Advertisements & Notices

... TIME TABLE AD- SCALE OF FEES OF TMG. T HAYDEN, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND GENERAL MEDICAL PRACTITIONER, 82, HARCOURT-STREET. AT HOME From 8 to.9 morning; 11 to 4 mid-day; 8 to 10 evening. ABROAD From 9 to 11 morning; 4 to 8 evening. TERMS-CASH. Medical or Surgical Advice, and Me- dicine, compounded by a Licentiate Apothecary, in each of the following cases, viz. .- At home, or in the immediate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... urb'lshed this day, by G. Berger, Holywell-etreet, Strand, London (sixteen pages Sro.), Price lid., No. 3 of rll B P E R A T I V E, T AHWEEKLY JOURNAL FOIL TIHE PEOPLE. This aragazine is colducted by somre of the most active mnembers of the amalgamated society of the iron trades, and is devoted to the promulgation of those great prinri. ples of industrial co-operrrtion, political ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS ON ROMANISM. ON the Evening of THURSDAY NEXT, the 23aD of JANUARY, 1851, a SERMOM will be preached in ST. JAMES'S CHURCH, Preston, by the Rev. CANON STOWELL, M.A., of Manchester. - Subject, It The Papacy. This will be the first of a series of Sermons on ROMAN. iSM, to be preached ai St. James's, on alternate Thursday Evenings. Service to commence at Seven o'clock. MR. GRENAES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DETACHED HOUSE. IE ANTED, in the South of. bevon, by eV Ladyday next, near a-Church, with a Few Acres of Pasture Land, Garden, Coach House, and Stabinig, must contain three Sitting Rooms, and Six Bed- loins, with the usuaL Offices; tie neighbourhood of Exmnouth or Sidmouth preferred. Address, with full particulars, to D. B. 0., Road Hill, Manse, Cbippenharn, Beckingtonj Somerset. NORWICH UNION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E L K I N G T O N and C O., E PATENTEES OF THE ELECTRO PLATE, Maiansfacturing Silversmith, Bronzists, &c., beg respectfully to call attentiosi to their Establishments, 22, Regellt jtreet, London- 45, Moargate-street, I o And Manufactory, Newliall-street, Birsssinghiam i at either of which places they hiave always an extensive stock of their own productions The Patentees feel the necessity of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SABBATH EVENING NEXT, THE 1'.rn i instant, at SEVEN' o'clock, p.m., % A SERMON WILT.T BRl PRLEACIII IN / THE PRESBYTERIAN 4CI, BALTLYMAACARRETT, By Rev. HENRY COOKE, D.D., LL.D., On the subject of the Mysterious and Afflictive Dispen- sation wherewith it has pleased the Almighty lately to visit that neighbourhood. January 13th, 1851. 184 Late Accident at B3eer's Bridge. T A MEETING, HELD THIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-Lessee ti alnld ainager, Mr. J ANDERSON. -fTEIS EVENING will I` tr I jertforimd siialiicar5 play ?? HENRY IV~., part I. 1'110 RinK, Mr Cooper; 1'rince of Wales, Mr. J. Anlerson.; Hotspur, Mr. Vall- b' lelihoft Sir John Faletafi, Mr. Barratt; Lady Percy, Miess 3 ; iril, ?? the nlew grandl comlic Pantomimije, elltiflcl , 11AtRLEQUIN. A4ND HUhSPTY DJUMPTY, or, Robbini ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? r oll d nC COCOA i, ~- Dtarsaoraglly mitted to be one of 'Wholesal lartoes Ofdelit who, -.~w My Rene- edr~etail, b- - s- 6n WbcA wholesome and J ~Ocadhlv. 1i ?? andt sold, ..UV, uxn. ! WE~N1911 homcoopatbio chounlst, 41, AIsl am~chlrd-icandU1s.-' .'d-sitrest,Msanchester; and sold by~lesere. ~c street; Gateni'- ~Oouk,Marleetplace; Fl~eto ~r,grocor,Oxtord- 4C Crsen. y, grocer, fitretror ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iVE1IiABTUlIDY AVlA RNER b WgILL BE PUBLISED, IHE EXHIBIT1.O EXPRESS,] TL Size ol ?? O r D l Paper, Coutalnlreovr p elative b the laE a, llTO OF 1651, .stObjects, E1bitwor Prospets, intended Contents, Arrangements, No ?? future. rhe ?? persona Interested ID the ?? areat libion e World' Industry havio-bitherto hfado tative in the press-no pper pudfflently large, end wih zeeblnia i eomprehetisve ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TANDARD- or NATURAL SHERRY, Ai nubrnd edres asp sed thre gape, nutty hvoar, The INCREARNZ I t for this most dielous wine, the prlouce of Spain' flne t vintyard, which, by the reoommendotgn of its many lrousand cosmers, most traly merits the notice of oll admirers of purt winer is AstEnishing. DiandO Sherry, kg ,; Cognraci Brandy, lla.; tare old pste, iSah; tparbling Champa'ne, with Im- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Colourej Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Disezu Price Is., or in a sealed Env'elope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, TH1E MEANS si WHICH TICEY rAIY BE OrITAINED, a Medical Wept the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Disease~fht Generative S~ystem, with observations on the treat Nervous Debility and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HTIE GLASGOW EXAMINER of Saturdiy first (To- T Morrow) Nvill contain a Sketch of Le'- IHENRIY W imrr, Edinburgh. This Sketch is the 207th in the series. Evcry Purcha of the l:ici will receive a Portrait of the Rlev. I)r. CuAIm, St. Aeorge's, (lasge. Orders to be give, at tho O'iaca icr 010e. Price 4-d. a Copy, with Portrait. Oil Saturday, Ist February, a fine Lithlographic Representa- tiozi of ...