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Advertisements & Notices

... ' ABERDEEN RAILWAY COMPANY. L O A N S. E DmnE(i'ORS will have a few THOUSAND POUNDS ., of DEBENTURES to dispose of, at the 20th cur'tut, ait 4 per Cent. Interest. The Debentures will be given off in sums to suit Leaders, and the Interest will be made payable Half- Application to be made to the SECRETARY. By order, / : GEO. REITH, Secretary. Aberdeen, 11th June, 1850. To Paper Makers. TO BE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~I n HINA vi& EGYPT.-I 1,1YMAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for ,0dtoEYLNMADRAS, CALCUTTA, S , HONGKONG. -The Peninsular ?? book passengers and re. 1 ~eaSIC5d 1,~~l fo itebove ports by their steamers, st~art- 5iirt~f',qttit~ he20th of every mnonth, ang frotm Suez Bottyaaproceed by this Coin- Malta, thetice to Alex- lilt' ~: ~er ~ frii5Sites, by the Hontour- I~~trtd.g~Mlts Onthe 20th anid 29th of every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4; 10 -7oU~ e and 3ten's Sismera Coots, all English- Z On de, of first-rate Workmajlip, that FPit cerl, Look well, and Wear well, in Six Sizes of chat Class. O0fice Coate. Shop Coats. Morning Coat. *. P Riding. Coat&. T Fishing Coaty. Shooting Coati. in Fanty Cheeks, Tweeds, Olives, Greys, Drabs, Btile) and Blacko, . 1I5s. 6cl. to 25s. Gd.- A Superfine Black Cloth Coat, Lustre Lined, for :25s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... niu- AT. E N AU A. T 0 OPE N:N p A CELEBRATION of the NEW LIBRARy A wl Wrfl take placle THIS EVENING. July,3rd, IS~; .. HAL t me The S-8ir ELKANAiH ARMITAGE in ?? ?? ounhe The Vocal and Instramental M io'SooCetis; ?? -nTh ReaingSocety an th Gymnastic Club, wlll take part in the Proceedings of the evening ., ., ?? ad,, - . p i t 1 - | Tichots-Gentlein c 2a I dies 16 ?? The receipts will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SELLING OFF. MARKET HEAD. T BOLUS & COMPANY beg to announce to the Inhabitants of Derby and the neighbourhood, that they are now offering their extensive STOCK of HATS, CAPS, &c. (Chiefly of their own manufacture), at an IMMENSE REDUCTION OF PRICES. The House and Shop to be LET or SOLD. EGAL AND COMMsERCIAL LIFE AND FIRE L ASSURANCE SOCIETIES. OFFicxs, 73, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. ADVANTAGES offered ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0111-PUBLICATIONS. 1U3, Great Uarlborough-street. MR. COLBURN WILL PUIBLISI,~ AR- During tlic Prcsent month, Ilito THE FOLLOWING NEW WORKS MITI GERMANt IA its vonirts, Caoops, and People. By the -arness -tile Blaze do bury. 2 v'ols, Svo. 11. !ape ADELAIDE LINDSAY. A newv Novel. Edited by tile Author -the of ?? Hinilia Wyndhame,' &o. 3 vols. (finniediately.) 0- Ill. *the~ Tile YEAR. BOOK of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H, VORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS are confidently 31 !r J_- recomrenetled as asirnple but certainremedy,toall wlo sulfer S. frm Indigitation, Sick Headache, Bilious and Liver Complaints, J, Heartburn, and Acidity of the Stomach, Depressed Spirits, Dis- tnvrbed Sleep, violent P'alpitations, Spasms, General Debility, Con. H tiveness, &e. They act as a powerful tonic and gentle aperient; are 8, mild in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O]{1TIG2ColTE ?? DI'VI- F 1,12.0 fo tli~~E~iNi) IAL~uYEA 3, lOI, of thue FIVE PEE, tENT. STOCK jell andi FOU'R PR CENT. STOCK 1545 i. I,,I i te.adI ?? of tile Old ICneeovertcd I3OndS, anl licrethu In clue inoiitho intenuus the ind ?? H of ,e unmliur and Janualiry noioiin, will be PAID at the Per- l~ egne iancial Agency, an Tiunsdy, the lot ofAug'st- next, and ccr hioeg N11(monay Ld Thiursilo v ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -F MANKINI) are more liable toaone Diseas 1 than another, or if there are any particular Affections Of the Human Body we require to have a knowledge of O0t the rest, it is certainly that clas of DisorderB treated of if the New &nd Improved Edition of the SILENTr FUD. Ibe Authors, in thus sending forth to the world another Editio o their Medical Work, cannot refrain from expressing their grti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, 1jIEGS to announce that ho has received, ex the City of Lond on, three dozen ofsecond-hand RidiugSatldles,by the bast London makors, viz:-essrs WVillkson and Kidd, Whip- hieh Cufw, Gibson, Collie, and sevoral other eminent makers, 'uhich wfll be sold cheap. Pertmnantcaus,Sponges, Vbips, Gold, Silvor, and Cord-mounted Walking Calles, &o., &C. ^6 ?? article in ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. MR. AND MRS. KEAN, pasqiog through Dublin, MR. CALCRAFT has availed himself of this opportunity to engage these eminent per- formfers for TWO NIGHTS ONLi. They will therefore' appear on Thursday and Saturday Next, 4th and 6th July. ON TO-MORROW (Thursday), 4th July, 1850, w Will be performed the New Tragedy, in Five PActs, called STRATHMORE. / Sir Rupert Lorn, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ply of M R M T H W , n c , G~aitide.. a da' y .stetootnebets ic to', melee at, itdi l ioree ai eyt, and is thes well ol wat knw atrsuc hn v d ifeare aoderate, nals W n ucdi l ae otec ntne of his ?? AI P0O]ITANT TO THE'MIDDLE iCLASSES. notice I3 TEtI made at the following Low. Prices, at JORDAN eIy&HA -(ugo etit tb et, 13, BRAZENZ sted OSE-_ MACESX B. d.- at. re- For. a~i ot. ?? ?? 2 8. bone. ...