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Advertisements & Notices

... OAL AMPHITHEATRE1 Charlotte-street. Tile M1anagement, ansxioll- to pila~ce b~efore thle publiic evr 1nt1oelhy awl, ittraotio a, h:as ?? inlto arrltigemientH for thes appeanir, e at tinse Tli'trso MASTERI tItDIBOOTllI 'p a, t thwearly age if fourteenyeraslrealygven Cvi ,],es of hih 'hi.iii,tri iv taten't, l)'C his Iterloroninies at t life ?? tile eeole.-t of h~i.11.,ru frieji~l',,ppa iiil Fae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O'~'TICE.-In consequence of thenuaiu and no titialiflied tes' nimoiali of tiie henselitial ell,'etts t rctsvilhinsc froni Cthe ?? of JARDINE'rS DEPURATIIVE BALiI - FOR 'THE 1 k TR, the P'roprietor lasa beets iisds'd to bring it I~foirc the I'Lib 'ic by sneanss of ?? isnetit. The Iproptetties lii ?? Balmfs in removing Scturf attd othr Jrstnptsriti e, inductsing t aheatitiy gr,%vtis and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i~ppications by letter resPecits,. adv ertaeo~c ost'epe ad erthel weill noat be -receivedr. Applications djirected tor'be made; at ?? print~ers must be persona : in such, cases, ' no. seriesen corn lenunications. can be attensded to. l'ersonol inquires-e cannot be £nswered, when the address is to be by letter. W~1ANTED'. ON MNt Wo btahe. Linen Draper nd Co. ''brewery IA,. t 'andt ?? ai the Oak ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PI1ANO FORTES. -J.- TOWNSEND most II- 47 e7 otfully~duvites his Friends and the Publio aO ns ?? laat NEW PATENT COTTAGE PIANO FORTTEI, by Broidwood and Sons, iso d 0 rcelebrated-nanl-. faoturers, vvhich he ba oled a risty from other- eateerned makers, allaw rice,lfrom £20 upwards. S everal seeo an roa Col ard, and others. Plano fortes tuned and repaired in town or country. 'The Sikbh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 ON CE ItT H A L L, LORD NELSON~-STRtEET. The Public i. respectfutlly inifoenet that an arrangement Itnii teen, cltered into V, ?? B-N Altliter of '' Te l'otheintianBlo,'GM' Dtughter of St. Mtark,''&. &1C., to gie h Ci-i 1J'II HARN AMt) DRAMATiICI E'NTERTAINMENT' Ic iw ?? Chic lireit 'fcTt( -ctii tlte 4th Jlooc --tl t it't~ UVening. tderinig thle ve~i,~ jetiitlutelicn- BUi .M tN N 'Vlctv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V~o be l~et, ?? ?? . - . Iftellin osd CHEETH*K! HILL PT1WOOID MOUNT.- 7 TO BE LET,,, Deta ~ ~USE with drawing, dining, and breakfast roomus, five be bc~k and fhront gardens, With C: a stable.-luqnird of h1r3Y 710 BE LET,.the~jlRQUSE, No. 1, Charles Ter-'r T3.race, Cheethamn Hilll' ;a'yriture, which is quite new, and of the very best de h4lan~ b aen at a valuation. E 'plyto Messirs. T.-LI.FIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A~ip7cations by ,etter ?? - 7~ pspi er theyw.781 not~er cetce . Applications directed to be made at thle printers must be pereenal: in suchi cases,. no written cmr munitatitons can be attended to. Personal inquiries eanuot be., answered, when the address is to be bpleter. .L.u~ardians of this union, a 'MEDICAL OFFICER for the Newohurch district, comprising the township of.Newcisus'h:t salary, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 ELET, Siv BEeHO ?? by T DWELLTNG IMFH ta iR Sel-treet and O Tom ?? oo r tvry. moerate. W A t~~ Mr. JONATHA LE2~ t4,Fontoin-street,M PO BE L T fr 4aonth. or.Itwo, a Ready- Pt T furnished' H SE1vitb1!9 CL fb mid walk at the of Bowaton Railway Sitt-; A*. beif a V~lJ,- Cm is-street. d FJ~ 0BE LE, Seeral4ivlyerected an&d'Wecll- l I. finished HOUSES ,,JV .and Queenudirvet', to Rushelme; rents ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Th is Day, (Tuesda'll,) the 4th inistant, at lfalf-jitust One0 o'clock, at the CommIercial Sale-room, Temiple-court, 6O Barrells 10 Firkin4 ~ knierican GREASE BUTTER, 831 legs, ) 148 Boxes BACON. Apply to WILLIAM GARtDNERt and CO., Brokers. This Day, (Tulesday,) the 4th instant, at Twelve o'clock', at thle Broker's Oflice, Virginia-buildings, South Chapel-street, 1574 Bags RICE, Ex Elizabeth , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1rIIE ELIZABETH HASTINGS, To the CVDITORS qf the LI lEI'RPOOL AERCfrRy. 7 i GNTLEi ?? my arrival in Liverpool, a short time since, I obhservd anl article in thc Shippingy and IfMercratflc Ci/fatte, iilder darte of Mlarch 2nd, dotailing a very singular ease that S (eti~ri ed unit-I thncne Navigaltion Law. A veseS, tho Elizabeth r Ilastill9s. sin s the snlticle, has left the port. I certainly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V l r o t c n i n u avre e, ' d . . . . ?? -- ' afflictedsinal Pzirdted atd publishe at evl 'tsi PUOknown I* 1Rd EIA ND, re 2uc wro enorT ree Hihe sad dht 05We7 sf n ytO rd es in s all cae o t e n mst~atices of u iea the really po r r ts i e 10 Z ONE FROM ToLEXFNRM :O MRS. SKE.LDrD - 32, Cooper-stree, Manchester i end T-.B, IROCHOALE every Wednesday, tot Mrs. rl' PRESTONc every Friday and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CUCUMBER GROWERS, GARDENERS, &C. j DOBSON AND SON, Booksellers, We., Chrounicle Office, 17, Market Place, rest Preston, occ T) EG to remind their Country friends and others, that to, o they have received their usual supply of CUCUMBER if PAPER, manufactured expressly for themselves, which they are offering at the following prices:- avr wee sd. and 12ft. Oin. long, by 2t. wide.. 3 3 per ...