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... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. HEAD OFFICE. - M1INISTERS' MONEY AGAIN.-Mr. Luke Dillon of Parlia- ment-street, propr etor of the Irish Wollen Warehouse, was summoned for resisting a distraint which the Rev. Mr. Mason, Rector of the parish of Sa'nt Werburgh, caused to be made on his property for minister's money. Mr. Fitzgerald appeared for the Rev. Mr. Mason. Mr. James Morrin attended on behalf of ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YEsTERDAY. HEAD-OFFICE ROBBERY OF A WATCH.-Maryanne Roberts was charged with having in her possession a small Geneva gold watch, for which she did not satisfactorily account. She was ar- rested yesterday morning at Wood-quay by Constable Doyle (73 A), who, in consequence of information which he re- ceived from her, subsequently proceeded to a house in Dean- street, where he found ...


... ENGLISH ASSIZ[RS.-LiV RLITOOI, TUESDnxY, AUGUST 20. FKlzsioaia . Ptzblic Cgicer Qf Ike iV ia/;olal Blank of Trelancl, v. Dodflsco, tble secretary of the Guaaranstee Society. Ti-is vas a special jury cause, and the action was Itronsaght upoil a guarantee enitered into by the Guarantee Society to scaunrc tile Nat ion al Banko of Irelanti againist any loss whidi iliigit he sustailled 1 y theis ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. HEAD-OFFICE. ExcisE PFosacumoi.--Mr. Carroll. stationer, 44, Lower Sackvilie-street, was proceeded against by the Excise for having in his possession contrary to the statute, &c., eleven paper labels, four of them. being charged as uncancelled alto- gether, and seven others as being but partially cancelled or defaced. The penalties sought to be recovered amoanted to ...


... DUBIAN POLICE-YESTHRDAY. EXCIIANGE-COURT OFFICE. Robert Weldon, of 84, South Great (George's-street, and Constable Murphy 102 B, applied for informatious against Mary O'Hara, who was brought up in custody. It appeared in evidence the prisoner went into the shop, No. 84, South Great George's-street, for the purpose of pur- chasing some matter of wearing apparel. After making a selection of ...


... I IMPORTANT TO PRINTEtOS.-O11 Friday last a case of considerable interest was brought before this court, at the in- stance of James Fisher, George Fisher, George Thomson, and William Priagle, compositors, against Alexander Thom, 87, Abbey street, formerly printer to her Majesty's public departments in Ireland, for the balance of money due to them for work and labour done in Mr. Thom's ...


... I - ~. ASIZF.S INTELLIGENCE. TIPPERARY-NORTH RIDING. I I MURDER. Pat Hogan was put at the bar, and given in charge, for a' that he, with a person named Michael Byrne, did, on the 11th 01 January, at Mount Falcon, kill and murder William Ardell, 81 by his (the said Patrick Hogan) discharging a loaded pistol, e: and inflicting a mortal wound on the left side of the body, of o which he died, ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-SATURDAY. HIENRY-STREET OFFICE. OUTniAGEoUS ASSAULT AND STREET RoBEERY 0F A LADY AT MID-DAY.-Two atoutyoung fellows of rather ill-favoured appearance, and a female, who was charged as an accomplice, and who gave their names respectively as Michael Canter- bury, John Dunne, and Eliza Ricket, were brought up in custody of Sergeant Hilliard 6 G, and Constable Donne A 44, and charged ...


... COtM~ISSSIUN COURT-YESTERDAY. C3NSSU, _OP.T The judges took their seats on the bench at shortly after id ten o'clock. fho RULING OF THE BOOKS. jai John M'Evoy and James Byrne, larceny, 18 months' im- ya prisonment and hard labour. Bichard Cullen, larceny, three months' imprisonment. lat Peter Daly, stealing a hlifer, transportation for ten years. wi Charles M'Caithy and Joseph Rooney, burglary ...


... I . - .. I EXTRAORDINARY CHIARGE OF MURDER.-At Gjildball, on Monday, William Roake was again placed in the dock before Mr. Alderman Kelly, charged with the murder of a man named Horigan and his mother, near the village of Bruff, in the county of Limerick, It may be remembered that the prisoner was apprehended about a fortnight ago, but was discharged because there was not sufficient evidence ...

Law Intelligence

... Law Thitc1li-pice, A rTHODERN LOCHINVARt. I-, tlie month of Febroary last, an incident, or series of inci- cents, occurred in the Hebrides, reported in the Xe'w.-Leller at thle tins, which excited considerable interest there and wherever the Story spread. It was a romance of love-of hove opposed by friends-of flight, pursuit, capture, arid res- siic-termiilating in marriage. Never was the till ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTEDAY. ' ., nIOED-0'OFICE.W William Doran, of Rathmines, apprentice to Mr. John qi Flynn, baker, charged Mr. Richard Walsh, attorney, of bi Brunswick-strtet,~.with having received from him money under false Pretences. Mr. Hojel acted as attorney for the accused. Mr. Porter, who with Mr. Wyse were the presiding magis- trates, read an information previously sworn by the corn-t ...