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... Mebictuo. 77e Public Good. London: Charles Gilpin. A monthly magazine, devoted to the advocacy of those aing principles which affect the well-being of the corn- ?? and the advancement of the useful institutions of =r country. It also includes biographical notices of f&1ioguished men, and a variety of general literature. 1Tk Working Xan'e Friend. London: John Cassell and Co. This unpretending ...


... 1-r Al. -T, -r~ rarl A iMEETING OF THE WORKING CLASSES OF LIVERPOOL. ;- Several niectings have been held in the Town- d hall, for the purpose of promoting the great l. Exhibition of the Works of all Nations, to be 9 e held in London in the year 18T. The leading e e inhabitants of all the towns of any size in this e country, have also had an opportunity of hearing, from the lips of deputations ...


... According to announcement by placard, a public meeting was hbld in the Moot Ball, Wigan, on Monday evening last, for the purpose of hearing an address from Hepworth Dixon, Esq., on this importantsubjeot. The Mayor, Ralph DarlIngton, Esq, who presided on the occasion, regretted that there were so few pre. sent; probably, being Wigan fair, the attractions outside were more congenial to a Wigan ...


... DR. C. MIACKAY'S POETRY. 1mi'fulS r -- t u -1 . n We promised our readers should renew their acquaint. anee with the poerms of Dr. Mackay. We redeem that ]promise now, by selecting from a volume of poems, ?? umsued from the press, entitled Egeria and other Poems, the following lines:- THE PROSPECTS OF THE FUTURE. 1. Friend of the People-if thy soul can see The (lawning splcndours of' ...


... U At the recent anniversary of the Royal Society of Literature) r Mr. H[allam thus alluded to the amiable writer whose sonnets are amoug the most agreeable poetical productions of the e early part of this century :-Mr. Bowles had nearly com- a pleled his nineteenth year, when the call of death oame to p his door. He was, therefore, the senior poet of Englaud, by v years at least, even if one ...


... : - a 0 'i . _ - -- 1 ;, ISSH 13L'EN FAUCIT..' :It is somewhere about three years since we last-had the c V gratitication of seeing Miss Faucit on the stage- of our c Theatre Royal, an absence to be regrented by all admirnrs of tthe true aud beautiful in dramatic art. If tie large audience iof Monday to welcome her appearance in tbe Lady of Lyos' be any criterion from which to form ...


... DR. MACKAY'S EGERIA AND OTHER p POEMIS. The opinion we exo essed en ti- - '1I -.I 'the opnion w epressed onl thle excellence of' Dr. Mackay's poetical ceinhiositiens has foond an echlo in thet etooi. It is wvith plecasure that wve present eur readers with a short extract from a Criticism on hli's Ehgeria, and other poemiis,'' which wvas published in th Thle Peeple's aiide I-leowitt's Journal ...

Literary Extracts

... Riter ax Fixtract0. con ?? IitS ?? day, just before leaving Calcutta, sm r. sent out one of my servants to purchase some- fruit. He con presently returnted, bringing withlihim a man who'had some slu of the best in the market, witb which, however, he was un- in i willing to part at the price offered him by the messenger, who fan had therefore brought bim-to me. After making some pur- dis chases ...


... THE ROYAL INSTITUTION MUSBU21. 11 ?? 11.AAAed F A AAmL--. it, ' Through the kindness of the president, Theodore ti ior W. Rathbone, Esq., the museum belonging to the I d] ;he Royal Institution was thrown open to the public I d, ley during the last or Whitsun week, and the results )n- must be highly gratifying to all who are well- S ed, wishers of the artisans, and really feel an interest g ti- ...

Literay Extracts

... Afterarp Extracto. bourt es . PA-OKscNG THE Hb'uss.- Ther~e, gentlemsn old -the chine Sindustrious Scott 'exclain- to his aictors, have'earned 'five if, sli n pounds to night' Indeed, sir-'how' By packing !n regul *e ,house myself.. Persuading people ,to sit clos; reo grally d hts.'aid bonnets placed ion seats-they take up room, and her ti 3- dcn~i paj'f6i it.' Requesting people to act ...


... ODE TO SPRING. [ORIOINAL.] Wintor's saddening sullen gloom, Emblem of the dull cold tomb- The boding type of Nature's doom- Gone and forgotI I hail the bursting bud and bloom Around my cot. Welcome, life-rekindling Spring; Beauty trembles on thy wing; Birds are warbling-poets sing Of life and love; Thy spirit filleth everything Below, above. The loud lark, far as eye can gleam, Free as the ...

Literary Review

... 01. . Riterari lac-bido. ? ?? ?? -- 1? suet Mfethodist eformt and its Originator; or a T28ue at, a 'offer .Estimate: of the Rev. AleXailder 'Kitlhamz and.his 'cift . rilciples. By William Cooke, author of4 Chris-. toe) B - + --:tian Theology, ?? Therotes,,&co; 18$0. London: orw Albany.. Creseceit, Albany Road'' and Partridge SEide - and Oakey. , . . t This is a temperate and able book, ...