Advertisements & Notices

... QUEEN'S ROYAL THEkATIEU.' HIS EVENING (Thursday), August 1, 1850; r the Performance to commence with the interesting Drains, calleda THE MIDNIGHT WATCH; Ot, AN ESCAPE FROM THE BASTILE. Pierre Delaroche, Mr. ReScnlds; Antoine Daval, Mr. v G1indstone; Coco, Mr. H. Bedford; Pauline, Airs. Harris; Niriette, Mrs. Goward. I To be followed with (Twenty-eight time) the New and original Fairy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,rro the HOLDERS of MEXICAN BONDS.-A |T GLENERAL MEETING of the BONDIIOLDERS will he held nt the London Tavern, Bishopsgatc-strect, THIS DAY (Thursday), at One o'clock precisvcy, to take into coneideration certain d(ifticltics which have been 11tat with in the carryinig out of som0e of the Resolutions of the last. General Meeting, andi for General PurpoSCs-Colltilittee of Mexican Bondholders, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B ALDNESS REMOYEDand PREVENTED.- B Tho POMMADE DEPURiATIVE, iivented by a physictln of the highest celebrity, who placed it in the hands of the pro- prietors solely to benclit the public, will in all instances restore the Hair, so lonl as vitality remains iii the bullb from which i springs. It is introduced with the greatest confidence and satis- fiction, aq io loubt of its renovating powier ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'DOYALITALIANOPERAXO-GAIWu ' Liiw EXThA NIGHT. LA JUlm : E INVENING (tbuxy) Aug. Jwirll be perhsno, X lewth newScaur7', cottum4s ad Decoo i, t LeOlrand Opera,. I. JRaE.- The l~brettQ byMl. Seibe .Themtao bylL elavy. Reeblae (the Jea), BioaM VlNAe; ZudadUe. Vea; 31ppldo, Signor Tamberft; Hu Iero, Msesat; A'bero 84aor reloal~t- Executoredella JUstbsna 8ne Rube.; CitizeflG 8sror, RMdml, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAVOUIT -NE*W ROMANCE An ?? ak : . ERu'S th bA: i ' ' : A' Az~ Sute~r~ln~ *3~I1 O e l ~ e r ~ e o & be p pti o aean ee r etg it -v m u ~ aabbof.abo~a . . Jdiataz e Laclagljl 1CE ?? t t as*enaa& W. ?? obl ru' b2 Oset M*tbOiI1'r . I' Now MmI_ in 1L4. Wm 0, ebare D.p YOu t ?? wi~tb iierary ofa . thai1d.d V 0 ?? e m(elm mol. km m wie, ofi Eapeswlma outtheftlnma~ftb*o sad i- I) I. I. . I L , . iq~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDINBURGH LYCELDx. WATERLOO ROOMIS. ThiS ?? B'etig. TIMIj SDAY, AuTOST 1, 1850. ?? gixe ?? Musical Entertain- r ment, entitlvrl'TE M TOI._. TOW: 2 Ibe ?? lewed by A n1USICAL MtELA\Nur.E. To-morrowv, GrOncr HiaAR , EY se1., A.)N A.. will delivc-r a lectil- on the R'ESURCEIS OF NORTI MER A ?? 'I C AL | r D O NZ I A N IH OR T I C U1 L T U R A L S O C I E T Y. EX;TRA COMPETITION MEETING will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M R. BIRD'S SEVENTH LETTER tothe LORD CHIEF JUSTICE, Will be deeply in- teresting to the TRuE LovEns of JUSTICE, and will be Published on or before TursDAY next, at SrxNcuR's Printing Office, 3, Soutbernhay Street. 3, GUINEA STREET, SOUTH STREET, EXETER. THOMAS DEY, WORKING PLUMBER, BRASS FOUNDER, . ZINC WORKER, &c., BEGS to return thanks for past favours, and JL hopes by punctual and personal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR CAPE: Of GOOD. H61~ Wi~t( fl C F'the THlOMA'S HENRIY, and mall ?? euouate5t.. A,,t)te ?? AfQBTRA180La U., Xtu, GEORGE 400MM~~~the ion..-au ft t 1 S LINDSAYAbc *hrilavtv klnd, -rOR SHANGR~AM ?? Fds1tch), thbe feet Rdlop~~bit1ena JjFN Al469 ton regise,*H. BUUiLNU wmne~~lj n A Dok Tbisa hip hat excellenst aco0 d ~ryeni __ freight r paae a ply tO .W..LIdA nit it Ahurch-l~c; orto W. O. GE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONET WANTED. L ^ on good Freehold Security, t ILIUM. ' the Interest to be paid Yearly. d paid letter, to C. MI., to be left at the Otlice of this Paper. STiLVICh\t HOUSET, BOVEY TRACEY. ao be LET FURNISHED, by the Week 0 1or ;\on~th, the above veryc DESIRABLiBE RESIDENCE, t'ntaining Two goo d S itting-rooms and Five Bed-rooms, - Withl Offices, Gal'e s, .&c, within h alf a mile of the S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHOLERA AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS IN GENERAL. f ICEY'S AND Co.'s, TRUEE DAFFY'S ELIXIit.- .1. This mnst 'exchen~t Medhcire- asbeen faithfnlly~ prepa'sd for upwards of a Century, from the purest Druge and Spirit6 that can' be procured, at the Original Warebouse, No. 10, Bow Church 1'ard, London; and has been attended with the fullest success in the Cure of Spasmr, Paius in the Breast, the most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COALS! COALS!! NIT HOLMES, in answer to G. H. JULIAN'S l/ . Advertisement of last week, begs to inform his kiud Friends aiad the Public that Superior Newcastle ?? Coals cannot be supplied at 19s. (id. per Ton, delivered free of all other charges; third-rate qualities, such as i Hebbern Alain Coal, can and are so delivered under the ' stolen name of superior. Superior Necvcastle AVallsend ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRAIJAN LINE of PACKET SHIP.- TO sail punctuallyl the, 20th. Augusol-Eur SYDNEY direct, tule sideaaild new fast sailing barqaio TAMAR~ AI3 for 12 N ear's, 030 tons register, TiiomAS, C. STAYNER, coniannulder; lyjiag iili thli London Ducks. Ti 'lueIcautiful vessel was built under the iispec- tion if the present owlier, expressly ais a passenger shipl ; las spelendid poop) ; great heightS ?? ...