Advertisements & Notices

... O]{1TIG2ColTE ?? DI'VI- F 1,12.0 fo tli~~E~iNi) IAL~uYEA 3, lOI, of thue FIVE PEE, tENT. STOCK jell andi FOU'R PR CENT. STOCK 1545 i. I,,I i te.adI ?? of tile Old ICneeovertcd I3OndS, anl licrethu In clue inoiitho intenuus the ind ?? H of ,e unmliur and Janualiry noioiin, will be PAID at the Per- l~ egne iancial Agency, an Tiunsdy, the lot ofAug'st- next, and ccr hioeg N11(monay Ld Thiursilo v ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -F MANKINI) are more liable toaone Diseas 1 than another, or if there are any particular Affections Of the Human Body we require to have a knowledge of O0t the rest, it is certainly that clas of DisorderB treated of if the New &nd Improved Edition of the SILENTr FUD. Ibe Authors, in thus sending forth to the world another Editio o their Medical Work, cannot refrain from expressing their grti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, 1jIEGS to announce that ho has received, ex the City of Lond on, three dozen ofsecond-hand RidiugSatldles,by the bast London makors, viz:-essrs WVillkson and Kidd, Whip- hieh Cufw, Gibson, Collie, and sevoral other eminent makers, 'uhich wfll be sold cheap. Pertmnantcaus,Sponges, Vbips, Gold, Silvor, and Cord-mounted Walking Calles, &o., &C. ^6 ?? article in ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. MR. AND MRS. KEAN, pasqiog through Dublin, MR. CALCRAFT has availed himself of this opportunity to engage these eminent per- formfers for TWO NIGHTS ONLi. They will therefore' appear on Thursday and Saturday Next, 4th and 6th July. ON TO-MORROW (Thursday), 4th July, 1850, w Will be performed the New Tragedy, in Five PActs, called STRATHMORE. / Sir Rupert Lorn, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ply of M R M T H W , n c , G~aitide.. a da' y .stetootnebets ic to', melee at, itdi l ioree ai eyt, and is thes well ol wat knw atrsuc hn v d ifeare aoderate, nals W n ucdi l ae otec ntne of his ?? AI P0O]ITANT TO THE'MIDDLE iCLASSES. notice I3 TEtI made at the following Low. Prices, at JORDAN eIy&HA -(ugo etit tb et, 13, BRAZENZ sted OSE-_ MACESX B. d.- at. re- For. a~i ot. ?? ?? 2 8. bone. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Appications by fetter reelpecting advertaeemesai miut be posatpaid, d or- they wilt rswt b receired. Applica tions directed to be enrode of the printers ?? be personala: .in such cases, no woritten comn- mrrnicaxions can be attended to. P'ersonal infuiries cannot be0 answered, when the address is to be by Ictter. ' W ANTED immediatelyA DW LLIfG HOUSE (Detaold i VVererred) wit go, jjsr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MRS. GLOVER'S FAREWELL 1 BENEFIT-Under' the Patronage of His Graca the Duke of J Devonshire, £tis Grace the Duke of Beaufort, tho Marquis of Nor- U maaby, the Earl of Glengall, Earl Fitzhardinge, &c. &o.-wIll a1 take place at D.ury-laro Theatre on FRIDAY, 12th of July, 1800, rc on whioh occasion Mr. V, Farren, Mr. Webster, Mr. Keeley, Mr. Ji CO, Mathews, and Madame Veatris, ilss Helen Fauelt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gU ESS d Co. DOUBLE STOUT, G per dozen-quarts 4s. 6d. ; p~nis-2s. 9d. IPer Donen. Sassand C6'sEastIndiaPaleAle de. 041. quarts, as. 6t3. pints. Edinburgh Ale ?? . .. 041 O , e.64 , DroghedaAle ?? 4s. 2d , . Sd. Preston PansTable Beer ' . ,. 8Iii Winf mad Spkits equalymoder atPIWDLXTER, MACIE, and Co', 1, Upper Welllngton-*treet, Strand. A SHBY'S-1m INIAEORT PALE ALE.- W ateso-ra.IND= ALEAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EWULAR LINE of PACKETS between R LONDON and CHINA.-Tbe nedermentiofed ships will be despatched from London punctually on the days named for HOXG. KONG and CANTON: INVRsTIGATORI, IL G. GILMORE, oommazidez, to sail 10th Jul), lyineg in the East India Docks. SIR EiDWARDI PARRY. B. D). PP.EEMMA, commander, to 0ul 10t August, lng iin the West India D.ock& s. The above sp are clabed A 1, at loYd's, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. WRIGHT. TO PUBLICANS AND OTHERS. X M R. WRIGHT will SELL by AUCTION, on -: M~MONDAY, July 8th, 1850, on the Premises of r. Mr. Hood, sign of the MARQUIs of ANGLESEY. King- n street, Derby, a valuable assortment of BEwINGoVEssELs, I Fixtures, Sign Board, Gas Fittings, HOUSEHOLD FuBNs- TURE, &C., &C. g Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. h The HOUSE to LET, apply to the AUCTIONEER, at his 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAMPFORD ARUNDELL, Nera WELLINGTON, 2omerset. 0 be LET, for a Term of 5, 7, or 10 Years, T from Miebaelmas-day next, all that desirable FAMILY RESIDENCE, .aled JVERESOOTE, With its Lawn, Plantations, excellent Walled Garden (about an acre in extent), and 60 Acres of Arable and Pasture Land. The House contains an Entrance Hall, Dining, Draw. ing, and Breakfast Rooms, Library, Six Bedrooms, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRELVA3INAIRY 751EETI9-G. J4LL opposed to B'UILDI.NG on the MOUND are respect- A fullv invited tf, MEET in the WATERLOO ROOMS, I THIS DAY (TH:URSDA),Y). at Two ?? P.3m.. to consult Y as to the best mean' of savinga the Mound iron destructiou. P GRAN'D NATIONAL ARCHERY MEETIG. r1HE COMMI.% EE of MAN-AGEMIINT beg to announce that a BALL will take plaee on the occasion of the Meet- ing, in the ...