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... ;;SIiONABL INTELLIGENCE. Ier r1,P1 Highness the Duchess of' Kent visited Qaee ) Thursdaiy. The Duke and Duchess, de Nemours w ?? 5aviit to her )Ijesty on Thursday, at Buckingham Yal;1ee Turklish Ambassador left London on Thurs- for the llague. TIhc First Secretary of the Embassy, dafyrfrendi, remains as Charge ?? during his ab. Fercef Saint kniant, the celebrated professor of chess, l ved in ...


... | Last evening a fresh and most attractive novelty was pro- duced at the Queen's, in the shape of a dramatic representa- tion, founded on Goldsmith's delightful novel, The Vicar of Wakefield. It is surprising that this interesting story, so true to nature and so rich in exciting incident, was so long and well known without being adapted to the stage. The much-desired task has, however, been ...


... I MUSIC HALL-THE OLYMPIC CIRCUS. The varied and splendid character of the attractions pro- vided by Mons. Pablo Fanq're for the entertainment of his patrons and the public has gained for the i' Circus thehigir support it unquestionably deserves. The audiences nigh t after night during this week have crowded every department (.f the spacious hall. The aud~enco last evening was an over- flrwing ...


... ~-?jIiONABLE INTELLIGENCE F1, DA -.The Queen and Prince, and °:g° ce11 of the royal family, were prevented by the peger al f the Nycatller this morning from taking their usual 11lerueney lnd rides. Her Royal Highness the Duclss of earlyv I e5p~nid by his Serene Higliness the Prince of levt, en 0Itttedcd by tlhe Baroness de Speth and SirGeorge leisie~l aj cdat osborne yesterday afternoon. ...


... FINE ARTS, However we may have fallen back in other respects, tnere is no doubt that Ireland is making advances in the fine arts. That we have-done so is due, in the first instance, to the establishment of the Art Union, to the distribution made by it of engravings and pictures amongst the public, some of these engravings and some ofthese pictures no great things; yet the fact of their ...


... THEA'IMER ROYAL. 1 BENEFIT OF Massis. BIAInEITT AND BrWDII, 0D over the bill of fare, containing an enumeration of lt matic, melo-dramatic, and musical entertain e o be presented on this evening befors their Exceja. Lord Lieutenant and the Countess of trons of the drama in Dublin, the first thing Deed !t and elicits our surprise and admiration, ;8, that b novel, and tastefully selected a ...


... FASHIONTABLE INE OsmotNE, MAY 28-The Queen Albert walked early this morning in Osbone Pa andt P Highness the Prince of Wales, the Princess e yoti RlI younger members of the royal family walked alaljrlland li grounds. rode i, Her Majesty will hold a levee at St. Jame' al t nesday, the 3d of July next, at two o clock. alacr VISIT OF TIIZ DUCHESS or, KENT To yd, LANDS.-We learn that her Royal ...


... BALLYsIAmNo.-Our May fair was held on Ih and seldom has a larger show of stock been exhibited 'Ty, were many dealers on the green froin the neighbo5* . 'eer ties, who bought up beasts of goodquality with coe but we cannot say that the prices of dry stock . proved. Eeves went off well at advanced prices r and milch cows also advanced in value, ani met i WYeerling calves brought gomd prices. ...


... I QUQEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. . l The Islanl of Jewels has had a series of the most brilliant triumphs at-the Queen's, drawing every evening crowded and most fashionable houses. Notwithstanding the novelty of a French opera comique at the Theatre Roval, with that charnm- ing actress, ?? Charton- the display of hursemartship at Pablo Fanque's-and an occasional brilliant concert at the a Antient'-the ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Jrazl)ioll imb YaTicti'm t T Ha'E COURT. M1'rE are hlappy to stnlte thlat ader iesly tii tbec inimfat Priuce canlitic to so -vell. Tue firlliving is thle latest billetini is- SU(!(I by tbC 1al(e(1C:a latlendalilts: tiednghaln Palace, Mow 4, I S50, Nine, ?? Thel Quleen hais hadl anlothler -oode niiglt. Iler Majesty and the infant Prince Cointia no well. Tlie D)uichcss of Kennt, tihe Du ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? 5fjialb allb Utricticr. THlE COURT. [hewt Majrste liehs madie ralpid progress towarids conttls'acsesice allditilic ?? ['rilice is qusite well, Ili coseiiqueince of her Alaic sty's sat isfssetory recovery, ?? of buollicn s a as discolitillued il a editiessley last. It is expectedl tilat the GeartI, accordinig to precast airsrangemesteas, will leave townt for lie [Ni rif islt S ext wceek. ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? allb varictiez. TIlE COURT. `kVo rejoice to learn that hier -Mojcsty is rapiilyv hecomiag conavlesces t, a ni that I le yeoiiig Prinice is alls 0 oiing eel I. I-Ir Riyal I oligiess the Du chess of est vaisis hier Majesty daily st the Imslice ; oill( lorge sinilicrs of this nobility aiid gentre continue to mralte dutiful inqipilies. The Priince Cossort. aiid the youniger membhers of thle ...