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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... .Iiolfe. - SOUTRWARKl.-&- CLue To AN EXThNSIrt RoBinn ?? Brown, nicknamed' the Doc- in tor, and James Nicholson,. were charged with as- tb saulting and robbing John Jones of fifty sovereigns. th -The complainant, whose. head and face wore co ?? cut and bruised, stated that, on Saturday ce night, about nine o'clock, he went, accompanied by O a woman that lives with him, to Brown's house, 0O ...


... ? Vdict. ? ;, SOUTHWARK-,A- CLUs TO AN EXTIw51YE Roniar.- William Brown, nicknanmed the Doc- ?? and James Nichblsoa, ,were charged with as- t' saulting and robbing John Jones of fifty sovereigns. t -The complainant, whoso head and face were c frightfully out and bruised, stated that, on Saturday a night, about nine o'clock, be went, accompanied by s wa oman that lives with him, to Brown's ...


... SCOTLIND IN 1762.. A ease was lately tried in the Court of Common Pleas, as to the succession to the property of one LI William Goodwin, who died intestate in London in 1 1848, leaving property worth two or' three thousand ΒΆ1 pounds a-year. :It appeared that about the year bs 1780, David Goodwin, the younger, mnarried, and C went to reside at Fort-George, in Scoetland, and as I evidence of the ...


... ' olice. the I ?? BYAth SirorsAil.-william Joyce, was charged wi*h ?? seat. stolen seven sovereigns belonging'to' Mr. Frede~rickg the Young,' cheesmonger,,. ?? 'Silvet-strdet, Golden- ev 0square.. The proseciltor stated that-oil, Saturday ho othei popned a new- shop finthe abolve line* it '45, Silver- so str~eet, Oolden-squarei,and on the Friday previous who:; the prisoner carne and Solicited ...


... ~oift- WORS~hP-STREET.-R v--ce A LOD0OIWO ti UoUNE. youn respntable nippearance, * named John Yieid, was; Phiced' at-,the bar- befoN 'ti ,RK Hiamilni~ll charged ;fith~(havi~g` itoleni a ~sillrel d watch~b,; a.nd umerous'6ther-'artriles, ~thejrprt 11of mr. Samnuel Young;' coffeehouse.keepokrin Shore jitob. The p~rdseottor stated,'that'onthe m~enirig g of Friday!se inighit the prisoner caine to ...


... I oifce. :g ' ?? ?? ytuhe e nan of thiritessentable tappeartice, I tnhid Jhtnd iede was' plaed at the bar, before ti - r hammdioh , Farned 'tha hevod rjtn ao n ilver d e Mi. usal inm filed'todoo hovrevrsn upro sk . watch,, and' Diu ntous et her rticle th.ce S rtorehht , fl Mr. Sumuel Yoncfel oil hte~ inS or-C ?? i stated,. that eon t be m of Fridaysser ough room Rbtsonerl am ,te hothesed wt 'a ...


... MUIRDER BY STARVATION. Happily, the example of Mr. JusticeT- rounD, in the case of the BImDS at Exeter, has not proved contagious on the Bench. We have still Judges who possess enough of-legal learning and common sense to inform jurors, that when life hlas been taken by a series of wilful and deliberate cruel acts, the offence amounts to murder or manslaughter, accord- ing to the accompanying ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSION5. The August general' adjourned' session of the a peace for the County of Middlesex commenced on b Tuesday morning, at the Sessions-house, Olerken. v well, Mr. Witham presiding in the absence of the is learned assistat judge, Mr. Berieant Adams. - tl PiCasNO PoCatris.-John- Durkin, 14, and James gi Norton, 14, were indicted for having stolen a hand- ti kerchief from the ...


... TH ?? ED - ?? THE BARlREN S:ESSION. We had intended to present an analysis of t0 the acts of the session just closed, but, upon ky ivestigation, find that we can winnow so few 3sgn ofdamd wheat from the mountain tof ehaffin which they are contained, that our )yask is ended almost in the same breath as its ig announcement. The Session began with small 5 promises and ended with smaller ...

Assize Intelligence

... ;? ;koof*,, ?? - U ?? . ?? .ql Wm GUILDFORD. .in peril CHAUGI orSHOOING T ?? ?? (the pr H~jmilton ?? waslndiottd for hairitig feloniously Atr discharged a leaded. gun at. ~Henryr John, Richard repeliosi Warner, with ji't~0de ?? ,~rUpolin the day. pniame in the, indictmienit t~te p ri.jig s~)or and tvioi et eyoung ment Fere'aba ,'at themifar the purpose ofshooting water-rats., While. oad ?? ...

Assize Intelligence

... , ? Z - ?? )? ? , r I V? --i j ; 1 ? J? , ? : 7 1 6 WON, I iftittlitleltre. I 7 I I ? . I z.-. .i. I.:?c GUILDF~~~ORD.' in~peril *~iLGE y S~ofx~o, AWIM INat~l-GeO.' ~is~~ai~ge~ ~wa fidigited ;fox;,bpving'feloniouslY- (joii a [ladd ,n ii at, Hen)y ~u'Besr ela ?? with ?? iefkti'do hi g4us~b'dilyhrarn. je, ~Up'iV i ed a~'edaii'the iiditient66 rhepr` jo t 's'uierndto obcroingmen werc in' ...


... PROSPECTS OF . LABOURf IN TOWN M AD - COUNTRY: -UNITED, STATES.- I At this moment, we. judge froim..inquiry and oh- fidet servation on a recent inland trip, there might be Bow work.found in the agriculitural districts of our coun- live( try for, half a million sturdy, resolute men, and for arse. -nearly as many womten. ~Atithe. sametime all our peat 'citres~are'crowded. with. surpl~us 'bands, ...