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Advertisements & Notices

... IGl(RATION tO AUSTRALIA.-ALTERA. E lON In TERMS of PAIS8AGE MONEY.-Pasogersen. g I acomdation in the following. vessels 'will hare enclosed ii PfD6 ,5peradnlt, and be found with mneasvolcasls and. provi. .tebs siaiy and i ROrdanl with the saime ecal Of 1.4J1,poitmntas to the Puniauldprueo gths rv gaven agreing t, pay the experie wih vlta fo~ijired by deteittion, should. any occur. Lead at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOYAL ITALTAN OPERA,COVENT-GARDEN. POSITlVELY TB LAST NIGHT REDUCED PRICES. THIS EVENING (Saturday, Aug. S1), the LAST REPRENTA. TION of the seaaon will take place, on which occasion the directors havo placed the prices of admisaian at a rezuced saals, in order to af. ford to a verylargoport n >f the metieal publlo an opportunityofwlt. neesing one of those magnificent productions fur whichthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -kANISlH FIvE PER CENT. STOCK.-Notice! U i lorei v jivei, that the INTIEEST ol DANISH FIVE VIS)t Cl'Y1' S'lOt'lK dtie the 1nt mc-!tvilber next, will be PAID t, - ii 3. 1,AM 01113i and So, on that anti each mccetalinm dav (Ivaedays aind Ferininnys exeepted), between the hours of 'ITca wanI TIv, v clont, at No. 70Q Old Broad-Otrect, lhere Lists arc to be I obtainied, :,ind CO(I'pO left ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A z SECRE D ENTS.LEAED ROUSE an'i OR, a WAtWQB. the anae K ROAD: lO 2t aM a P betre in ?? e, Sa the GretD a eree Traft. I W and C. PUGH ar instmated bv- tbexh to- a of the late ownwo to PSELT by AUCTION, at d Me na the Bank of England, on WEDNEQDAY, epjbl et ?? 5 Lots, a gentedPRIVATE REXONC N., borghewaglwth-roadt lef on lose to rX. 110wo; Shny ?? end RIdeoc, No.. eand S2, 8urSrmy- t Old KeT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... awl uction. ?? OJ1AGE. wih ?? Ames ot near Geranord-brldp e tete.L44 IL PE IM y respeetf informs the pubH8 will evSELL by AUCTION, a~t a Oe4orgeafrno, unalew, TUOESDAY, September 17, at 2 for S. in Two tots, a roluablo ?RBEHOLDand 0OPYHOLD ESTATE, aensiating of a detatsi villa realdenos, cootaning ample socemmodation for a antail family, with s tabling, cooch-housae, a, lawn and plpease ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rbfertifementt. THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET. ISole Lessee and Director, Mr Benjamin Webster. The Adelphi Company ! Under the direction of M1dame Celeste. First appearanceof Mr HUDSON on his return from the' United States. ON Monday, September 2nd, and during tJ the Week, the Msusical Drama of TiHE K)NIGHT OF ARVA. Principal characters by Messrs Hudson, Lambert, Cullenford, Boyce, C.J. Smith,IWaye ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OCIAT. EBIIG&kTION to PORT NATAL.-A s telect party of christial families nre intending to proceed to the oa about the end of October, under the arrangement of Mr. W. J. ho vitl probablv accompany them. Every efobrt wilbe made rtea osr ef the sengers by limiting the number, and ?? guayd against evils complained of in the ordinary *tv navels, the close companionshaip of persons who cannot C w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MENTOR IIFE ASSURANCE >l COMPANY, 2 Old Broad street. Subscribed Capital, 250,0001. FaxzsrDENTr-His Grace the Dake of RUTLAND, K.G. VrCE-PRESIDENT. Right Hmon. the Earl FITZWILLIA M, P.R.S. F.S.A. DhRECTORs. John Dean Paul, Esq. Chairman. George Berkeley Hfarrison, Esq. Depoty-Chairmnan. Advantages offered by this Company, which is composed of Mutual and Proprietary Branhews: The socurity of a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON10\ti PARIS for 16s. 10d.-The GE- L hZA1 STEA M NAVIGATION ?? STAM , s I lliltll to 11e1v0 tl5 'St. Kaltbarine', Wharf' for liar-dayv and Sunday, at S monn. he cbn L'llto Paris-Ist cal 11 and 1st eta'ss,£ -I la s. 10d. Leavinig tinyre for London every -n. -Tjo sieelr berths, and all furthler infilr 1,at 7I lnbard-strect, or 37, Regernt-ir~us ;arnd Iw, h i rl\ lar ~r~sUA~T o an Order of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYALITALIAN OPERAoVENT-OARDEK. ToDIreo te have the honour to s hnore that, the eubwerIption, nigts avig ban oncude ?? latthey have determined to give TWO ADDITIONAL ?? S heand bepiecing the psofieadmlasleflati lucedacale, toifford toaveryargeporti . of the nu-teal public an opoetoitnky ofwluetnaagaoieo§S 6tblses maB. aidni~ent prrletloOS f.r which the Royal Italian Opera h'lU become ao ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR CIJLVERWELL'S L EISURE MOMENTS, No. VI, L a MONTHLY MISCELLANY, with SUPPLEMENT, ad.; stamped per post, 6d. The LAKES of KILLARNEY, with particulars of every object of interest, excurstoflo, &c. by the Editor; and many other LITERARY ARTICLES by some of the FIRST WRITERS OF THE DAY. Published by the Autbor, 10 Argyle place, Regent street, and to he had of every Bookseller in the Kingdom. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE.-Mr. W. t R FARREN bas the honour to announce to tbra riobilit%, enitry, his frienlds, anid thc public, that has taken the above newv, elegant, and ?? buildinilg for a term of years, Ilald most respectfully solicits a continhluance or that patronaftge %which hias bcu so liberally extended to him. The Theatre will oPEN onl Mondas lst, Septemiber 2, with NEW ENTERTAINMENTS, ...