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Lothian, Scotland

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... E ASHlONS FOR NOVEMBER. Data.sses. -Several for the wvinter season have just appeared, mnade of rayel Pekin, or black damuask, trimmed with two] broad flounces of Cambray lace, each volant having for a heading e. triple row of narrow genze ribbon, toated ; these rows are placed close to eachl other, and form a very rich style of rcache, about a finger in wridth. Instead of a corsage, a petit ...


... LITER??TU RE. F[an1a'S DuAWVING-ROOM SCuRAPBoosr for 1851, by Ches Thec j Mackay, Esq, BL.D. lLondon: Peter Jackson (late Pad FiShe~r, Son, & CO.) Fort This elegant annuaal is an admnirable orrsnmeost for the the: drawrrin-room table. It iS richly bound and ilbluminated, but been sits outward embciieshments are almost eclipsed by the nearn- M~an h er, variety, and elegance of its inwvard ...


... It is not often that one sees a more genuine success then that of the new play produced on Saturday nunder the title of 4The Templar. There was no flagging from the beginning to the end ; the interest rose as the piece progressed, and at the fall of the curtain the applause wras of the sort that every habitue of a theatre can perceive to be perfectly genuine.l Tha firs:: al: is a mere ...


... | BENTLEY'S MIlSCELLANY No. 161. . B The November number of this popular and excellent Mis- cellany contains ant unusual variety of' interesting papers. It is prefaced by a s speaking likeness of the gallant and accomplishled Major Herbert Edwardes, of whose brilliant achievemenets at Monitan a narrative is given by Dr Cole, an eye-witness. Besides a few more chapters in the LGadder of Gold ...


... SCI1OOL OF ARTS. LZCrTURU ON THUl UUIANWJA DhIDON. On Satuirday afternoon a vrery interesting lecture on the ntew and greatest wonder of the world-the Britannic Bridge, ( -was delivered by George Lees, Ecq., LL.D., to the pupils ofc the School of Arts. This being an extra lecture the doors w ere open to those unconnected with that valuable institution, Near the platform there wetse among the ? ...


... On Saturday evening, our ex:cellent M~anag~er commtenced his farewell winte r season3, On which occasion the house wfas remlarkably w-ell attended. With one or two exceptions the cornpany is the sam~e as la:st season, and all the established fas- vouchtes, on makin~g their appearance. wvere received with much applause. The first piece wvas the celebrated comnedy of ?? Thle Honey Mloon, in ...


... fI LT E R AT . AG&ICUL;TCBA P~trsIooau-AsntAa &G VEGETABLE- for the use of Practical Agriculturists. By T.- Lindley Kemnp, M.D. Williamc Blsckwlood & Sons. At a times *hen the s~gricuicurists think they need all the aid which they can derive fronm the appliances, of science, the present treatise mxay he hailed as a. laudable attempt still far- I ther to elucidate the funrdamenetal principles ...


... L'I TER AT U n r-1. LIGET AND DAuelfaSss; Or, TIhe iV1 stfit'.; Life. L Mr Catherine Crewe. In three volumes L Henry,- burn. MaTIV of the tales here enroll:cdl by Mrs Crneve omo'b the rnystcries of life could never have Le90 ls feredi to toe public as ficion-thev are reai]g too strang, for that; we most, therefore. believe thein. Alt.gctacr, they form a prerttv record of mischief and ...


... THE EXHIBITION OF 13851. Her Majesty's Comlnissioners have felt themselves obliged . to charge a fee of 5s. for admission to the building now being erected for the Exhibition, as a check upon the influx of r visitors. A commercial house in Manchester is spinning a pound of cotton for the Exhibition of 1851, in length 238 miles and a I 20 yards, being the finest ever yet produced. Those most ...


... I?oYAL SCOTTISH SOCiETY OF ARTS. CHUtNEY OF THE ?flINttZ1tOH C-AS -WOTtES. con Toe above Society cenemeuced irs annual sirrin?s on Men- care 4ay evening, ?-oroinber 11, in its note and commodious hail. ?S ?eergC Street (under Music IToh), when Thomas Ore irger, Fsq.. civil engineer, the President, openeil the session hr en air eleeiient address, for -which we shall endeavour to find route in ...


... The following is the address of Thomas Grainger, C.E., the President of this Society, in opening its thirtieth session :- GRNTLEaENEX,-Before proceeding with the ?? business of the evening, permit me to congratulate you on the auspi-I cions commenceent of this-the thirtieth session of the So- cietry. It was justly observed by one of my predecessors in this ?? Buchanan-that, 1 from what he had ...


... :itngLae cnont:la s ngh5ivi to deightr his audiences by his ishhed pes~rOllitiO~s. Titi, geantle'nan perhlaps stan ds alonre o the gritislh stage, at. lr ast w? recollect of no actor wiho wva5 tonce the ?? v~ivid and truthful representativeofetbo French chraceer. and yet able to cope w~ith the ?? of such3 parts cs Lord Ogleby and Sir Peter Toasle. The stvle oF Icr iRan- T r is essenxtially ...