... LORD KINNAIRD'S BILL-ATEETING OF JUSTICES. A meeting of the Justices of' tile City of Edlinburgh was held on Thursdaing foreooc in the Council-Chamber, for the purposc sof taki'ing hco consideration the provisions of Lord Kinnaird's bill. The mceeting was well attended, and on taking tise chair, The Lord Provost stated that he had convened the meeting in consequence oi' a iequisition which had ...


... COURT OF COMMON COUNCILb Qa Friday 4 court was held for the despatch of business. RIEMOVAL OF SMITlFIZLD MARIIIT. 'The TOWN CLERK read the following letter from Mr. G. Cornewafl Lewie to the Remembrancer, upon the subject of Smithfield Market: YWhiteba'l. June 24, i850.-3r,-r ar directed by Secretary 51r G. Grey to enclose for your information a o~py or the repxort made by the commnissioners ...


... it ARMAG H. nc (Fitom our, CORRESPONDENT.) Thursday Night, 10 o'clock. The jury have just come into court with a verdict, acquit- Ia tiny the prisoner Bryan Hanratty. the foreman stating that tii the jury found themselves coerced to give the prisoner the benefit of their doubts. Co A large crowd of persons was assembled outside the court- 01 house, awaiting the result, and the announcement of ...


... NORTHERN CIRCUIT-DUReAto, JULY 25. The commission vas opened yesterday, and business was commenced ?? moring at ten oclock. The cause list contains 15 causes, Including t-o epeci.1 jury eases. The calendar contains 67 prisoners, the heaviest cases being-1 manslaughter and 3 rapes, and S cases of indictments for keeping houses of ill-fame. NISI PRIUS COURT. [Before Mr. Justice Cresswell.] LEWIS ...


... FLINTSIIIRE QUARTER SESSION. 'I'his qeslion was held on Thursday, before E. L. R Ilichlla s, E sq., Chairlla (Jndgc of the County Courts), L thc V enerablc Arclhdeacon Clough; Captain DMorgan, (,olden Grovc; Colonel Phillips, Ithual; Robert Wells, tl 1 sq , lPhisbellen; 'Peter Parry, Esq., Mole J. W. I'stoi, Esq., Lecewsood ; Lt. F. Lloyd, Esq., Nanunerch Sil 1'ierc :'itt, Talarc ; Capt. ...

Police Intelligence

... volict latellisture. , jec FRIDAY, JULY 5. ho PUDLICANS AND BnoRSocssRas.-The following oases iut were heard :-Ralph Fazakerley, publican, Tithebarn- lie street, fined 20s. Bce-emllers: Richard Griffiths, Robert- I street, having persons drinking on his premises at unlawful enli hours, 20s. and costs ; Thomas Roden, Robertson-street, hai -Park, 20s. and costs ;Thomas Owens, Norfolk-street, ...


... * n . n _ t . . C.ESTL'AL CRa-MNaAL COURT, JULY 11. (Fromn the Times.) having been appointed for the trial of Robert Pate for ucaleig hr MjesVty a great deal of interest appeared to be ,Tjgher shrtlhwvehd ae the proper precautions crsne-t the court from being inconveniently crowded, and no toss were dadmitted except by their authority.. 10 ,ooclock the learned judges, Mr. Baron Alderspgn, Mr. ...


... ACTION FOR FALSE IMIPRISONMENT ILU ; N i'I I . I A. 3 - i ' z z \ . : ?? - 0 r P _V.- d tt ile County' Court, on Nirediesdaclw tb e long d pcedllin case bettweenl the Wolverilhanptoll men aind the f piolmi !e t mlis cityg caline on for a second haitering. Cott- S1101 elbl hiterest wa's elicitodi as to tile resoilt of the memv tiial, iad duiring timc hearing of tile cauec mhiich Occm- - 'pied ...


... :The Midsummer General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for this County was held on Tuesday; at the Castle of Exeter, before W. M. PAiED, Esq., Chairman; Hon. A. Fellowes; - Carew, Esq.; 7r. Qaicke, Esq.; Rev. J. P. Sydenitam * Rev. W. Karslake; Rev. J Pansford; W. Hole, Esq., Bovey; C. J. Cornish, ESq.; R. Peek, Esq.; J. Garratt, Esq.; M. B. Bere, Esq.; Sir J. Dackworth, Bart., M.P.; Rev. H. ...


... TE E Ii o ax COSE AT OALPIT l RZATEH' - ?? I Hannah Curtis, who wa suspected of causing ?? of heriusband, by, the means of arsenic, at the village of Coantpit Heath, near Bristolb, 1 been committed en the carosier's warraot-for wilfojlmutc1er. The follevwing ,wit-. 5nes5se were eteamined at the inqueat h u t Mary Anied Eliott, wife ot' George Ellidttbe dtiak sed thtea she wa the daughter of ...


... THE POLi CORTS. f MANSION.H1OlX ;Su- B OUTILA. DY A WATZRXAN.-J. Wililors,'a Waterman, 1 F attending the cab-rank in King Williasn-strreet, was charged E with an outrage upon. Mr. G. B. Fisher, a clothier, of Bath ; r From the evidence of the proneentor, ani ex-sediogly dl r a minutive man, it appeared 'that he ws walking alongJ tng 1, Willia -street on Wednesday, when prisonev suddenly e ...


... La Tho following inquests were held on Tuesday :-On the to ne~r body of a child named Charles Ann Davidson, aged fifteen of Id molnths, who fell into a pan of ?? on Saturday night I last, and was ?? the body of a child named f Mro Margaret Kenny, eight weeks old, who had been over- . ?? the body of a child named Thomas Parker, who ed had also been overlain; aud oln the body of a boy named 's ...