... 13RISTOL Ci L-2B I. . ,UP. f!cth ,f or( J o no isi' 5lr. Ickb 2efI't, hI'lfi~tJ(U (!ct)W Jo C010 e1OOL 5!11 ir. Seiy(I&VI Lwfltow. Srivihc. Joi JS PhItoLIEt, iclero(, ffoneyMN Il. v intl l tilis case theebankrupt WVOC simrrbeiv tnb Atit t 5i-0, relative to ?? i'vitjI .1114 byr~o% subi. I' totile accounbat etetled inl DeceiP r Iot to tito be ba~l(en djue totilie, bankftli e daot tilere ?? b ...

Law Intelligence

... RAW filtellpacum NOTIC1ES.-Tsis DAr. VICE C9ANCELLORS' COURTS, WEST1INST . AT 1O.-BDEMAX TUB Vi5-0CZ5OSLLo Oa ENOL-MO iOns. (hoses: Swann v. EFsts; HaywArdT. T'2awId; Heoli , Ha. ortb. Baroau VcCAicxZr1x XKnMu BxwsU-Broider: inta Lord nowniotv, uoloapart hebd. Motious. IOLLB COUBRI, WIKSTlI(lSit. Ar 10.-YUotln. By order; Ex ?? 4 bespoee ta- 3eit v. Ton, peirn Ceas:e~s;v t ard- Brander v. HaIl. ...


... BOW-STREET. J THE EX`OSuURE OF THF. SHMA AGENCY OFFICES.-' Edwc'ad Wright, the proprietor of a mock agency office, l No. 16, ?? Wellington-street, Strand, who was charged on Saturday last with defrauding several young men of their C money by means of newspaper advertisements, was again brought up for further examnination.E The court, as on former occasions, was crowded by young a men, ...


... COURT OF COMMON COUNCIL d Yesterdaya court was held for the despatch of Apublic buiness, and in consequece of a requisition to consi. eler the following motion That the court do petition , both houtee of parliament in favour of the establishment of .e a system of national secular education. THE BIBRTH OF A PRINCE. The RECORDER having stated to the court that the Lord Mayor had received a ...


... b ?? MANSION-HOUJSE. d SERIOUS COMMERCIAL FRAVD.-On Thursday, the 2ud h inst., MIr. Anthony Afeyer was brought up in the custody of tl Daniel Forrester, the officer, upi6n the charge of having in his possession six gold watche3, uoon which were forged tl morks of the Goldsmiths' 1tall. 'Upon that ccacsion the L-rd Mayor accepted bail for the appearance of the prisoner yesterday, when the cease ...


... OLD COURT.-YESTRRDAY. BUOvI Tr RacoaDenu CHARBe OP STEALING BooXR. .J. Kennedy, 24, a respectably-dressed young man, was indicted for stealing two printed books, the property of R. James. It appeared that the prosecutor is a surgeon, living in Artillery-place,and on the 7th March the prioner called upon him, and on being shown Into his consulting room he stated that he had come to make an ...


... the THE EXCISE LAWS -THIE CROWX V. 31URRAY. di .eterns This was an action by the Crown against Airs. M1urray, the lessee T sses f the R umbling Bridge Inn, on the Devon, for two sums of £50 m S ly for selling spirits and beer without a license. a The case was heard before Lord Robertson and a Jury, in the Ol usia ,Exchequer Court, Edinburgh, on Monday. se ro- From the evidence, it appeared ...


... SijEEIFF C6U-T., -- A A - --l .11- AA, f yesterday tae-following cases were disposed of by Sheril Bell, _ attlaje ood pleaded guilty to the tleft of twd wateheaflind I appendaes. v-Seotence-, 6 months' imprisonment. i.sabella ?? pleaded guilty to the theft of ?? brass candle; sticks by means of housebreaking acid was sentenced to 10 months' imprisonment( John Driargy pleaded guilty to the ...


... CO UR T OF BANKR IJPTCY-THtURSDAY. [Before Mr. Commnissione'r Farie.] N' IE EDWAII) TUOMAS DELAFIELD. ,nTi, ?? ri; I a.; thile lessee of tile Royal Italian Opera- Oil t;1e i' of March Mr. Lewis, oil behalf of the bank- id for hts certificate, and accompanied the appli- ' ibll ?? to pay 10s. in thle pound to the credi- ; c.;e eveat of tiue hia ?? coming into possession of s''f!u i-t to I aX the ...


... THMES XTER .FLING POST. ITHURSDAY MAT 30,1850. The crowded state of'our columns compels us this week';to omit a considerable portion of -matter to which this partof our ?? usually devotAd. We have'now only room to d~attention to the'speecb : ?? STANLEY in ths H~ous~e Qf Lords, on Monday night. His Lordship dealt-with faots. which are: irresistible, and which mnust have their due and' proper ...


... MURDER AND ROBBERY AT CL.APIlAMi On Sunday, about one o'clock, a female, who for years actedaas honselceeperto Mr. John Maddle, the tenant of a House in Clearmont-place, WA ndsg worth-road, was found by that-gentlemamon his re.- turn from church lying dead in one of the' kitchens, under circumstances which have a tendency to in. volve the cause of death in mystery. Herl head rested on some ...


... 1 _ ?? This court was held on Monday last, at the Court House, in this town, before John Addison, Esq., judge. There were 35 causes entered for hearing, of which 31 were original causes, one an adjourned case, and three were summonses for coinmitmiolit. The solicitors present were Messrs. Dodd, J. Blackhurst, Banks, Watson, T. Harris, and Bland Walker. ADDISON V. lIESIMONDIIALlIT. This was an ...