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... BELFAST LITE RARY SOCIETY. Turs bodv held its last meeting, ort the present session, on Monday evening, tile 6tb inst., tile lev. Johb Scott Porter, President, ill tile Chair, When Mr. (etty read a paper, O1 l the Translations if Ctilin(se l'rcelaini Scals founil in hte- land. A number of silodern Chinese scils of steatlie, fisom tile cllection plreseinted to the 1ltiucuriru bV Gordont A. ...


... I HER MAJESTY, &c. The Queen was going on persectly well towards convalescetI0 en Tuesday. HER MA t5TaIS BIt T11DAY.-The anniversary of the natal day of the Soverdign. who will complete her 3 lst year on the 2C1thinstant, will be celebrated with the customary rejoicingson Wednesd..y next. Sir George Grey. Secretary of State for the Home D)epairtment, has issued invitations for a full-dress ...


... I ?? - - LITERATtJRE. Tine |tVULT-t UN7IVIIISTY i4AGAZlNE rone HAY. t860- This is trulv a smtimier imlitid's imsaer-ino wlichl the rwal, r, chttig froth to etijoiy a coirtttry ex-ur-ion, mtv d po- .it il the posketi re Idi ivalkilng jacket, aitd draiv fi'll th ii a ie has re re(d .onili- ?? urite spot, aid i1,s sated hniself iji sunny sloipe or mossy sent, and then peruse its pages amidst ...


... I. FASIIOXABFLE INTELLIGENCE. I IL' in Urs 'as ed vie ry, he lot ?? I? ild irs z I tel zal l I ir- ;or re- of we- rir is of x- iat It nd eir he 0- of Is, so of tit :er ill .rt- rn bVs. ?? evn tt an Ill 5s- St in le . r- es ?? ,h eI THE ROYAL ACCOUtCHEMENT. WINDSOR, WEDNESDlY.-Tisi3 morning, immediately upon the ar ival of the gratifying intelligence that her Ma- jesty had given birth to a ...

Selected Poetry

... ZrIctclta J1octrL. SUMM EIR. Beautiful Simmer f I greet yon well Einding the e-arth with it flowery spell, Coming with light for the golden bonrs, Bringing the rose for the nightingale's bowers; Lading with perfume the blossoming tree, Fillinc the woods with deep mclody, Coming with gladness, and joy, nnd light, Beautiful Summer, the gay and bright! Teantifnl Summer! I love Yon now, Fnr you ...

Original Poetry

... @rigdiltal ,3octru. *Ir A Y. [IVt IT T L N F 0 It T tL r. E - r. ws - L r. r T F. It.] CHItLDtHOO D hails tlise, dle:isanlt MM.p!- Thyself tite fairest child of the year; The little OnIeS feel ?? blecss plIay, Like the twining arms of companions dear! The fresh brighit blue of thy mormning shiies Lau'lnI% with the thit of their innocent eyes Thy ineadoes-bloloron ?? the clhiilish grace That ...


... BI rb No. 75. Txin UjxsIVirsIrv MAAZtsrra. Slay. Dublin : Jos. NI'Glvrshan. Thisnnlaber isafr'eshl andfragrnt Sty-galadof the fairest bloomilsofliteirtiure anPl)oesy. In tle openi agairticle-an ew collection of Irisih popular ?? tile Ieaitiful ilind. i re sorry to say, ivy-ngone. cstols relation to the chelora- tion of tire Sa V-day festival iii Ireland are most ngrecaibly tle- tailed, and set ...


... - I TitEo RAMBLEL5-A CATHOLIC JOURNAL AND) RENlew OF LITS1e2ATUIMer, ScIrNst, &c,, No. XXIX., May, 1850.- ((iurnsandLambert, Lonedon-Bellew, Dublin).-Thecon ecits of this number of the Rambler' are varied and interesting. The first article, on the prospects of the Anglo-Catholic party in the established church, details ivith ability and discrimina- tion the progress (if the gradual but mighty ...


... U r bf r W. No. Sl. TIMe PAnsolin TirsnnAv. Vols. XL. nnd XTI. Thre Sk~etch Book. b1y Wasli nlrton ving. Morley Emi- stein, by G. P. RP.James. London and Belfast: Sihois and 4P t're tyrc. Olir readers need not be informed that thie Skcetch Boolk is the rnwstcr'uicep of the beet transatlantic writer; and it is now reeidered aeccessirle to the leiniblest library for less than a twentieth ...


... itMAY 29.-The Queen and Prince 0S t an early hour this morning at Osborne Park and dis 1lioyal Highness the Prince of Wales and younger ?? - thtlle royal family walked and rode as usual, There . leeaddition yesterday lo the royal dinner party. 00a I OF GENERAL CAURERA.-This dis- ,.d dlilitnry commander, whllo for so many years gallantly tilgilld tlle cause of legitimacy in Spain, was married ...