Advertisements & Notices

... CALEDONIAN NORTICIVIRXAL SOCIETn. TrIEE EXTRA SU fIER. COMPETITION MEETING T will be held in the SOcETi 'S GARDEN, INVERLEITrH, On SATLKDAY; 6th JSty 1850, nvhen Premiums will be award- ed for ShTubby Exotics, Cape Heaths, Fuchsias, Tropical &C., all in terms of the published Pxzie-List. On the same occasion an EXHIBITION and PRoIMII- NA)E. wzith MNilitary Muaic,will takieplace, w^>hen the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~PANISH THREE PER CENTS.-PAYMdENT, Sr f ftse DIVIDEND oitthisSTOCK, which becomes due- onl 3r J he 0thingian, wil vinueuc ?? Financial Cent- oi Lminssions of London and flaris--viz., at the former, No. 7, Toketi- house-yard, every 'fuisirday and Saturday after the lst af July next, between ithe honrs of Eleven and Two. As the Ceuptons Jo ust be left three daspre-viously for examination, they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 F MANIUND are more liable to one Disease than another, or if there are any particular Affections of the Human Body we require to hve a knowledge of over the rest, it Is certainly that class of Disorders treated of, in the New and Improved Edition of the SILENT FRIED. The Authors, in thus sending forth to the world another Edition of their Nedical Work, cannot refrain from expressing their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QCOTTISH FETE.-HER MAJESTY'S VISIT.- In ARCHERY, and the SCOTTISH NATIONAL SPORTS and PAS- TIMES, will take place in Lord Holland's P.zk, Ncitting.hll, THIS DAY, the ]et, andt TO-MORRiOW, the 2nd of Juily, under the joint direction of the HIGHLAND tiOCEETY ofwlailh His Bo'slHigbneess PRINCE ALBERT is Chief, and the SCOTTISH SOCIETY, ofv whic the meat noble the Margnls of Breadialbane is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ., REV. THOMAS: SCOT'S COMMENTARY o ni ie L ?? the BLEBPR' -C T1 The PROPBlflMORS ot 8900TV8. ItBEl t be en aonbb tuit at they inten llud eutlugteO SPCOD- SUB8EtO ON 'EDITION to ce prmson the I0th gi~uy- AU names se~t in, irk witholut delay. The OubilcW hoinbve the gudtes ooeetta rk a'l'it beT tht raa~pamble -to pwoduce the w90 fog ourilmhnikl Mt ro6exceed.. ly bily low rce h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? STRICTURE OF T1IE URETHIRA. Cotl Just publishcd, price Is., by Post free, 46. in addition, %hil 4FEW WORDS onl pERINIBAL SECTION, o recoimmended by, Professor S3ymo, for thle Cure of Stine- thle ture of thec Urethra, adonl Mr. Wadc's rec ent Remarks thereon extl as, also onl his Truatutent Nvitli tile Potassa Fo ss. CI ?? F. B. COURTrENAY, TVl.R.C.S.E. Par Published by H. IBaillite, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ONDON TO PARIS'. -SHORTEST ad. .LU CHEAPEST ROUTS to the CONTINENT (vll Newbavon and IDleppe).-LUNDON, BRIGHTON, and SOUTH, COAST RAIL. WAy.-First classand chief cabln, 42s.; second class and fore cabin, 32g. Return tickets from London to Pasrts and back~ snmo versea, with the privilege ?? IS clear days ins L~odon or ParsFirst elm sand chiefcablin, 63.;L second alass and fore cabin, 48g. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II,~kM to INDIA and CHINA via,. EGYPT.- 's O~ LY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for K* I-,t iit fticods to CKYLON, MADRAS. CALCUTTA, t N: .- ~.lNGAt'OhIE sued HONG KONG, - The PertisetilarI Is-5,i lsii'sols fsr ithe tilsiois ports lis their stearlers, start- Co i ijtol oil the 20tli of every monthi,and fromt Suez tCI- (ib-f the mtonth. ni~ l~i~stissers tr Bomrbay caln proceed by this Co'.- ?? ofthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. CALCRAFT has muich pleasure 'in announcing that MR. AND MRS. KEAN, ,Fing through Dualin, have, in the kindest manner, red their valuable servxees to perform for his BIENEFIT', Ills EYrENING (Monday), July Ist, 1850, on which occasion will be acted the popular New Play of THE WIFE'S SECIRET, Sir Wealter Anyvot, Mr. Kenn ; Lady Eviline Amyot, Mlrs. ,qn, Lard Arden, Mr. 11. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'No1w Our, MURRAYS4' TIME T~kfBES,, .C ,5~TjGtl J~ -T of the EAawNAY, To be lied of all the Booksellers, and At the Railway 'Stantions, &c., &~c. -wflmA'S MU RRAY & SON 1a St. Enstix Square, and 8 Argyll Sr et ' lsg . ~?l A/ - t/i v ~ i e ~ ai lli g e ~ ~ s e ~~ 0/ o ilie r ch a n g e s tha t . y ESASPOLITICAL AND) M1SCELLANEOUS. Br AI'cmtI1ALD AI/Io-y, L`LD., ,kuthor of the Historv of Europe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?9 6 t9 SItYE TERRIER FOUND, 30 At the Caledonian Railway Station, on Friday Morning last. 4 , SKYE TERRIER BITCH.-She will be returned to the M A , ?? onl proving his property and paying expenses, by r1 applying to Samuel Forbes, Mechanics' Tavern, Trongate, and if not clainmod within Eight. Days, will be Sold to pay costs.. TO LEND, . XENTY THOUSAND POUNDS, in Sants frouln 300 to ti 1 96000, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECIAL NOTICE. ?? orESFED PRIOR TO CHERISTMAS 1850 WILL SECURE THlU o PARTICIPATION IN THE SECOND DIVISION oF pgOFI5 AT CklRIsTuMMis 1853. ENobIleH AND SCOTTISH LAW LIFE ASSURANCE AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. DIRECTORS IN EDINBURGH. be r J. cison, Esq., Adrocate, Sheriff of Renfrewshire 7poicteat ?? ; I AD n Eq. ?? 19 Claremont Crescent. kA nale l~ie, Esq., Advocate, 14 Randolph Crescent. Cl~tle9 13 ...