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Advertisements & Notices

... fAfVlVtTlBIENT.] to . MJ1R. PIDGIEON AND Lil. FRANK HOWARD. ClS. I TO THlE EDIOTORS oir TRIS MeailCuit.i GPNsr1osltzc,-A copy of tic followieig letter was forwarded to thl the ?? Naar, with a request that it ought be inserted be0 *without mutelatilee. As the Comornese jastice is donied me by we that paper of answering in'its Columns the repeated attaeks I'l necde onl me in themn, I antt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ublT~Icaf~n%,.. .. A NNOUNCEMENT.-A NeT Fairy Tae.i with numerous Illustralioni bv RseDQILU, entitled '.The XQNLG of the GOLDEFN RIV lwilll be publios in a few, dohby Buith. Elder, and Co., 6S, CorUhil. MX11 B B B N T L B Y'SS LIST OF NEW LITERARY PRE l NI- FOR CORMISMAR. ImS SINCLaARS WORD ind LADY HARCOURT; or, 'CounATy pltalifice. Post Sve. 10.. .(Now rady.)-: THE INGOLDUBY LEiGENDS; or, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TPHE BEST RwmwoM(. ARX8-A. ?? I. SAVDRT O.8 ebkr 09 Oornmll od 21.4.GM=i £7it ain&ted. MHT, and,.rrantyPOWER-OOIveRkooth' MPWlIIowe beeferd 0 Iermt.1owr hanana~the SOodeleltrW*OAqnan and we n ure te public that e av lpaid de I~ Twent Thouand Trds o amount.ou LmCK.rKENT, mad. UhcoedbXBXlIN% d..,enw te o hm* testof and iwoch 1mtandethe th caOf'nnahen.~ h #W.1etyofpaTtlvtindeIsn . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LECROPLATE, REDCD El' . POTT El. WATCIIMATCE1, JEIIFELER, ,S5-, N9 M - OTt l:I-T lCIO'SIToE TclErt s~Xllac). Rewespclttl :)VtIl Se tube attetitili of tills Public tot h tilI, ttif)llO See 1RE0UCE0 Pltiicls ElocIru-'Silver i 0,27s. bit. tier flozel; rtesaiert dillo, ItS. 6d Folkos, Sls., liII pI I Deert dlIttO, 216. fid. Dozens. C:ruet-Fratues, Ills, sand opseords. 55C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CALMDA7 MOR THE WEEK. DECEMBIR. 22 5DNI~AT-4th 8unday in Advent.-Mo1nDig Lesions: 2saieb xxk; Aet xxli. Evening Lessons Isaiah xxxii; Ijohn ?? rise at 5m, putlb. sh-O:t, Slm. past 3h. 28. MONvDA.-Twilight ends Sb. 59m. f4 Tuzssn.-Vasee de Gama died, 1515. 24 WZDNs3DAsrs.-ChritsmaA Day.-oon'S lastquarter, 21m. vaot 9AJ, night. Sl. Tzuasbt.-St, Stephen. 27. FR1iDAt,.:Si. .Tohul. 28. S8ueAAD. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IDcbe ?et. ..rV BE LET, at Cbaistmas, TWO, Excellent T .. Conneted Eight-roomed ROUSE8, Nos. 282 and 284, neu ldarion Plae, oppoeite Chorit ad -SttorelN NeaRosd. They hase boen long used for a eholabtileitablsbnment, and would be highly eligible for the same ;Or ld be detached ind let sepa- ataly: rent ?? ter . J. COCHRANE, agent; 3, G~reat llridgowater-atreet. , -- YE D YDAL MOUNT. -TO BE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EiN''R lli AT STA''TIONEIY' HA !L. - u AT LXHIBI TI WN AlAI.A\NAC' for 1lii5, -'gr Ci,; li,2 jj VjIe'; ilu' dC l ?? (recting in Ify ic ?? illi 1 iIl! 2CCGIItII or ilv'ry ?? con. ; :71i thc .rii.;e in ?? Frcnch', nll Germlli; . :, 1e ii ;, *i lil . S vy L I ;,vild ?? I thII I:.i ujto us ?? i t:l lIl)!, irc d I sI ?? -E(IuarlreH ?? ?? .)I(hoetl.:: is, 9iJrlisets, ?? with tLI ('rib h';rreu, oni ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On Tuesday the 24th December, 1850, at the Three I1. dian Kings, Quaysido, Newcastle, at Two for Three precisely, Mr C. BROUGH, Auctioneer, LL the good Tyne-built A I £ . Snow called the BLACKETT, of Newcastle, 243 Register Tons. Is well known as a fast-sailing and veryprofit. able vessel in the Coal and Baltic Trades. Shifts without and requires very; little. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *alte b- Prtbate Contract. FREEHOLD PROPERTY AT BEMPTON, IN THE EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. Tio BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, | about 65 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture LAND, situate at Bempton, in the East-Riding of the Coulnty of York. The above Property is worthy the attention of Parties vanting an Investment. The Land is of a good quality, and may be purchased to pay a good per centage. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ovuation. PONTEFIRACT:PREPARATORY SCHOOL. M ISS ,HARRISON respectfully announces to L ba. her friends and the public, that her School will Re- oPBN en Tahaly, Tiaenty~first JanuarVs, when she hopes to re- ceive a limited numberof.Boarders in addition to her Day Pupils. The strictest attentlonvwill be paid to the heplth, -nentli improvement, and domestic comfort of the pupils entrusted to her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REDS BOROUGI SESSIONS.-NOTICE I 3 is hereby ninsvn that thexnext GENERAL QUARTER ', SO'l e6 EACEVk FOR THlE BOROUGH OF S g in LOe CouutY 0l York, will be holden before THONAS BLus, Esquire. Recorder of the said borough, at the FLO r ous. in LORDS aforesaid, on Thursday. the Ninth dsyI Cou jarst , i8ll, at nine of the clock in the forenoon, ata 1,11 time and place all persons summoned as grand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -0X EC U TO RS, FAMILIES REMOVING, J AND OTHERS who ?? HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE IiOOXS. PIANO.FORTES, PLATE, or any other Commercial Froperly of value to dispose of, will find a very liberal price. and immediate cash, given by application to Mr. THOMAS BOBB, a theNs*005,SXN~iALB~:-Rooms. 169, WoOnsouettss LANE and14,W~is~srssTLien, svingalltroisble, delay, and anese.boig imateialwhehera lrgaor ...