Advertisements & Notices

... salt 52 ucho#, CFEi S ARMS AND CORONATION VAULTS, OLDHAM STREET MANCHESTER. 'To PUBLICA NS, BREWERS, Wholesalo and RollU WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANTS, and those who intend to commence In the BusineSS. M R. MORRIS is instructed by Mr. Turner, M who is retlringfrom the Business, to SELL by AUCTION, .,O Tuesday next, the 14th instant, at, Seven o'clock in the Even- ln, on the Premises, in One Lot, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ggt-J, F. CrtrD~ ?? ano O NATAL Directto sail positively the 1st cha Oarch. the fsseilg A I ship, JANE GREENE, 492 tons -re I MorebjtOH SrILL Cowmander; to load in the St.HKatharine - S 8tbEstIlull poop, great height between decks, and first-rate - t oaidatiefl5 for cabin and ether p isgr.-PI o R a A) 1o3, Fencurchtree T -R PORT LYTTELTONs CAN rERBURY thy.o 0 T AUCKLAND. and other Ports in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 011 F)OR LYTTELTON, cAN ERBURY4 S~rLEMNTAUCINAND. sandotherr Ports in NewZealpad. peesgrapSTEADFASfT, 835 tens ?? Inoa tsI~~~ cck, oatiredand provisione~d by tbe Casnterbury ft lbs~ ~sanon he25th February ?? o asage; 13 Iawoecbnbetween decks), 421. seodcn2L ~tiif ?? frth r Infration, appn Io I 1mB~. ~ t FRDEICKYOUG, angerolblppn.foraS ~AM t INDA and CHINA 'fj Vi GYPT.- motl alsteamcovyie for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aa-| 10, BROAD STREET, PORTSMOUTH. tery 7ANE FOGNlILL returns her aincere thanis to her of t Friends and Patrons, for theo kind support, and begs to inform them that she hbs R E S I G N E D Im- BUSINESS to Iser Son, WaIL.tIAr FOGVILL. Dutl; Personss having asy Claim upon me, are requested to a o sestd in the same to my Son, who will also receive all u Acounts due to me tte early settlement of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -INDEPENDENT DIOCE5AN SCHOOL. TPHE Misses HOWE and BEAUFOY beg to informa l their pupils that the duties of their ESTABLISHMENT wll be resumed on XMonday the 20th instant. 60, St. (leS's-strset, Orferd, Jam. 16, 1851. MAGDALEN COLLEGE SCHOOL, OXFORD. 17HIE Boarders will meet on Saturday, February 1; _ and the School re-open at Eight o'clock on the following Monday morning. JAMES ELWIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NATIONAL MEDICINE is -WHICI ARE ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST v MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. :T H 1 A T .T E N T I 0 IV Of allelasses has been attracted to the undeniable virtues of PARr'S LIFE PILLS, and a vast majority of the people have evinced their unqualified approval of the high character awarded this medi. cine, and are daily becoming more and more convinced, not only of the efficacy, but, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. + Peblishied Tiis Day, irice Ote,'lilliiih', 'IHE SEC01MD EDITIO-N OF L ADY MORGAN'S LETTER to CARDINAL L \ 'ISEMAj N, with a PtIstcerilpt. Claiteo l1V cNUztCI'tOll, I Iydc-pwai'l;coi'inel, unite all i'oolsek.lkro . Octavo, 4s. t6dt e BSERVATIONS on tue Rev. Dr. WISEMAN'S , R IIEPLY to I)r. 'I'URt'i'ON'S tOAIAX CA'TftOLIC' DOCTIMNE or the EFTIIAIIIST COINSIDEItEID. 13 T10MAS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. -4- Fairfield Work?, ?? Coactibuil-lere, Contract -r-, -By Messrs. FULLER and IIOIt.'iEY, at the Frirti. li II -r. flow, on Monday, January27, at Eler en, 55 ithont vc'crv a I. bydirectiosi of the Assignees ofMe?srs.Artandaiet ?? trek::- S IX OMNIBUSES, a new cab pitactuti, to - ii heel cah, secoud-lianrl chariot, ta-s .?ecsiid-la?r:d -br. two chaise cirts, several pairs new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~rEANI to I-NDIA and CHINA vil EGYPT.- IIomNILLY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for ~0ewr. ?? HONMG KONG. - The Peninsular ?? Xai~ai~nCompany book pasoonuerg and re- ~sa~dparcls fo theabiove portaby their oteaniors, start- Inte 20th every mionth, mnd from Suez onO ~y Iccleafor Bonibay can proceed Ifby thiu Comn- Ofte2t of the itonth to Malta, thenieo to Alex- 1eel c~pc~r o oesiere, asril from Suez, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. RDERS for BURKE'S PEERAGE and BA- R RONETAGE, New Edition for 1851, Revised and Corrected throughout to the Present Time, should be sent illillediately to the booksellers to secure copies oln thc day of pIblication, Thurs- day, Jaoe. 10. hlenry Coldurn, publisher, 13, Great hlarlboroogb-st'eet. NEW NOVEL BY THE AUTHOR OF EMILIA WYNDHAM. Nose ready at all the Libraries, inl 3 vols ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~anteW. W6JANTED, for a respectable Youth, an I N T -NDOOR APPRENTICESHIP to the Grocery Trade. A moderate Premium will be ?? to G. T. J., Box 551. 'W A N T E D, a respectable Youth, of a V eT Mechanioai turn of mind, as an IN-DOOR APPREX- TICE to a light Business. A Premium required. Addres by letter, prs-pald, to M. N. O., Brlstol 1 ereary-oee WJIANTED,-by a steady, active Man, a V situation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * fiB1SEER AFSUANCS3 COMPAN. Betabliehed 1S25-Capital, £1,000,000. Life Department. Public are invited to examine the advantages secured L by conecotion with the Participation Schome of this imipany, which was began in 1840. Tho etninout succes uitch has attended it is apparent from the results of the Fire 7avestigation, which took place in 1847, the Vested Bonuse then declared, varying from ...