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Hull, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? . RE IO HT WAN TE D for a F Ssvedish Vessel, 230 Tons, to Marseilles, or anv Port in the Mediterranean. IHOLDEN AND SAMPSON 51, High-Street, Hull. ~j7O R B O M B A Y, f CALLING AT P 0 R T N A I A L, t Gods and a limited number of Passengers, to Sail i ctually o thile 10th September, the fine fast-sailino ,pored and copper-fastened Ship C0,P ,e$ P A L L A S , 800 Totts burthen, JAMES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGENTS FOR THE HULL PAICKET Alford-J. Mountain, hook- seller. Altbro'-i Mr.Thompson,post. master. Birnminghanoo-Taylor, Clover, atad Co., 31, Union street. Beverley-Michael Ellis, post- master; J. Kemp, W. B. Johinson, John Green, Gardhams and Sont. Bridtliaglon-John Furby, Mrs. Hlickson. Bridlinglon Quay-W. R. Gardner. Boston-Johas Noble. Barton-C. Bail, H. J, Toum- linson. Garnsscy-Johii Ray ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mlantett EDWARD MILNER, CHEMIST and DI)RUG- EL GIST, 31, Briage-Street, is ill WANT of an APPRENTICE. Hull, August, 15th, 1850. TO DRAPERS' ASSISTANTS XzTANTED, a JUNIOR ASSISTANT. WV Apply to G. ALLEN, Mourning Warehouce, 54, Market-Place, Hull. hale t aucltion. rTO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, I by Mr. OATES, at the George Inn, in Kingston- upon-Hull, on WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of September next, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .ftfcellaneouo. SASSAFRAS CHOCOLATE. Dr. DE LA MOTTE's nutritive, health-restorinlg AROMATIC CHOCOLAll, prepared from the nuts of the Sassafras tree. This chocolate contains the peculiar virtues of the Sassafras root, which has been long held in great estimation for its purifying and alterative proper- ties. The aromatic quality (which is very grateful to the stomach) most invalids require for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I5tifieelancou~. S'A SS AF R AS C HO CO LA TE . L Dr. DE LA MOT'rE's nutritive, hcaltli-restoriig AROMATiC CHOCOLATE, prepared from the nuts of tbe Sassafras tree. This elocolate contailis the peculctr virtues of the Sassafras root, which has been long held in great estimation for its purifying and alterative proper- ties., lhe aromatic quality (which is very grateful to the stomach) most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ] fRS. MANNE, Widow of the late Mr. G. MVI A. Mlanne, Surgeon Deiltist, litfll, respectfuilv inforims her Friends ald tile Public that she hills made arrangements mitM.RoBner M. e (wo a be .aialielient lvtilwrL11OE1L ]\ .licrlced Doultist), to well recommended to her as an ?? d etis tb carry on the Profession of her taiteilsan, e and trusts by attention to its variols branches, to toCiV aydb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... voil SALE BY PRIVATEI CON- i~ J!, ''ltA.t~l the fitle Barque PAULINE I 110)NGIION,` 242 Tons, built at Little cl1seli A I for 12 years, a'tul having | siy'ii11l cs jdemabia repairs is eligible to remain ;r..cas til heyear 18561. Sails fast and '.jIp I110i, lies ill Londoi, where she can be in- I i 'li irtois &c., miay be had on application to WMn. WARD, 202, High-Strcet. II;.1l!etllber, I S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -SUCCESS OF TlENEWAMODE JJIE 'fITEAU)IM'N , ~,Lyiioiticord, Dieslaudes, and others of 'lIlPle~i0rb Wd ll'it DE R1005, M.D., 35, EtLY PLACE, LO~lusry author (if THlE MEDICAL 11 ill ?? ~ lar style, devoid of teelsricalitios, pIO1 ~cd~ al los who re ,ulTefri;; from Suapertnatorrhceai, adlevarious~ disqualifying forms of pro. siiifominleccian and youthful abuse, that bwhich h viora aniss f ~diiJ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CLEAR COMPLEXION. OD)REY'S EXTRACT 01' ELDER A G FLOWLIERS, is strongly reccurniended for Soften- A inig, Improving, Blcautifyijng, aid ir'csorvirrg the SKIN, O `a!d ii giving it a Bloomling and Cliariming Appearanice, VY beilig at once a nmost fragrant Perfuic atnd delightful t C eSInctic. It will complotely rcrilo Tani, Sun-burn, ti R .dness, &c., and by its balsailic and hcaling qualities ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vufiic Notie%, TTULL GENERAL INFIRMARY JL A GENERAL QUARTERL0Y BOARD of the GOVERNORS of' this InstnOnn will hc held hre 01l TlUItRSDAY, the 26th instant, at One o'Clock. Persons desirous of supplyinng t ?? t vithl Butchers' AMeat utust send in their 'r'endrs rior T elvc O'Clock. Set i 80. 21'. T. L AMIBERT', Secretary. UL N)EsAESTRl)~RIING SCH1oL OF MIED)I- HULL AND STON-SQUARE. CINE & ANAO K ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SU~tiwilED 1779 . ?? -tftflg FiOR STETTIN, the fineA I Brig WALKINGTON, Capt. T. S igt.E. 5r 2 ow oil the Berth, anI wvill or Tel l)ays, ' ?? P oerliticilar apply to f,,.ztrt MT. & C. L. RINGROSE. ,> UOtI ELSINOft, PILLAU, and KONIGSBERG, taking Goods l'j Ofer Dalitzig, MIetnel, and adijacent Ports, thle ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGENTS FOR THE HIULL P-CACET Alfobrd-J. lountainr, book- London-Baller Snld Whle seller. Fleet streel; NeWINwo aod rltdtsro'-A Mt.Tbompson,post- Co., W rh square; i , master. Hammtirond, 2i, Lon'tar, Glover, street; C. 31ifelletl, S, tled and Co., :31, Union street. Lion Court, Fleet street w Breee ley-2tielmel tEllis, post- Barker, B1irciun lane. muiaster J. Koriiui, ...