... THORNBITRY FLOWER SHOW. Thle summer shlow of the Thorabury Horticultural Society '~took p ?? on Tuesday, and once morewaB the-wonted quiet of 10the old town disturbed by the, doobtiess not unwelcome, pre- ~'senee of gaiety and bustle. The morning wag cold end lowering, ;e wvith fitful gusts of wind, seemingly portentous of a coming storm, and certainly giving promise of anything but the bright ...


... woetr~+ ISM sMOUNTAIN STREAMS.-By CIHARLES MACRAY. WUAT time the fern puts forth its rings- 'WV hat time ?? early throstle sings, I love to fly the murky town, And tread the moorlaeds, bare and brown; From greenest level of the glens To barest summit of the bens, To trace the torrents where they flow, Serene or brawling, fierce or slow; So linger pleased, or loiter long, A silent listener to ...


... A DAY-DISEAM. I XEVEO heard, nor is it important, vhy omy fathmer, Major Von Dagen, all old officer of the king's German legion, resolved to bave me educated ill ills nativc country. B3e that as it may, at au early age I was sent fron England to at town in the nortit of Gerumay, wehere I pmtssed flour years in the house of' a worthy and kind-hearted protbssor, and which I quitted at the age ...


... t.-'b v 4 - _ _ _ _ _ _ HER MAOJ Ol I 6 i tBATRE. For some weeks past the appearance in one of the boxes of her Majesty's Theatre of a lady of colour has caused much conversation in the lobbies, and the rumour that this was the same lady who, under the name of the Black Malibran, had created a great sensation in Paris, con- tributed much to increase curiosity. Biographies, too, have been ...


... ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY-EXHIBIT:ON OF ART AND MANUFACTURE. Pursuant to our intention, intimated in our preliminary notice in Tuesday's FRHEMANI, we now proceed to give our readers a detailed account of the principal features characte- risingthis exhibition, which comprises an array of specimens of mechanical and artistic skill, the nmst extensive and mag- nificent ever presented for public ...

Public Amusements

... ioltblic fintuormuto.. QUEEN'S THEATRE. ne Mr. Kirkland, a young aspirant for his- il trionic fame, has teen representing soile of W Shakspeare's best characters for several nights Sti with great success. The pieces usually repre- th sented at this theatre are of a melo-dramatic la character, and the company being adapted for co such pieces, any artiste in the higher walk of tragedy, ...


... AMERICAN EXHIBITION OF TlE] 1 i WORKiS OF ALL NATIONS, 1852. t Prnsnqalh in thf a , . . .,.1 : _ D - t Proposals for the tratsfer'to .Ameri ca of selectiouo from I our own forthconaing great exhibitiou cf next'yar.hf ju e been- submintted to the ?? ,ext thea Cityhpvei .t in CLeapside. The. project is considered a bold oae, but e not less practicable thaa bold. Thc American eutie- InNo who have ...


... WeDl0w. t THE NATIONAL INSTRUCTOR. Part I II. London: J. Pavey, Holywell-street. t UNDER the guidance of its able editor this I publication is, -week by week, advancing in in- r terest, and the importance of its contents. e This part contains admirable articles on a ICompetition, - Pauperism, Labour, 11 Socialism, &o., &c. Mr. O'Connor con- d tinues the narrative of his Life and Adven- ...


... QUEEN'S TH1IKA I'E ROYAL. The magnificent spectacle of The Golden Branch was pre- sented for the eighteenth time on last evening at this plea- sant and elegantly-arranged theatre. The role of the young Prince Bunmpy, afterwards transformed' into the beautiful Prince Peerless, was personated admirably by Miss Julia St. George. This accomplished voung actress and vocalist seems to have acquired ...


... Death's Jest-Book, or the Fool's Thaye4ly. Pickering. The mere title of this dramatic poem recalls a play by Webster, or Cyril Tourneur, and its contents more vividly remind us of those great writers. But not as and imitation. The author of this extraordinary production is nio. imitator. He is a man. of the most original genius. Lawless and unrestrained are his flights of imagination, his ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ; zl~fjtioll altl FaricticWe THE COURT. 1Iccl Aciajcstv and the Royal family remained hi comparative retiremenct at ?? Palalce, Uietil TlIirilaS~V aftercioon, when til ?? re movedm to Osborneo, Isle of Wig ht, en lime it, is expec ted to reniainuemetil [ier Maljesty sets out for the lligh. lands, inl the early part of next cololili. Tic Qaceic and Princa Albert wcrc accompainied to Osbrnee by ...


... -- - -- ?? - n.1-- t-s nohpw THI;E SUADIU bDlISA-fl. The woods my church, to-day-ry preacher boughs, Whispering high homilies through leafy lips; And worshippers, in every bee that sips Sweet cordial from the tiniest flower, that grows 'Mid the young grass, and in each bird, that dips Light pinions in the sunshine as it throws Gold showers upon green trees. All things around Are full of ...