... noH P-I -1. COU1,., ?? I 1. i- ; 3 R wi; . 'XUILDEALL : ?? a ,t tuag. :o, . ?? ,; , , broh t . i he w ith e tig a - ?? In 1 .t kata'a4ahyk , tl'f i= r. ?? li lbgurl .;lxei1 ?? odshboe f e W botdhega rde Ats. e oc, . . mthd khee ,thze hlt uitop GL Pnt u L n yard ?? 4.msh .i: stUef% . . at Y em. |hak a lae twe fh apy he #,U t o th it $ght~qn~tcj~,whe they sss it.. him re oo d ean tt hia Otat ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. EXCHANGE-COURT OFFICE. DIVISiONAL ExPEsIcNsC V. SOCIAL MOORALITY.-An as- sault case came on for trial in this office early in the afternoon of yesterday. The litigant parties were a number of women who made a great deal of noise in statements on the one part, and in denials and recriminations on the other. The scene of the quarrel which now came before the bench for ...


... - . . , -I- - .. BRENTrWOOD, Monday Ereuing.-Th~e ?? vilhlage of Doddingissost, at few miles from this town, has been thle scone of a most determined and diabolical murder, t the discovery of which, early on halide) morning, lies v thrown the whole of this part of the country into at pain- t ful. state of excitement. a Tule following details having been gathered onl the p spsot, and of tho ...


... These Sessions were held at the Shirehall, on, Monday last, before William Gurdon, Esq., the Recorder. Hannah Sparrow, indicted for having stolen a wicker basket and a quantity of knives and forks, the property of Mr. Clarke, was found guilty, and it appearing that she had been in custody nineimonths ago in conjunction with her daughter, was sentenced to four calendar months' im- prisonment, ...


... MIDDLESEX SESS1ONS.-TUESDAS. [Before Mr. Sergeant Adams, Assistant Judge.1 The criminal business for the October general quarter session of the peace for the county of Middlesex, wsas com- menced this morning, at Clerkenwell. The calendar con- tained the names of only 45 prisoners for trial, the small- ness of the number being attributable to the circumstance of a week only having elapsed ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT-TuuxiSpxv. _ a OLD COURT. LBefore Mr. Justice Erie.] Mr. Clarkson said that in the case of Asyustus Robbison, who had been convicted en the previous (lay of uttering a forged cheque, he was Instructed by Mr. C. Keyser, the pro- secutor, to recommend him to the merciful consideration of the Court, on account of the good character he had pre- viously borne, but more ...


... ACCIDEN:TS, OFFENCES, ETC, ESCAPE OF A CONVICT FRO.M PORTSMOUTH DOCKYAD.- On Tuesday afternoon a convict at work in Portsmouth Dockyard managed to effect his escape, and has not yet been re~captnred. It appears' he was at work in what is called thle new ground; and having contrived to escape fromn tbe' surveillaned of tied keeper, he changed his own convict dtessi for some lkbourer's ...


... ACCIDENTS,- OFFENCES, ETC. AiRTFuL RoaBBRY.-The following appears in the Gazelle des Tribunaux. Two fellows went three days ago to a fa- mous restaurant, called the Grotte de Calypso, at the Barriere Belleville. As they took their repast, they got into conver- sation with the mistress, who soon told them a full account of the death of her husband, of the state of her business, and all her ...


... SUPPOSED MURDER-IMPORTANT LNQUEST. I_ he 1-. X- -- - : 61- r_ On Wednesday last, an inquest 'was Ield'. before Edward Griffith Powell Es, cner for the dobht3 ; I at Penygroes, in the. parish of Llandegai .touching the death of William if, a stonemason, ged 55, .1 who had died that morning, apparently'in'consequence of injuries he received at Bethesda, on Saturday night I the 14th of September. ...


... M=NCHESTER GAOLaSESSION. !:i ANCHESTEW GAOL SIES Iso N. TeMchaelmas, quinrzerl' ?? a tihe borough f~ 1;Of Macchiester was held on M~onday last, at the CoIt Housei , II Brown-street. John Potter, Esq1. mayor;, ?? the chair,- my' k and the following magistrates were preixt;'piig' of ci Neild, Daniel mdande, ?? .Rfago, a.'nse-pe is reports were read :- ra.Tefloigetipl is VISITING JUSTICES' REPORT ...


... LIVERPOOL OCPOBER SLSSJONS. fullowinig p)ri~sross have bluen triel ;i-e, Tile fullowinag pri srns have li)en trietl .ince our t Imst publication :- t- 'Vlinas lobelrts, for stealing goods from thle person of Samuel IsTUMs seven yells. - James Davies, for ste:ling Indian corn, &c., and George Blacklburne for receiving tie saam, were found guilty on b the thst hidefiniaent. , lary Anil Taylor, ...


... I 1. NE1WCASTLE.-Fridaly, October 4-Before Captain West, R. X., and Captain WeOLherley.-Joseph Forster was charged with wiliully destroying the iron rails waich protect the Yo k, Newcaetle and Berwick Railway between ths Manors and Stepney. A great deal of damage had been done to these rails by boyr, who, it was said, were encouraged by the nmarine etore dealers. A woman, who had bought the ...