... THER l-REAT EXHIBITION. r THE CUSTOMS IN THE EXHIBITION. p CUSToMs DEPARLTMENT AT THLE CRYSTAL Pa.iuoa.-The di Board of Customs have by minute appointed the following 01 gentlemen for special duty in Hyde Park during the ensuing Grand Industrial Exhiibition :-Mr. Rolls,of the Laniding Surveyor's office, as chief;l Mr. T. Fairman, searcher, comp- ya troller of accounts; and Mr. M. D. Cresbie, ...


... LITERATUBE. Foreign temiinisecnccs. By HENnY RICHARD LORD HOLLAND; Edited by his Son, H. EDWARD LOUD I HOLLAND. Longemtan. 1850. o This is a volume that every one will snatch up aad dive into. The noble author was one of the best informrd-men in Europe-; -had-travelled; -hadt-known- and been able-to form a ,personal judgment of every celebrated radn. And hefe ase those judgments re- cordA -fHi ...


... YTSBITIWNY OF LLHE 'RKS Or' I ?? INDUSTR Y OF IALJL Nll,=TIONS,'18611 Lraoi I' 9DITr R! C-WO beliove that n srraagent en ista ta no U mnnade to corn)y irma ?? I various obliga tiont, -mbieh Nvill bed~ fi d ?? ?? Commitai Of thin dl-tltrtot focal Itrn Si blnvi henar apponirtod (or abrenst a Yolry deparmntilt of raw rmate'innta, CH produce, 01micai .'rrrg'ftih fne aismimal hionoon, maci~nery a. ...


... HALF. HOURS WITH THE BEST AUTHORS. Parts vin. and ix, (C. Knight, Loodon.)-This series miau- tains its high character, and may be warmly recoina mended for general perusal. CYCLOPADIA OF THE I:NDUSTRY OF ALL NA- TIONs, No. 1, (C, Knight, Loadon.)-A new serial from this prolific source. The present is an intro- ductory number, consisting of a glance at the various exhibitions hitherto held. ...


... THEIGREAT WE11h2ON, PROGIESS- oF .TXD WILDING. This great *oik, wfhezein tie cioi' st indstrial pro- ducts of the world will shortly be most beeomingly en- shrined, has novr been so far ?? towards comple- 4 tion tehat-itrmay almost be regarded as finished. It was, according to the terms of the original contract, to have been handed ever on Tuesday to the commission- ers, the last day of the ...

Public Amusements

... :iAlbltit alillorintitt0. ?? THEATRE. LI OPi After, three years' -absence Mr. Walter tany' la:S III returned to the London stage. Ilie made Isii the renhirl on Saturday evsning last, ?? Theal- he ti-s in the character otf Wildrakc in the Love C'Iwse, Iwhich hie had never before sustained in London. Ti. Te novelty of a new part woe not necessarv ns at .VC stimulus t~o the many adiniretesof Mr. ...


... cingFREE-TRADE HALL. ieS M. Jullien, as we remarked in a previous notice, appears a to have the peculiar faculty of addressing himself to the to , tastes and sympathies of the people. He takes care that at him least a part of his programme, and that not a slight part, min shall be of a nature to be understood and felt by his audience; coul his melodies are of a national character, or bring ...


... LITERATUBRE RELIusous DECEPTIONS OF THE CHIURCEI OF ROMEs EXPOSED, By T. ft. HIAMPSON. Mitchell, Red Lion. ?? little work beaaigg the title given above, describes, by the aid of reliable authorities, the deceptions and frauds that have been practised by the Romish priest- hood during a period of One thousand years, for the pur- pose of secutely founding and increasing their temporal power ...


... L I T ER A T U RE- BENTLES S MISCELLANY. Bentaey appropriately enough begins the new year with an article on the observances which, in various ages, have been peculiar to the annual festival of the first of January; and G though the writer is greatly at a loss to tell us much new on L the subject, the reader will find in it many interesting facts B well strung together. The Curiosities of ...


... ?? ~f .ESI'NJIOF. OF ,,INGS AND SCULPTURE Ii ItN ccmmecngn a- critical and detaiiodinotire of thei printipal works of art now on view a. this exhibition, we desrreto besunderstood that we do hot take ii; thi sabjectsainthe oider of their merit, or in the orqer of ftheir arrai'ngteett -in thie catalogue, but simply as chance or tonvenienie aray ha e direifted out attes- tecato each in the ...


... - ?? - , ~ ?? The works coninected with the building in Hyde. Idin park continue to be carried on with unabated rapi- Bm' dity. The main part of the labour is now directe yr to the laying down of the permanent flooring on the Mr ground floor and in the galleries, and to the glazing i Sol and completion of the trausept roof. About ciie- Sp fourth of the glazing of the transept is now done, S a ...


... GENNERAL VON R1ADO TITZ ON DE- I VISFS AND II OTTOS. The art of Devise is one of the great lost, or at least forgotten, arts of elder time. Perhaps not a few of our readers will be glad to be told that its province lay in translating thought into symbols, or in illustrating symbols by tersely expressed thoughts. Two hundred years ago it was some- times the serious occupation, ofteu the ...