Police Intelligence

... V. once malin.jence. a FRIDAY, AUGTUST 9. SMUGGLING TonBveco.-A sailor, beloniing- to the Cle- ofimosier galliot, in Coking Deck, weas finedI 2:_Is. for having finl h1is possession 2 lbs. of smnuggled tobacc'o ; and another 'o sailor wvas also filetl 20ls. for aL like offence. re. ROBBNnaG A MRNSSMATE.-David Nelson, a sailor, wvas an brosight op for stealing ,and paivning a flhunel jacket, et. ...


... c RIME, iNP A - 'Zthi ?? gof t- if tet -the number of ?? ie a. If pa ?? z epiyii t tea ibis ia ./ 'at the 4w.eat, .nd the. C IXquen4 eue gheyddt ~~~o &duvU j'i.,aau or 0ite,, h s] . reis eio reawua tot * ?? 10a ,stb be rewerge, If, l U. *1-ld 5 4el Ae . wesdpe m'hrlelldw A . .W ft t~uohqupthe 22 years f Wb~hkh gee yea a tablie- h. Y bean prepred w PI, 6 number of oeu694 who, wef : each year, n ...


... THE - ?? ? to public, through 4 i e ? jo t ?ollowbsg curious facts l? a ?bt of the New Pollee, fa ?? T e'lim?st1itie whiob silo some lord ? an hi exceedingly curious olsue., cad the it new act (or the ?? ty courts, but re- PI jeeted !?v the Oon!? J&ttxefure.AO 'rottll?cW ?f And ?? ftlrllfer 4itseteditliat every person proposing hi to bring an actiob sgalhsV any linlicosnan or constable for any ...


... CITY COTJRT- TUESSD.A, AuG. 13. (Before Mtr. Aiderns-sol Wdhiam 1biorp (for tho M~ayor,) anl ?? Tavlor-, Esq.) TRUANT APPIIEXI' cr WAilliami C.sook was comnplainled of liv lio mast.Ser', Mir Shrimipton, boolkbinder, for ahoenlting himisctf fromi his asork wvithouit ieaivo hot on tlio hoy's expressinig bis sorrowr, and lirominililo not to offend ag'adn, thlo prosecuitor didl not gross for ...


... ADDnnSS TO THE Artcuinsrmop.-An address, numerously signed, has been presented to the Lord Primate from the Clergy of the Arcldeaconry of Exeter. The following is his Grace's reply:- Addinlgton, August 0, 1880. Reverend Sir,-I am greatly obliged by the respect towards the office which I hold, and the kind sentiments towards me personally which you have expressed in the letter which I have just ...


... WREXIHAM PETTY SESSIONS. ., V16JA±IA±vl rjwxJ'z. macuoue~ e. C MONDAY, August l9th. 0 -- ?? a - Before Francis James Hughes, Esq,, Sir R. H. Cunliffe, e | ?? Bmrt., and Towisilhend Mainwarisig, EsqI a C. ?? c licabeth. Jones, of WYrexham, was committed to Ruthin Gaol, for 14 days, charged writh stealing vetchees, l the property of Townshendl Mainwaring, Esq. e Williun Bostick, an old offender, ...


... .Iiolfe. - SOUTRWARKl.-&- CLue To AN EXThNSIrt RoBinn ?? Brown, nicknamed' the Doc- in tor, and James Nicholson,. were charged with as- tb saulting and robbing John Jones of fifty sovereigns. th -The complainant, whose. head and face wore co ?? cut and bruised, stated that, on Saturday ce night, about nine o'clock, he went, accompanied by O a woman that lives with him, to Brown's house, 0O ...


... ? Vdict. ? ;, SOUTHWARK-,A- CLUs TO AN EXTIw51YE Roniar.- William Brown, nicknanmed the Doc- ?? and James Nichblsoa, ,were charged with as- t' saulting and robbing John Jones of fifty sovereigns. t -The complainant, whoso head and face were c frightfully out and bruised, stated that, on Saturday a night, about nine o'clock, be went, accompanied by s wa oman that lives with him, to Brown's ...


... THE THRELFALL FORGERIES. 8 It avng oo aranedthat the trial of Mr. WILLIAM THREL- PALL, egainat Vhoma there were four separate tndictmento for Xforgeries of bills of exchange, should be the first business proceeded 1 wish at Liverpool assizes on Wednesday morning, the cosart was it much thronged with commercial men. a Mr. BL1irB and Mr. BLAIR appeared to prosecute ;and Mr. Sor- B ge~ant ...


... A1 IIN 0\ Tt'1V'.S-TH IS DAY. t'OI2JT 01' CliAN T, liNCOLN'S-INN, at 10. (Before thie ?? .AtoCr!lOc)-'Vo hC spep n to: lcteher v Moore, petition. By order* ii re Soiubl-e 1iioppuoed 'ulatiu petition. Remaining Lunaltic petitions Ite ?? s ilrr Myn rs- (3)~Sonsro-Sudiers, Maria (2)-Saunders,] Elien (2)-Lewis- (3)-Soinbri-Sau [c-Leigh-Walker Ap. peal 3Motion: RIe Soluth.Easterni Iioviay Company v ...


... A8SIZE rSTELLIGENCE. _-o MIDLAND CIRCU IT.-WARWICK, MONDAY. EXTRAORDINAUY CREDULIT Y.-Matilda Cooper, aged forty.three, William Hill, twenty-seven, and Thomas Madden, twenty-eight, were indicted, the former for stealing, and the two latter for receiving, a vinaigrette, a gold locket, a gold key, a gold ring, a gold chain, and other articles, the property ofDr. Jeaffreson, of Leaming- ?? female ...


... LAW INTEMIZGENCE. A MYBfTEaf4Us CASE.-ABBOTT V. MURRAY.-The plaintiff, aoleeper, of Jubilee street, Mile-end, sought to recover' he sum of thirty ?? from the defendant, a butcher, of Limehouse ?? learned judge hav. ng asked for the particulars of the demand, the plaintiff assured his honour that the public bad better not be en- ?? honour: Perhaps you have no objection to enlighten the court ...