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Advertisements & Notices

... S LIWEM OF PACICM'WL 0p n, EI YORK. Theos Shipsa will gaill d catal~' abses Date 6f spailing 6505 Lsrsdsoa lilama , OT U~tz S July 09rC~oaoJM~r 13 13 13:. 39 .. 2a ill1 ?? (9.'Vist~r 6 Dec. April S Aug. ~ ~ ~ EniolO . 13 19 1 13 21 21 7~~~1 April Ga.i~ 50, lethr 1an May 1 Sp; Ct'oe~ gosi , at! 13 213 13..1 k,O, OiosCld 23 39 35I 2 417't ?? lFb. S June 6 Oat. b 153 13 13 trrie ~. ~ 109Ions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To DoRESPB1ONDESa Correspondents wh do not find their comimuniatlons noticed, may infer that ie cannot answer them,or decline to do so. The great nutiter of commrunications we re- ceive, containing questions wbich any person, disposed to take the same trouble as they would put upon us, might ansewer for themselves, renders this notce necessary. THe GOLD SCHsEMes.-The Arglo Californian Gold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... qHEATIE-ROYAL, DRURY-LANE,,--M. .T JULL1NS GRAND ANNUAL BAL MASQUE will take place nextTHURtSDAY, November 7,1850. bL J ULLIRN has the honour to announce that his GRAND AN. NIJAL BAL MASQUE will thai year be given previoua to the comn- menoement, Instead of at the termination, of his Annual eriest of I Concerts, and will take place next THURSDAY, Nov. 7, 1850 (the Concerts commenaunggon the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ to INDIA and CHINA vil EGYPT.- I S IR~arMONHLY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for enicO to 'it oosto CEYLON, MADRAS. CALCUTtA, ~s ~SINAI'REand HONG KONG. -The Peninsular A-~g~sss ssiatiiicompany book passenget'k and ro- ~ 1~*l~ frtheabove portseby their steamers, etart- ~ ~cciasinononthe 20hof every month, and frotit Suez ~~ the10 m . el ra-.eeg fo r Bombay can proceed by this Coin- cr fte21hof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... snOR PORT LYTTELTON, CANTERBURY X SEfrLEMENT, and otherports in New Zealand, a Wa RM1nae r.Fge r SHIP of about 5ao ton: egister, chartered and mroviilolled the Cterb y AssociatIon, t~o nal on the Sth November. Rates esa : ChTef cabinf a whoUeTabiN ?? deciNeA £42. Fore cal, t25. Steerage, £;16.-For freiht, pestage, er fither Infer. emieona~oyto J. STAYNER, 110, Fenehurobhatreet; F ILBY and Ca., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B. I8HOP of LODO' CAGE.cDj I TATE GAZE¶T~a WId2 .b .Ady , EB - ~OU X A 1,% 3 IIer Ad 0St 1ajese Co s, 342, £le ~ Pae, L= an ?? i AbaseteeP~orm d by&Em} o Plahlng-Progrees WM be 8et Sold DIRGaE o -iba aRN; a lBe~oreiit~4 , a - I_, er s ;1k~~Tllt IA of Glen P0lt erho h eo ?? M obs 1-,j BL3&000PS0UNL ld * ug cea t7d. sad 8jd~ A -lease of Ur,.w o;, 0 ?? I.h DrtlInth XM, O _]t the, *lw, Nos It rie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7'pHEiATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- T M. JULLIEN'S GRAND ANNUAL BAL MASQUE Will take phice NEXT THURSDAY, November 7. M. JULLIEN Jim the hollnour to annoullce that his GRAND ANNUAL PAL NMASqUE Will this year be given previous to the cstniilenceliLeelt, instead of at tile teinlination, of his Aninial Series of Concerts, andl svill take place next Thursday, Novemiler 7 (the Conicerts conlliselciuig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Nor. 2, 186. B E N T L E Y 1i r- R. B E N T Dl iNEW PUBLICATIONS FOR THE PRESENT MONTE. 0- boow IMAJOR HERBERT EDWARDES. , In 2 vols. Svo., wsith numerous engravings, map, &c. ahe A YEAR ON THE PUNJAUB FRONTIER noe III 184!-9. to, ily Major IHEleeei'r EDWARDiSB. re, in I 3 Vels. post 8vo., THE DUCIIESS; rel Or, Woman's Love and Wo1a1M's Hate. )nm In 2 vols. 8vo., MEIEMOItS OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. NEW NOVEL BY JOHN MILLS, ESQ. Now ready at all the Libraries, il 3 vols., U R C 0 U N T Y. By JOHN MILLS, Esq., Author of THE OLD ENGLISH GENTLEMAN, &'c. Mr. Mills hos not inappropriately be1n termed the Dickens of the turf and the field. 'Our County I is a sparkling book, full of frolic and fttn.l-Messenger. For vvid, graphic, and truthful sketches ef English country life Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TJE TRE-ROYAL, DRURY IANE. -2 ~T JULL11BN'S GRAND ANNUAL BAL MSQVE vaiU take plae next THUlSDAY, November 7, 1850. M J U LLIEN has the honour to announce that his GRAND AN'. NUAL BAL MASQUE will this year be given previous to the com- mencement, instead of at the termination, of his Annual Series of C.,ncerti, aind will take place next THURSDAY, Nov. 7, 1850 (the Concerts commencing on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l'i-A 's first-class STEAM.-SHII'S are sippolintedt to sft~O IisrtharCnc Wharf fo__ ' ?? '~jGli'rhc CLARENCE, To-tuorrowe, Wednesday, at .il .thle LEITHI, Satilrday, Oth, at.Test Ceveititig, Saloon, IL for- li Ll*ic uesdaty and Friday, at Eight morning. t~lc~ IEverc' Wednesday and Saturday, at Four aftern. ?? IlAkSGATE-Ilonday, Wednesday-, and Friday,: )IIZ'' 5cccs , Blachwvall, lialf-post ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Olt SAN FRANCISCO Direct (to 'sail posi. I tively on the 20th November), the remarkably fine new ship, 11OLANUS, CaPtain W. RATHBONE REELIS, 2,000 tons bax- ' tsn, A 1, gopee adcom-tnead. ?? epleadid ship baas ,,,Ud omodtin fo cal an te paeosngers. at mode- to'to-,andalo rom ora fw onsoflight freight.-Apply, to t IL 1.ARD and Co., 16, Tower-buildings North, Liverpool. I TEAm to INDIA and ...