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Advertisements & Notices

... hE MAJFSTYIS THREATREII TILE GRAND NATIONAL CONCEiTS. Tis LI'LN I NG, LAST APPEARANCE BUT Th11REE OF TIl E RE~LIN CHIOIR. IFirst *APpeTalticc Of tile Mlessrs. ')Itistit IAlNatioits, INilbe sulip by MtliOl. Ang-ri and Mr. Sites Iteeree. Al~l SNI~e ~ dod save the Qocei lit l t s, 'e Grat Quadrille ofI 'Tie Millitarty Blids ttlt, COrj~s Of ide ll, h Thciri~ter thl Bile ijrlin Clhoir. Spolr's New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ClOOPER'8-'IMIPROVJD 'TOOTH BRUSHESI _}are oonairucted on al new priuclole, whleh offers the enly per | eo reelurntee tbat tho bristles will not roome out; they are ?? convenient to nec, anna cleanes tbo teeth more elfatually than any | other ilcarliplon ot brush. The heat brusbes that can be iuanufae I t lured, pric e; or fowrdedfeo n rcit of tly stp, a r C OOPER'SANISMEPTIC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE PRINTERs' ALdSHOUSE FUND. . KTi;W STRAND THEATRE.-The TRADE and ?? FRIENDS of the above INSTITU'TlION are respectfilly in- Imd that the PRINTERS' DRAMATIC SOCIETY have ?? Ote above tneatre for SATURDAY EVENING, Nay. 23, with tie ?? -of giving a Performance in AID of the ENDOWMENT FUND, ?? earneatly solicit their support on the oecaion. The Perform. a6 wil' commenas with Shakspeare's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'e ^ritA, ralmanar for 18M. Price, sewed, One Shilling Ee QICompanion to tle Aritft Almanac for 1S51. Price, sewed, Half-a-Crown. ?? brititlI almanac anb Companion for 1S81. Bound together in neat cloth, uniform with preceding Years, price Eoutr Shillings. CONTENTS OF THE COMPANION. Part 5. Part ZX. On some Points in the History of Arithmetic. Abstracts of Acts. The Queen's Colleges, Ireland. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NEW NOVELS Now ready at all the Libraries, ai 3 vots. N A T H A L I E. By Snc-cA EAVANAGC, Author of' I roman in France,' 'I adoleien,' &c. Ir. LETTICE ARNOLD. By the Author of 'Emilia Wyndham,' aC. 2 vols. We cordially recommend this admirable and beautiful story ts ear readers. it is at heatlthy moral cola-truthiful anti trarlical - told in a most chairmring manner. - Weekly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY LANE. M. JULLIEN'S ANNUAL SERIES OF CONCERTS. MOST POSITIVELY TUE LAST WEEK BUT ONE, The GREAT EXHIBITION QUADRILLE. The FRENCH DHUCADIERS, and JETtY TREFFZ, Every Evoning. Ma JULLIEN has the honour to an- . nounce that the FRENCH1 DRUMMERS, from the 2nd Legion de la Garde Nationale de Paris, havinig met with tele most cordial reception from the Nobility, Gentry, and Ehe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O~adIEDTERANANSTEAM LIII so tos..Ceptaits G. HARAM. 30 as.Captain -. Ill' I . 05 Ios..Ca1)tain BUO1CKLEY. ?? * h~ t~iS..Captainl G. H1. CORBETT. I.E al wse..Captain J. CARTErR. 4r11 ill ~ firt-rate character, sailing qualities, atched frolin Liverpool for Genlus, s ~ ~ Cs 1ry th ee'eks, %vth goods and passengers. hs pltoVialnas, Jones, and I i'la~C f o TEXAS.-NOTICE.-To I~ iVU n FRIENDS of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. I THE GEAND NATIONAL CONCERTS. THIS EVENING Matcfarren's Seremniat, The Steeper Awaakened. TH~ fIS Y'9GREAT QUADRILLE OF ALL NATIONS, WithA the Miitary Bands, Side Drums, anlt Double Chorus, c~omprising 256 artistes. LAST FOUR NIGHTS OF THE BERLIN CHOIR. THE SLEEPER AWAKENED. Haroun Aliraschild, Mr. F. Boddil Abou llassan, Mr. Sims Reeves; Zuclika, Mdll~e. Angri. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ith f f % 3d, e i e, rl be Sd., bo1d ;. er clh b , lr (3 U. PA1WX.ES; ow,; the, unpowdol? Treaeoe-. : l 1 fo Slloviln6wo lda a le e Ii o oaody:-,a no- ¶rf- arbYouda.' ' Crieto.. : - : X rigan~htr. ., Uol ,ed n :WtdbFeo aatle.: -leckBhepgiid. :m. . ?? S ?? Old St. Paul's. On theo 12th. ?? i;l be ?? prlee: Isbeds; cr ?? 186, Strand Scd7albesqisad news- On-Nbvember 9 wl be published4 In 'vbl. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICES TO CO 'LP!SPO1DENTS. Tarr. ?? A52*5 CnAoaBBx AsaurAsct SCtoCtT.-In again airectitg attention to this excellent iaalotitutiot, we feet that we arc oilly discharging a duty ?? tire er adghtteed gentlemntr who trve established it, and towards those perseons whose cir- cunostances aye such as to place them in a position requiring the advantages wlich are now held out. - To ensure a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EFFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, CALLOSITIES, &c., WITHOUT CUT'ING, or causing the slightest pain, by Mr. EISENBERG, Author of Practical Expesition onl the Hunsan Foot, and Diseases of the Feet. Mr. EISENBERiG'S system is at once novel, and based upon long experieiec * it has received the sanction of the Roval Families of Europe, and the first of the nobility and gentry, he having, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flUBO0U R G'S HOT E L, DS 81, B. AYMARKET.-TABLE D'HOTE. At he uggatiflof mans' friends and frequenters of the At the saggestis n IUBOf RG begs to inform the Public, that Establishment, Mra TBELE DOTE, at SIX o'clock every day, in the TRU oene PAISAN3 STLcnitn f Soups, Fish, Joints, Etrdes, Roasts h Vegetables Sweets, Cheese, and Dessert, at Entsrdes icrhead: Wines and Spirits of the first ...

Published: Sunday 24 November 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5120 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices