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Advertisements & Notices

... -T OYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTI'i'UTION.-I Jl Drtmg t& week the Alpino inger fom Styrl vilU perform' sveral of their Natioai Melodie, daily at tour, and in ?? veinige at half-past ?? on the Hydro-Eleotrlo Maohbi.e byfDr. Bachlififfner, daily at two, ?? in theoevening ?? on the Zfechanioi Properties of a Jet of Steam, daily at a quarter-past , ving and In the evenings at a quarter.past ?? Sorie3 of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'FOBACCO AND SNUFF MANUFACTORY,, .r No . 1, DAME-STREET, DUBLI1N. A. LEA (late of Lundy Fcot & Co's.) begs most respect- fally to acquaint his numerous Friends and the Public, that he has opened the above spacious Concerns in the Tobacco and Snuff Manufacturing Business. He begs also to state that he has imported, on most advantageous terms, a large Stock of Foreign and British Cigars, Rappees ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TERMS FOR THE MERCURY-TUESDAY AND a FKIDAY.c In A dvance, per Annum F D.* 36s o ,Half Year ?? 18 0 , Q u ?? 9 0 P JJ olony each Zveek i, required, t1en ?? the sum V etated i4 the antousit. On Credit, to Itnown parties, or a reference given for pay- h meuf in Liverpool, 40g. per Annum. l Letters o;a lbs inesS to be addressed to s ',erto7. ,Samid& and Co., or To the Lclitors fd the Liverpool ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE GENUINE DALBY'S CARMINATIVE T is a most safe, effictial, and, inldeed, an hmiedite renily A for the wiid, tilc watery mid dry gripes, convuliions, atied -all those A fatal disorders in the bowels of infants whviilc carry oif such a D number under thc age of two years. It is equally serviceable ir t lulxes and the most raking colics in grown persoso, invariably nf- fording relief after other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. T IS EVE'NING (Tuesday), Sept. ?? 1850, tbhe Performlices will commence with the Burlesque Ext.ravagrnea of CINDERELLA; OR, TiIR GLASS StLPPER! Baron Seh1Ol, iMr. Bromley; Rodolph, Mr. H. Bedford; ,Bapilire, or. Garden; the Baroness Soldoff, Mrs. Raymond; patchonia, Mrs. NV. }1. Eburne; Roudeletia, Mrs. Gowitjd; -Cinderella, Mtiss Julia St. George. am Cachuca Nuovo, bv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O YAL AMPHIT HEATItE. -J 1, IEAT CHIARLOTT'E-STR*CEE Sole Lese afd Manager, Isr. W. R. Copeland. -The now and original Dramna of the VICAR OF WAKEFIELD hiaving 1'een onsinfently succcssful onl its Isroduction at this Establishlflent, still be repeated during the ?? Eligsgenineft of Mr. BACE' R, Miss FANNY BIAKER n r jOIIN REEVE.-Signor H. BOLENO, the unianld Par.o nlimist and Buffo, Dancer, is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e 40RKS.-The Advertiser consumes from 130 to J/ 100 Gross of coarse large Plials every week, and will be glad to RECEIVE SAMPLE, S aS T IONS. .-R D S. r, 40, Sal-XUL'S-SQUARE, BIBMINIGHIAA. S BRUS11HUSHES, PERFUMERY, AND FANCY le U SO0A PS, WHOLESALE AND FOR EXPORTATION. C JOHN GOSNELL AND CO., O MANAUS, LtO AND LIVERPOOL. al Liverpool ranch Eestbliehinenst, 18, School-lane. pATENT PORTLAND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHELL-FISH TAVEt- TAMES Nl'CALL, No. l, WINECE AR-ENTRY, Bel. .J fast, begs respectfully to retuin li iicere thaniks for tile very liberal support lie has receive forjliclast Vive Yenas, azld to inform Gentlemen that lie is edlld to Siupply the choicest OYSTERS of the Season. Prime LOBSTERS, Old Hlavannab CIGARS, Guinttess's XX Bottled 1 0 It T E R, Seitch allnt Londons ALES, &c., &c. Ile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. C.-The stanzas are too shadowy and vague. I Paul should consult a respectable attorney. The co- poi executor has no authority to act as he does. mc HYDRO-CARBoN GAS.- D. P., Deddington, Oxon. I Apply to Mr. Stephen White, King-st reet, Manchester. ac( 4'The Autumn Blossom is pretty; but the metre is not on preserred throuighout. J. ?? artisan correspondent has acquired the art s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0TO-MORROW. To~norrw, (cdimds7) te 12h istat, at Twelve o'clock, at ?? Ofic, sfinibuidiig ,SIt Chapel-street, Appl to .- AcTIIJ~CROO0KE, Broker. SATURDAY NEXT. a p On account of whoms it may c~oncern.9 On Saturday next, the l4th instant, at Telve o'clock, in, tileg Brokers' Sale Room, Derby-buildinlgs,9 About 45 SA I LS, and 7 Tons of RO0P E, at cosisiting of Standing and Ru lpsng-hIgghIg. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMrEM to INDIA aria CHiNA, via EGypT, r Itecilr mntly ailstem onvyane fr asegers and 1§o odst C11 0EanON _MADRAS, CALU1WA, rr*XG SINGA! N yoxs, and; HONG-KONO.-The1 Pentinsular and Oriental Steam it yasintion Company book passengers and receive goode and parcels S, ~t~re above ports by their steamers, starting frpm. Southasp ~ D on the 20t of every montb, and fkrom Suez on or about the 19sthtr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wl0tos bj Rumon . SALES-UNDER THRE IRISH'- t INCUMBERED ESTATES COMMISSION. I IA!4 OTW SLOUTRBD LIP .E-oi a OILa e~r~fL1KEVICEL~ a IR h ort O h om msfi Sale of In m~red.Eatates, ~in tI Mateo the 1ixtitof W¶mo~ ,aiirvc at Wila enpttoar-8rP or OaeV aaI ~i thip matter . 'he Coiaeone ?? TUZPDAY , ah da . ' t f g lovembeirnex atthe haur of12 ocloc~ka Vi,8 I ~AUCL~ . o Willia.1 Copy, Itae in .at7u t ...