
... 1ottr)+ FAITH AND HOPE. SADNESS o'er my soul is stealing, Like a sable shroud; Now, 0 God ! thy light revealing, Shine from out the oloud. Beauty round my path is blooming: God! 't is all from thee; Now my soul, her trust resuming, Feels her liberty. Struggling worker! wben thy pulseS Fuil thee in thle strife, tle lilies Think that lie Who clothes telle Guards thee ill this life. Life, and ...


... age YEXHIBITION 1OF 1851. TNESFOR TfHE SUPPLY OF RREFRESHME?'TS.- abnelkemsroomay, are developed ini a slingle, DO 1a ht. Great ingenit~y ~ii -requisite to give' a false- hae th seban of. truth. For instance,~ itwa ,a ,uffioient for an ?? writer -to state that bisr.Gunter had paid a %.premiurmi of 6,OOOL for-the WI ofrieg 01upplying refreshments to the- Exhibil tion Ilk ,Wstoys-a, bare ...


... DR UR Y-LA NE THEA TRE. iM. JULLIEN'S CONCERTS. M. JULLIEN'S annual series of concerts commenced last evening, the opening being rendered additionally brilliant from the circumstance of the Valque of the preceding night. A monstre audience assembled on the occasion, and greeted MI. JULLIEN euthmsiastically upon his entrance into the orchestra. The brilliant decorations of the previous sight ...


... [Ts-rssoto/ed i-oron.-thie Frenlch.] . The forcn, of winter bonnets is now nearly decided by the fashion. The most distinguished styles are those which are so disposed as to accommodlte the iseallyn different modes of dressing the hair how adopted bs Indies. Some have the fronts very round and opeos on the forehad. so as to leave ample roo' for the busby -bands-whicll are nowv tie fishioes of ...

Fashion and Varieties

... abiTJ a TariftiC5. TIHE COURT. ITma Majesty and the Prince, wvith the youotter members of R oyal family, enj oy their usual genii health at X'indsor. Onl Tbhursday, the Dticlhcssi of Cantbridge, the Grand Dicelass of Mechcldehlzurgli, amii sulic, visited tlie Qneen, and returneld to Kew in the afternoon. Oil Frielay, Prince Albert left Wi ndsor for Lndnton, to visit the buildhig for the ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Sa-Mtfan altb Fnvictito,5 TIlE COURT. The Qieen, tlie Prinice, find tile younger members of the Royal fainilv contiinue at Windlsor. 0bo Mo n day, her Majestv and tile t'ritice visited Clarenioiit. Ooi Tuesday, Prince Al bert cient out shootiag with Lord Sevyimoiiir, and atteindedi by Lord 13heron, Coloesi Phiipps, antl Crlioiiel Grirdoii. The Dichaess of Keiit, Lardy A. Bruce, tile la-roiiess ...


... TH EXHIBiITNv QoF- ?? .. V roogh Oex. ?? rthnuib have bee, he for.,wt aoO ~aec f ijttdins ery ?? antict.18ttl64 , ad23. , 206;to. ZbI~l e Floor. Table. See. ?? 21.91 1486~ 6 Weti U, 8 .. 11104 1,267 11 190 wool. Sf:. ?? 4,078 1,662 ~ 731- MOOL ?? '583 50 ,0 reseed ?? 6,32 I e ota Total 17,19j *W loi am Total amout of saperfiale feet app 1,5 _ Of Itoit 55fI Dobevry erally repra 9j28. Ti te ? ...


... REVIEWS OF BOOKSH FRASERS 111AGAZIN132.- Parkeer, West Si; and ' We were decidedly in error last Month when slating: ?? lied mended its weays and was verging toward~s liberalis The present number has entirely undeceivedius, by a critoa notice on that most popular and clever work, 'Altonilobcke. The reviewer declares that our present dismal state of Society is a natural result; and, with ...


... ?? LXRIBITIOI-q. Ile following document was issued FOR CASIL1Tli flfu yb the Encertive Committee to the Local Corn- ytee9 ?? for the Executive Committee, mm I, old pane-yard, Westminster, Nov. 4, isgo. directed by the Executive Committee to re- els Iam will omm00 your local committee together, sr thet ir attention to the fact that the period has ar- eddwhen lie payments on account of the ...


... luteratur-r. .1oly Liri/g and Dying: toget!her arit/ Prayers contaifbing the ?? o duty of a Christian, tc. By Jeaersy Tzylor', D.D., Chaplain in br Ordinary e, I-ing C/urles the First. Bohn's Standard Library. b -Henry G. Bolin, York-street, Covent-garden, London. I It is unnecessary for us to do more than mention the in- clusion in Mr. Bo'n s series of Jeremy Taylor's well-known work, a ...


... Ceultwo. Sketch of .Mairwara; givimn a brief Account of the Origin and Habits of the Mairs, their ti Subjugation. by a British Force, their Civili- sation and Conversion into an Industrious Peasantry with Descriptions of Various Works of Irrigation in Mairwara and Ajmeer, constructed to facilitate the Opera-. tions of Agriculture and Guard the Districts against. Drought and Famine. Illustrated ...


... Rebiew,5. No. 14.3. Br.acinvoon's Mf.smTAGZxNr. November. Agenlts for Ireland, ioudgeas oud Smith. The political papers in this lumber lvill b3 rcad with great interest. O1e of them presents all instructive pictulre of tile rise, power, and polities of Prussia; the otiler vehemently ex- elaims agaillft LA ?? rslle.Val of tilc I1lcoM01-ta1, after tbe expiry of the pres2ent special Act. The ...