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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... the B yr. W. Beaeeba ^ ip , of a dwmhvar.. A: r :. ?? )tbe-Sp.,at Biaexkpace (Bqor, z Ma3 34 CASE pe ei~aghktr.4-'kkt MsXNGS.-Bp, 8, at BteeUp? , e.m .,~q t he w s it;j's o4. i t ?? the 3cr. B. P. Cllne'rer, ouxa Wmn BEl.NSYODLIN.thptwif ofr 0.9 BeLeontorgeCatrat,e Rliutb.. uiraNe~ep&; Mi*~rw MMja~av F.GS, oiaf Mr.* WUltazik, Ii bikth~ Re. W. Mrg ~ the Rayn 'te g~t Dthkda~a~~r ~f r. .~O~ o ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? of Rotable iefroono. Dx INGRAM, President of Trinity College, Oxford, died on Thurs- day, aged seventy-eight, after a short illness. On the death of Dr Lee in 1824, he was elected to the headship of Trinity College. He proceeded to the degree of Master of Arts on the 8th of May, 1800; Bachelor of Divinity on the 1st of December, 1808 ; and Doctor in Divinity on the 10th of July, 1824. Dr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 23d inst., at Brighton, the Lady Louisa Moncrieffe, of a daughter. On the 27th July, at Seroor, Bombay Presidency, the wife of Alexander Gray, Esq., C S of a daughter. On the 22d inst., at No. 7, king-street, Finsbury-square, the wife of David Hutchins, Esq., of Upper Tulse-hill, Brix- ton, of a son. On the 23d inst., the wife of Alfred Keyser, Ecq., 21, Nor- folk-crescent, Hyde ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 8th inst., at High Legh, the wife of the Rev. Wne. Blake, of a dlaughter. On the 2d inst., at Castle Strathallan, Perthshire, the wife of the Hon. W. H. Drunimond, of a son. On the 4th inst., at Easter Duddingston, near Edinburgh, the wife of Capt. W. Blackwood, of a daughter. On the 8th inst., at No. 3, Gloticester-road, Hyde Park. gardens, the wife of John Henry llriggs, Esq., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the Ilth Iyst., at Thorpe-ville, the wife of the Rev. John Mouiteney Jephson of a son. On the 12th inst., at Arfey, Lancasbire, the wife of T. C. Chisenhale Marsh. Esq., of a daughter. On the 12th inst., at Taunton, the wife of Edward W. Cox, Esq., I Rfselt-square, London, of - son, MARRIED. On the 10th inst., at the parish church, Walcot, Bath, by the Rev. James Wood, M.A., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Sunday, the 22,1 Fist., at Henrietta-street, Covent- garden, Mrs. Charles Few, of a daughter. On the 20th inst., at 37, Cadogan-place, the Lady Louisa Spencer, of a daughter. On the 20th ult., at the British Legation, Caracoas, Mrs. Belford Wilson, of a son. On the 18th inst., at Woburn, Chertsey, the Hon. Mrs. Locke King, of a daughter. On the 19th inst., et 5, Waterloo-place, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B E[THB MAREIAGES, AND DEATHS. 'r r ;BtCit8.- - . f BELl.-&pt. a t Drlntgh~ wif, of Brf4adlr 1. Bdl, e ?? t~he ohenm Vit 3of the Madma iyof a OL m 1*, o it H are bahopg HaUD, nresr Ttmlee,& *h-Offe Cspt. Cba; Ls 68sth Regt, ofa non. YD S. 2, the wife of T. W.IAoA, Jq., or C~owEdb B, Dear Thgnk. of. a -a ghte7 O8BORNX.8ept. Hl at~eaiNothUto3, T Oat'e o*fef danguert,!. POVT HI at Or.-9roe, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ]BIRTHS. ?? the 25th instant, at Denenitgton, ferks, the wife of Captainl Hayes, R.S., of a daughter. BIsasxbD-In tigh Street, Portsmleouth, or. the itoh instant, the wife of Luke Fitzgerald Bernard, Esq., Paymaster of the 52rnd itegihtent. of a sets. Ptlerro-On the 22nd instant, at Green Heys, Manchester, the wife of 21. Barrv Phipps, Esq., Capltait 63rd Regimesnt, of a 1IsoNanRL-At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , wBiRIS, MALGXS, AND DRATHS. Re., oft~w- cr;illdC o ahe sonand J. der BARth ?? eatta, Puirght Down, the wife of . the Rev! B. Bartn, Curote of Ore, near Madyp, of aeon. CABS..ept. Sydeaba,,Mu Can, of adaagkher. -. H&J4BUOIIGH.-Mept. 2laoathIs of W10t the wife of A, - ,lqXQKT,-Mept 2SnĀ« at aowley~roed, worth E' 1 l,. Krs . LhM -5t 1t~x' ' . 2 Shoirolds. Fulhan, Mm, W. H. ammrib of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Wednesday last, at the Parish Church, by the Rev. J. 0. Parr, M A., vicar, Air. Henry Turner, of Grimsargh, to Mrs. Margaret Walmoley, of Ribehester. Yesterday, as the same place, Mr. Riley Livesey Howarth to Miss Margaret Aspden. On Tuesday last, at the same place, Mr. Wm. Tipping to Miss Nancy Eccleston. On Monday last, at the same place, Mr. George Bland to ,iiss Mary ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Septemberl9th, at Frittenden, the Lady Harriet kloore of a son. On the 20th of August, at the British Legation, Carracrj Mrs. Belford Wilson, of a son. OIL the 7th inst., at Rotterdam, the wife of the Rev. Jobt Macdonald Brown, of the National Scotch Church, of a son, On the 9th inst., at Nice, the Hon. Mrs. Janmes Butler, a daughter. On the 16th inst., at 2, Radnor-place, Hyde-park ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Esher, on the 26th inst., the lady of John Richard Wood, Esq., of Soutliwick-street, Hyde-park, of a daughter. On the 20th inst., at Portsmouth, prematurely, of a son, which survived its birth but a few hours, the wife of Lieutenant Chambers, 50th (Queen's Own) Regiment. On the 22d inst., at the Vicarage, Pucklechurch, Glouces- tershire, the wife of the Rev. T. B. Coney, of a son. ...