Police Intelligence

... V. once malin.jence. a FRIDAY, AUGTUST 9. SMUGGLING TonBveco.-A sailor, beloniing- to the Cle- ofimosier galliot, in Coking Deck, weas finedI 2:_Is. for having finl h1is possession 2 lbs. of smnuggled tobacc'o ; and another 'o sailor wvas also filetl 20ls. for aL like offence. re. ROBBNnaG A MRNSSMATE.-David Nelson, a sailor, wvas an brosight op for stealing ,and paivning a flhunel jacket, et. ...


... c RIME, iNP A - 'Zthi ?? gof t- if tet -the number of ?? ie a. If pa ?? z epiyii t tea ibis ia ./ 'at the 4w.eat, .nd the. C IXquen4 eue gheyddt ~~~o &duvU j'i.,aau or 0ite,, h s] . reis eio reawua tot * ?? 10a ,stb be rewerge, If, l U. *1-ld 5 4el Ae . wesdpe m'hrlelldw A . .W ft t~uohqupthe 22 years f Wb~hkh gee yea a tablie- h. Y bean prepred w PI, 6 number of oeu694 who, wef : each year, n ...


... .Iiolfe. - SOUTRWARKl.-&- CLue To AN EXThNSIrt RoBinn ?? Brown, nicknamed' the Doc- in tor, and James Nicholson,. were charged with as- tb saulting and robbing John Jones of fifty sovereigns. th -The complainant, whose. head and face wore co ?? cut and bruised, stated that, on Saturday ce night, about nine o'clock, he went, accompanied by O a woman that lives with him, to Brown's house, 0O ...


... ? Vdict. ? ;, SOUTHWARK-,A- CLUs TO AN EXTIw51YE Roniar.- William Brown, nicknanmed the Doc- ?? and James Nichblsoa, ,were charged with as- t' saulting and robbing John Jones of fifty sovereigns. t -The complainant, whoso head and face were c frightfully out and bruised, stated that, on Saturday a night, about nine o'clock, be went, accompanied by s wa oman that lives with him, to Brown's ...


... A8SIZE rSTELLIGENCE. _-o MIDLAND CIRCU IT.-WARWICK, MONDAY. EXTRAORDINAUY CREDULIT Y.-Matilda Cooper, aged forty.three, William Hill, twenty-seven, and Thomas Madden, twenty-eight, were indicted, the former for stealing, and the two latter for receiving, a vinaigrette, a gold locket, a gold key, a gold ring, a gold chain, and other articles, the property ofDr. Jeaffreson, of Leaming- ?? female ...


... COURT OF BANVKRUPTCY-TiiUBRsDAY. [Before Mr. Commissioner Goulburn.] IN THE BANKRUPTCY OF NASH AND NEALE. The bankrupts were bankers at Reigate and Dorking. This was a meeting for the proof of debts and the last examination of the bankrupts. Mr. Nash, one of the bankrupts, is 86 years of age, paralytic, and otherwise so infirm, that the Court left its seat, and accepted his sur- render at the ...


... Y WESTERN CIRCUIT-WELLs, AUG. 12. S CROWN COURT. [Before Mr. Justice Coleridge.] - Iler'y Hillier was indicted for the wilful murder of Thio- mas George, at Nunney, or the 3d of April, by cutting his throat with a knife. fMr. Plhinn and Mrl. Everett were counsel for the prosecu- tion, and Mr. Edwards defended the prisoner. Mr. Phinn, on opening tile cause to thejlry, said that he should range ...


... I .. -r= h 'S . ! :nAMWSIZE , ¢ X; > ¢gTi th rt,4e } ,%N ! bf ojt. , pftyanertnu 1I45 thht ,Ai1e pL ' tsDOW II*5e t t, p esienq \sh~wstuG ended,'to, ?? >.d , s1h Q th b b ,be puppoxf.d. T~ q~q'3'r r6, taker -'143-oa1Ip; 1i;pj L -4bQ, x;8 2 {i e onerwasthen n anor inc ebA rins~ ip, e ;,pyso ev !K eg Mul y a iosh~ . ?? b 'Nir, Ctark~~tsns ?? ?? >pri~~ ve agBiE t the.ppsoper war the. coe ...


... ASS IZE INTRgLLIO-ENCe- r . . : ?? OXFORD CIRCUi-6WUCxsM*4AU0. 12. T., n CAeN 0P STAUA1XON:. iW btaought up our report of, Le trial of Sarah Bubb for the ?? of Marl Hook in yesterdy pape r up to the 4eparture of the latest Availablei train on ond we ?? the reor fro eay *~nwtaue mtheep point where, we broke off ; L v2nblcsuirfo, end medical ;efiloer of the Wet- ?? ?? eahaty ovm rIM when the ...


... I 5: 0 ?? omtb hall' Dapat4>li¾ T~~a~unimi rof thealhitt coilsTt~ etnenF~ a atoa& tor 4'quer kno atoil~ ats~h ~thave the jsqt be 4 g ?? al oP pr, ~ do niot obse hae efbat ?? t killing t__ . &ndvpt~v$ a .en4t W Z Vopunkn the s Wotnp to._r9.p~b~ Be ~ok notn M'methed'of'umek g ~ a fi j,~hht.-te uti~oafn Hmaxoft ~~ h I~~h P~~tces 0;tdI On Uo~epR eq h h n- ?? addisomdt~nth ~e of th~ nost vew~l ...


... u I bfi er coUR71f. Th~prsonmer ltthc dsnglbtee* afthe 4inudtO4;s ?? tor look afti ithe chibawbrP .A$o6,4, ltsoijtret 7M ate lse8ae I datmikp -thu amdkntbem I*.i~din.l h 16i s Mondayndtbhcn hlsi e(idslainh o prhne wttoh, the property of: Mr * rddOck, and; Vommitted* 'or tal.A~t A t#W e~u heecl d meg~tr ~th ln some ~atadohrrils hs bd en~isr ri Uknttetile U hftsies.alzeg on.; iand n1 -Th0#15daj ...


... r.. 1, At the Flintshire assizes, Edwardl Davison was indicted h for stabbing William Parry, on the 23rd June. The case was a clear one, but the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, Mr. Justice Talfiurd, on hearing the verdict, said, '-Call a . 1, fresh jury directly. This is a lIrmentahle exhibition.-Mr. M. Lloyd *I hope your Lordship does not blame me for my I l defence.-His Lordship Not ...