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Leeds Mercury



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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... LONI)ON MISSIONARY SOCITY.- The THIRTY.SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY of the LEED-S iiRANCUL of this SO ET0' will be held on Susdiy, .Zeptznaber the Tuefnty-npinlth, ' dfIlittoil.Q da~l. ORDER OF SERVICES. On SUNDAY. SERMONS will be proelahed-Morning, at balf-past tea; and Evening. at six o'clerk ISa EAST-PARADE CHAPEL~. Morning.. R Rev. Dr. VAUGHAN, Manchester. Evening. Rev. BaRwIN (GRANT, Birmingham. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . IR4ND CONIC EIT.-fThe nobility, gentry,and inhabitasnts of Leeds and the nlthhoniilbiod are respect- fully informed that a GulANO o -CIiRCIT will be given in the Music HALL, Lue Ds, o,, 7Trrsdai Evenirtg next, Ofstber Third, by the following distinguished Artistes:- VOCALISTS. MISS L U C OM BE ?? the London PhllbarmonOi and Ancient Concerts.) M I S S R L I Z A B I R C lI, (From the Nobilit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEIIENTS.] CURE FOR ~tc TOOTII-AciE.-We refer any of our readers Who are suffering from the toolh-ache, to the adver- tisement in this day's Mreretry t especting Sweeting's Tooth- Ache Elixir. Any stlffering from this tireeome complaint willneot deserve the leastpityif theyneglect to procureso easy and permanent a cure. L[U33. The medicine which has worked the greatest cures of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTTISEMENTS.] In this age of new discoveries, we know of none which recou'nieids itself with stronger clainis to public attention, or is worthier of a place in every faoily, than a recently in- velitea machine for the purpose of Washing, Wringing, and Mangling. 'I he present system of clothes washing is open to serious objections, which we know no other way of remedying so eltectuaniy, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PU!3LIC NOTICE. 1XHIBITION of the WORKS s a, E~~~sof INDUSTRY of all N&TIUNS.-1851. 'rhe public are hereby informed that her Ii Majesty's Comminsoloners have Eixed flit 8 2I'hiidh October, as tOO LAST DAY. When Heturn~ of demands for Saein the Exh ibition canl bo received. All parties in the Lednistrict who intend to exhibit, and have not Yet given Notice of Such intention, must do so on or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¶1110 ARTISTS, AMATEURS, &c.-Oil JL Colours, in tubes, 3s. per dozen ; bog and sable hair brusbes, 4s. per doz.; canvas, 2;s, 23 3 I., Cs. 61., nidas. 3d. per yard; do., oni stretecers, honea siz,, 2d,; 3 size. 2s. 9d.; an I ,iteat 3s. Hd., larger sizr!S in proportion, Drawingand. crayon papers, pencils, crayons, Water colours, d&c. hc., at equally low prices. M. FPIEEMAN, BooesErnnen AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LlVltl'AHlfl1 WOOL SAIX.I OnWedaesday. tlc &i'lteath irsasidi, at two o'clock. at the Brokeris' 0111c, 2.ToraplesttrO~t, Liverpool. 405 B.lsS IOP~ND kTvlll('1X- OPORTO, &C., WOOL. 53 Bagts fil0flAIR, snllerior quality, now landing per 1,153 Bales. A pplY to WN1, GnuIAfliii & Co., Wool Brokers. ri HE S E, R V I C E S in connexion wvith the T.TllIlRTYSEVENPTI ANINIVERSAISY of the LESIIS1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2Jatic bt? Vtltiate Q8Nttact. 40 BE SOLD by PlilVATE CONTRACT, an I excellent high pressure STEAM-BNCINE, of Rix horses power, quite new, with or wirhout boiler. Apply J. W. CORD- riNot. Engineer, &c., lloward-street, Nortbgame, Wakefleld. N SALE, Two WAGGON itdLER', Of 30- O lorse Power each, with supslementary boilers and re- volving grates, all in ex-cellent cooditlon. For ?? par- ticulars ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [MONADAY NECXT.1 IMPORTANT SALL OF, NOBLE LOOKING GLASSES. El Air. JOHN tIIFI'PERI bolertO modie known thatbehas assiho- riyto SELL, BY AUCTION. at hlis COmme~clal SaleRooima. M sterno' Buildings, Leeds, on Afe1sioada next, tise Ninth dag I &ptitmber. 11HE large and valuable STOCK of a LOOK- ¶I NO GLASS MAN UFACTURER, presenting a large and or varied display of ELEGANT BRITISH PLATE CHIMNEY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEST RDN OF YORKSHIRE.- NOTICE ishberebygivenl, that aSPFCIAL A DJOURNED) BESSIONS of the Peace for the West Ritting of the county of York, will be Isolden at tile Court.loue,58 In Wakefield, on ~ThursdaV, the Tenth day of Octiber next, at twelve O'clock at noon, for the purpose of isking into consideration thle Re port of the Finance Committee aind the several other Ropo~ts pre- Sented to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BAPTIST MISSIONS.-The ANNUAL SER- VICES of the LEEI)S AUXILIARY to the BAPTIST jISSI(INARiY SOCIETY will be as ?? Lord's-dty. ,v-ptetnber Fifteenth, SERRI1ONS trill be preached at SOUTH pARADE CHAPEL. In the Morntng at hall-pa t ten, by the 11eV. J Bit'r, of Oldham. and tit the Evening at six o'clock, by the 11ev. J. MA'KEPEACE. Missionary from India; and at the goDKL INFANT SCHOOL Roost. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRIITANNIA BRIDGE. Miost important and extensive Sale of the whole of the Mate- rlial, Oisehineiry, and Plant used in the Constructiod 1, Flot: ing, and Erection of the Britannia, Tubes, min of r im- ber, Planks, Boards, and Scantling, Iron andt Wood Pontoons,- Capstans, Chains. Cables, Hopes, Iron Blocks and Sheaves, Hydraulic Presse, Steam Engines, Suollelsson ChsAius, IFitO Engines, Twelve ...