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... ADDnnSS TO THE Artcuinsrmop.-An address, numerously signed, has been presented to the Lord Primate from the Clergy of the Arcldeaconry of Exeter. The following is his Grace's reply:- Addinlgton, August 0, 1880. Reverend Sir,-I am greatly obliged by the respect towards the office which I hold, and the kind sentiments towards me personally which you have expressed in the letter which I have just ...

Law Intelligence

... LW: b- i- Ir,.te.g ~ RMUFFSTOUTICEGUTILeDEUL. RDY latoxi. Icaseon OnIsbuy Palddlotn b uilfgder, .: exam,,d be; Wllanaslve~am Hertad, do'heeeouger last' exam, 12 Jciiilsrk i-the om x. Th l.lmaun.~n edn hi IsgetsMandnnwi.-A Beau I 9 Wen hi eaewhreinh whaetifis caolle ba rningedownfth for, upwards of a quarter of an hour for them, ,, ~ ?? Judge lnqutred of the officer if they bad been duily e ...


... SCOTLIND IN 1762.. A ease was lately tried in the Court of Common Pleas, as to the succession to the property of one LI William Goodwin, who died intestate in London in 1 1848, leaving property worth two or' three thousand ¶1 pounds a-year. :It appeared that about the year bs 1780, David Goodwin, the younger, mnarried, and C went to reside at Fort-George, in Scoetland, and as I evidence of the ...


... DUBIAN POLICE-YESTHRDAY. EXCIIANGE-COURT OFFICE. Robert Weldon, of 84, South Great (George's-street, and Constable Murphy 102 B, applied for informatious against Mary O'Hara, who was brought up in custody. It appeared in evidence the prisoner went into the shop, No. 84, South Great George's-street, for the purpose of pur- chasing some matter of wearing apparel. After making a selection of ...

Law Intelligence

... i~AA IhtUCIgeG,: d ..NOT'ICES.Tirs IDAY. Ie BANXKUPO-COUVLT, DASINGHALL.9TR . ?? he ItePORS Ma' 1e rewstan Faii.-tleHry Hart Davis, D4ttersea, e, builder, lesteizim., It; sltoberti lay Buot, Reacitng, autUouser, last or exam, 12:& Edwalrd Foster. Sthetertog, iuaeblnls st trn, 1. At r 1L.-Hysm' . GarreB=d.S B' MI~3 ...


... COUreCIL-HovsS, BRIrSOL, SArTnIRDAYugust 24. i Miagistrates present: The Mayor, and Mr. Gibbs. i Martha Smart and James Cocumn were charged with robbing their ready furnished lodgings. Tile prisoners took an apart- ment on Mondacy morning of Mrs. tIorn, Barton-street; last nighit their andlad l observed certain suspicious circumstances through the key-hoe of the door, and on going in and ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSIONS.-YsTEwAT. 5 Bareons Mna Wn'e. - * ;. ROBBERY BY A CAIMAcaw, TJohin Drain, 85, and John Dent, 62, were Indicted for stealing a ba8 of sugar, the property of the London and Blacks all Rsilway Company. It appeared from the opening statement of Xr,;Clareson tand the evidence afterwards adduced, that the prisoner Drain' bad been for some time in the service of Messrs. Hall sum Co ...


... POLICE INTEL LIGENCF-WEDNESDAY. GE-IaLD1rSLL.-Renly Williams (who was charged a srhoit time ago at this court, at the instigation of thi So- 'etty for the Prevention of Cruelty to Aniauns, with wantonly and cruelly killing a eat), was place0 at the bar on a charge of entering the houso of ?? Jane Kiddle, of 19, Cloth-fair, and stealing 5i feet of wiater pipe, weighing about 10lbs. and value ...


... AlUlDDL ESEX3 ,SESSIONS-WEDNESDAkY. [Eefore Mr. WVithailn.] oh)t l1cors't 20, ?? Walker, lf, and re1e'rcrhk 1ri7sllt, 20, were indictedi for having stolen a watch of the value of 101. from the person of Tholmas Loake. Mr. Payne defended Wright. On the 15th instant, IPolice-constable Reeve, A 424, wias on duty, in plaill clothes, ill t. Jamies's park, ' on the look out, inl the oroad that had ...


... :LOSS -OF HE.i ORION STDAME DThL OF. THU .OAPTAK D, ATRS.' l ,, .: ! ?? , ,i: S .>;41 to The triial ofmr. ?? Renderson, the ICaptain y of the OrIon, Mdr, George Langloands,,tre. first m~tto of that FeraM vsiand Mr. John Williams, thp: pecondimate, f#or. the )ii eoastof Wlgtonshire, commntnceil. In .EI n1ibupghone Thurs. r- dy, before the HIgh Cort ofJustlclary~ , The juidgesvon is the bencoh ...


... POLICE INT'ELLIGEANC-TIIURSDAY. BOW-STR.ET.-AI7271 ?? ris and slisa Jon1es, two well- knowni prostitutes, welre charged before Mr. II all wvith stealing a silver watch fronm the person of Mr. Willis, jun., bookseller, of No. 1, Piazza, Covent-garden, It appeared that shortly after one o'clock yesterday after- 1001 a large nnr hber of persons assembled int E ndell-street, Bow-strect, to witness ...


... I PROCEEDINGS OF. THE COUNCIL OF THE IRISH :EINGS TENANT LEAGUE. D, Pursuant to adjournment, the council met on Friday, the is 23d instant. a. Present-Mr. Conner in the chair; Rev Mr Duggan, Tuam; Mr Fuller, Dr Gray, Mr Lucas, Mr Duffy, Mr De- i- lamere, Mr J S Lalor, Very Rev Mr M'Evoy, Kells; Rev is Mr O'Reilly, Duleek; Mr Stritch, Mr Fitzgibbon, Mr Wil- u son Gray, Rev Mr Lynch, Navan. It ...