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Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.- GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. The Last Nighgt hut ''wo of the Season. Mline. FIOItENTINI (her Second Appearance). The nobility, patronus (.f the Opera, and the public are respect- fully infornied that a Graiid Extra Night Will take niace on Thurs. day next, Aligust ?? whei will he repeated Miir6at's eclebirted oPerat, 1liON G IOV A NN i, The Sceniery by Mr. Charles Mtrsball. Don ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -kANISlH FIvE PER CENT. STOCK.-Notice! U i lorei v jivei, that the INTIEEST ol DANISH FIVE VIS)t Cl'Y1' S'lOt'lK dtie the 1nt mc-!tvilber next, will be PAID t, - ii 3. 1,AM 01113i and So, on that anti each mccetalinm dav (Ivaedays aind Ferininnys exeepted), between the hours of 'ITca wanI TIv, v clont, at No. 70Q Old Broad-Otrect, lhere Lists arc to be I obtainied, :,ind CO(I'pO left ...

Advertisements & Notices

... c lt j.F A CSO(to sail on the 10th August froll -1vvroo), ?? st-olass, Liverpool-built JeOHN JONStl commander, burden per register 334 tci,-,lllgttt-riortvcotolmodatiolI for cabin ?? in' Irintec hlock, or to Bartont and, Brown, Blank-chain- Ca t tLvrooPRIl.dBAK -, le WiDtrot, Saton Wenesolday, nexAgut, ad eoveryI 01cktew tcreiw illtea ver WS ?? SatiEC a a. gor-orparieuar appl tof HAllst and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Abbertfiamento. HER MAJESTY S THEAkTRE. TWO FAREWELL NIGCHTS. THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NEXT- AT is respectfull announced that the 3L FAREWELL and 60\0LUlDING NiGHTS of thle Season will be given oui THUGSDJAY next, August 22nd, and on SATURDAY, August 24th. Applications for boxes, stalls, and tickets to be made at the Box-office of the Theatre. HEP. ISAJESTY'S T11iS TAiE. MADAME FIORENTINI. LAST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S TEAITRE. I It is respectfully announced that A GRAND EXTRlA NxITGHIT Will take place TN Thursday next, August st6h, syhenwill be presentelnro celebrated Ocure of DON GIOVANNI. (frhe Scenery byv Me Ciaes Macshal'1.) DeOn Giovanni, Sig. Cleti DnO is, i i iariil; atetta, Sig. F Lablache; L-uelSg eastO en na Edmo Fiereonit~ Dun Ilia tneGuiani: end Zeiv- line, NA ide Seeloag. With ...

Advertisements & Notices

... abbertiormento. ROYAL TTALIAN OPERA, COVENT GARDEN. FOUR EXTRA NIGHTS AT REDUCED PRICES. The Directors have the honour to announce that the Sub- scription Nights having beeji concluded on Saturday last, they have determined to give FOUR ADDITIONAL PER- FORMANCES, and by placing the prices of Admission at a Reduced Scale, to afford to a very large portion of the ?? Public on opportunity of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 're Af~~~omow seeip, ibtous M c*k, D- EM EW E~NXN .AJ~~Xotee~fth i .d01NAW f to A4TWG Aip Zoi~ewee. ?? £o~i~7t w~ey B~i1WR IN RU areIRY ~edene Wus~=' nartie 'Which to be ea aj ks~eond anda - vxw O &'r B ,B JR. OW OlW1laO4ilft M YOL Wdf ooh rae Anthor M AMUReeted xk .aipMoat ne Gegtt,osa the S Ws nlgber a Scadt to let' leaon jo obst~e npiroy th ?? wichwall the eter-lto Moa Uildnksi d oine.- ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAIEMORNE GARDENS, ]irector, 3Ir. ?? 1;. Shupson, Albion, Great lunssell Street. OPEN ezerv.daty itt threc Suntdavs, alr-past four. Initnense VB C 8; ot'ettlin's, new fairy ballet the OIIGIN OFIZIARLEQUIN. 3ladante Antonio's daring alnl terrhiic rscent and descent onl the 0e,15 in the tniddlc of Chevalier Mortramn's gorgeois fireworks. Sylvani and Thorn, its tte great lion icapers. Comic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T. JAMES'S THEAT=E.-LAST WEEK of 1 Mris. FANNY }XEMBLB'8 hE:ADINGS of BfXP51~t.-- E ORROW EVENING, Augusat 1, TWELTH NIGHT; Friday, August iS, The Winter's Tale; and a Morning Reading on Monday. August 19, King Lear. The Evening Readings will commence, as uval, at halt-past Eight. The Moring Iteading at bali.pest Two.- Boies, Stalls, and Tickets may be secured at Mr. MITCHELLS Royal Library, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~TEAM to INDIA. and OHI'A, vi4 ?? ~e~soCET=N1 ADRA, C M oj pz- Et ` and H0NG.K'NG.-ThePenbwtuaet agd Orknt'al atsnn' -'-unCmaybook passengers and. xeoelysgoI WaroeI bdyrtaenosemsug alroiot l' f ,BOMiAy.-PAwengere fo Bomby can pvwyhsqlpn' ,*mm& of the 29th of thO Monath to Malta, thee to :Al riny byc~sesty'aesteamtre, and from Sues by tlsengnot~r ?? ?? 'oteamers. OWMEUANSM.-Malta--on th~e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A z SECRE D ENTS.LEAED ROUSE an'i OR, a WAtWQB. the anae K ROAD: lO 2t aM a P betre in ?? e, Sa the GretD a eree Traft. I W and C. PUGH ar instmated bv- tbexh to- a of the late ownwo to PSELT by AUCTION, at d Me na the Bank of England, on WEDNEQDAY, epjbl et ?? 5 Lots, a gentedPRIVATE REXONC N., borghewaglwth-roadt lef on lose to rX. 110wo; Shny ?? end RIdeoc, No.. eand S2, 8urSrmy- t Old KeT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... awl uction. ?? OJ1AGE. wih ?? Ames ot near Geranord-brldp e tete.L44 IL PE IM y respeetf informs the pubH8 will evSELL by AUCTION, a~t a Oe4orgeafrno, unalew, TUOESDAY, September 17, at 2 for S. in Two tots, a roluablo ?RBEHOLDand 0OPYHOLD ESTATE, aensiating of a detatsi villa realdenos, cootaning ample socemmodation for a antail family, with s tabling, cooch-housae, a, lawn and plpease ...