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Advertisements & Notices

... CALEDONIAN NORTICIVIRXAL SOCIETn. TrIEE EXTRA SU fIER. COMPETITION MEETING T will be held in the SOcETi 'S GARDEN, INVERLEITrH, On SATLKDAY; 6th JSty 1850, nvhen Premiums will be award- ed for ShTubby Exotics, Cape Heaths, Fuchsias, Tropical &C., all in terms of the published Pxzie-List. On the same occasion an EXHIBITION and PRoIMII- NA)E. wzith MNilitary Muaic,will takieplace, w^>hen the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'No1w Our, MURRAYS4' TIME T~kfBES,, .C ,5~TjGtl J~ -T of the EAawNAY, To be lied of all the Booksellers, and At the Railway 'Stantions, &c., &~c. -wflmA'S MU RRAY & SON 1a St. Enstix Square, and 8 Argyll Sr et ' lsg . ~?l A/ - t/i v ~ i e ~ ai lli g e ~ ~ s e ~~ 0/ o ilie r ch a n g e s tha t . y ESASPOLITICAL AND) M1SCELLANEOUS. Br AI'cmtI1ALD AI/Io-y, L`LD., ,kuthor of the Historv of Europe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?9 6 t9 SItYE TERRIER FOUND, 30 At the Caledonian Railway Station, on Friday Morning last. 4 , SKYE TERRIER BITCH.-She will be returned to the M A , ?? onl proving his property and paying expenses, by r1 applying to Samuel Forbes, Mechanics' Tavern, Trongate, and if not clainmod within Eight. Days, will be Sold to pay costs.. TO LEND, . XENTY THOUSAND POUNDS, in Sants frouln 300 to ti 1 96000, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECIAL NOTICE. ?? orESFED PRIOR TO CHERISTMAS 1850 WILL SECURE THlU o PARTICIPATION IN THE SECOND DIVISION oF pgOFI5 AT CklRIsTuMMis 1853. ENobIleH AND SCOTTISH LAW LIFE ASSURANCE AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. DIRECTORS IN EDINBURGH. be r J. cison, Esq., Adrocate, Sheriff of Renfrewshire 7poicteat ?? ; I AD n Eq. ?? 19 Claremont Crescent. kA nale l~ie, Esq., Advocate, 14 Randolph Crescent. Cl~tle9 13 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' ABERDEEN RAILWAY COMPANY. L O A N S. E DmnE(i'ORS will have a few THOUSAND POUNDS ., of DEBENTURES to dispose of, at the 20th cur'tut, ait 4 per Cent. Interest. The Debentures will be given off in sums to suit Leaders, and the Interest will be made payable Half- Application to be made to the SECRETARY. By order, / : GEO. REITH, Secretary. Aberdeen, 11th June, 1850. To Paper Makers. TO BE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4; 10 -7oU~ e and 3ten's Sismera Coots, all English- Z On de, of first-rate Workmajlip, that FPit cerl, Look well, and Wear well, in Six Sizes of chat Class. O0fice Coate. Shop Coats. Morning Coat. *. P Riding. Coat&. T Fishing Coaty. Shooting Coati. in Fanty Cheeks, Tweeds, Olives, Greys, Drabs, Btile) and Blacko, . 1I5s. 6cl. to 25s. Gd.- A Superfine Black Cloth Coat, Lustre Lined, for :25s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, 1jIEGS to announce that ho has received, ex the City of Lond on, three dozen ofsecond-hand RidiugSatldles,by the bast London makors, viz:-essrs WVillkson and Kidd, Whip- hieh Cufw, Gibson, Collie, and sevoral other eminent makers, 'uhich wfll be sold cheap. Pertmnantcaus,Sponges, Vbips, Gold, Silvor, and Cord-mounted Walking Calles, &o., &C. ^6 ?? article in ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRELVA3INAIRY 751EETI9-G. J4LL opposed to B'UILDI.NG on the MOUND are respect- A fullv invited tf, MEET in the WATERLOO ROOMS, I THIS DAY (TH:URSDA),Y). at Two ?? P.3m.. to consult Y as to the best mean' of savinga the Mound iron destructiou. P GRAN'D NATIONAL ARCHERY MEETIG. r1HE COMMI.% EE of MAN-AGEMIINT beg to announce that a BALL will take plaee on the occasion of the Meet- ing, in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of A PURSE LOST. d- T OST, Yesterday, between the Argyll Arcade and Partick, a rie LShort PURSE with Gold Beads and Clasp, containing £8 orin One-Pound Notes. Any Person finding the same, and returning le it to Mr. A. Macmillan, Jun., Jeweller, 5 Argyll Arcade, wil be is suitably rewarded. V te A- DOG LOST. 6 2 TRAYED, from Helensburgh, about a Fortnight ago, a Brown S COLLIE DOG, with a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &COMME RCIAL FIRE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. CAPIrTAL, £0,0 IIFAD OFFICE-No. 73 CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. 'crS mar be effected with this Society, at LOWER I \SqA>- 11s I h;QUlITABLE RATES than those charged , other Proprietor) Company. 'juriES WHIUH XfPIRED WITH OTHEF OFFICEs IT y 7il EIRM OF MIPDSUM.M1ER (24tA lNST~ VT), CAN| r NJ yh'4 \aIEED TO THIS GOF CE FREE OFC CHARGE. J, t e;lc ?? reyttltttiofls of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUJITTING THE MANSE, C itT 11, TIIE DISRUPTION OF THE SCOrTBYI CHURCH 1843. Fyl\LAy, CArVER, GILDEn, End ].'IUNTSELLER, begs 01,j , , to i lniiate, that o iing to the great desire of J ?? 'he ha sn again obtained perm~issioni to Exhibit in ' er0 5 l9tic', a days GEORGEHARVE' ideeply interesting fdit) *r QUITTING T t MANSE, ridhil ,c the vsrpthion of the Scottish nurelinl3in w Aan1f50yiuistV > ...