with, successive editions of the Festus.' i lA silence so protracted and'so unusual in ...


... *ttawtttre. An Faster Oferinrg. By ,ed,'ika Briemer. Tninslated froes tho Unpetlisehed Suedish Manuscript. by Miary Hou'itt.-lenry .Colburn, Great Marlborough street, London. This work is not, as a composition. of seoh.artistie pretension as some of the other productions which have Inade the Swedish novelist a favourite in this country. Its contents are of a very light character, written ...


... PERSECUTIONS Or THE PaEss.-When Anne had been ten years on the throne she sent a message to the parliament, which, amongst other things, stated that great license was taken 'Il publishing false and scandalous libels, such as are a reproach to any government;' and recommending the parliament ' to find a remedy equal to the mischief.' In their rdply the commons pro- mised to do their utmost to ...


... HER, MAJESTY'S THEATRE. Madame Frezzolini made her appearance last even- ing in O-Lucrezia Borgia. This lady was hereseven years ago, and was very favourably received, but did not make an impression at all approaching to that| which she produced last night. Though married, she i was then very young, and her powers, both mental and physical, had not then attained their present ma- turity. She ...

Selected Poetry

... ?? I9octruy, TiIE EAIGI RA NT. flV P lItC C E V :. A N.- 1 w ?? throulglh VnTt pathless forests wild, By the hright flonvcred hankis ef mighity stremns And thouighits of home; while yet a guitleless child, Uprise ancT move my soul with still, calin dreams. Dear clildlonud s home! I ga.ze upon thee now- A cot emhbowered in the greenest trees; Thy soft cool air plays on my laughing brow, And ...

Selected Poetry

... Zr~frtrb Iocts. IhiEIRS rO USE IN WEE*PING. Tirirrn's no use irs weeping, Thoughl we are condemned to part; There's such a thiing as keeping A rernembrance in one's hcart. There's such a thiingas dwerlling On the thought ourselves have nursed, And with sedrn and courage telling The wodid to do its worst. VTil not let its follies grieve us, We'll jist take them as they come; And then every da:y ...


... DHaR MAJESTY'S-On Saturday evening (the 27th) Maonizetr' Lindeg di Chiamouni was -performed Baucarde, taking asthe heroine, the new tenor, Signor Baucare, tainglte stile of Carlo; whilst additional interest wes given to the performance by the ddbut of Mul~e. Ida 'Bertrand, in the character of Pierotto. Madame Sontag's Linda was throughout an exquisite interpretation, remarkable for its ...

Published: Sunday 05 May 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2671 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... ;;SIiONABL INTELLIGENCE. Ier r1,P1 Highness the Duchess of' Kent visited Qaee ) Thursdaiy. The Duke and Duchess, de Nemours w ?? 5aviit to her )Ijesty on Thursday, at Buckingham Yal;1ee Turklish Ambassador left London on Thurs- for the llague. TIhc First Secretary of the Embassy, dafyrfrendi, remains as Charge ?? during his ab. Fercef Saint kniant, the celebrated professor of chess, l ved in ...


... THE DRAXA, XUSIC, &c. TrHE WHITSUN HOLIDAYS. At this festive season of the year everybody is seeking resre- ation and amusement. Caterers for the patronage of the holiday-folks mauke every effort to draw the greatest siumber of visitors to see their ivonders, and competitiou is at its height, One cannot, however, help remarking the vast improvement which is 'noticeable in most kinds of ...


... | Last evening a fresh and most attractive novelty was pro- duced at the Queen's, in the shape of a dramatic representa- tion, founded on Goldsmith's delightful novel, The Vicar of Wakefield. It is surprising that this interesting story, so true to nature and so rich in exciting incident, was so long and well known without being adapted to the stage. The much-desired task has, however, been ...