... cingFREE-TRADE HALL. ieS M. Jullien, as we remarked in a previous notice, appears a to have the peculiar faculty of addressing himself to the to , tastes and sympathies of the people. He takes care that at him least a part of his programme, and that not a slight part, min shall be of a nature to be understood and felt by his audience; coul his melodies are of a national character, or bring ...


... ?? ~f .ESI'NJIOF. OF ,,INGS AND SCULPTURE Ii ItN ccmmecngn a- critical and detaiiodinotire of thei printipal works of art now on view a. this exhibition, we desrreto besunderstood that we do hot take ii; thi sabjectsainthe oider of their merit, or in the orqer of ftheir arrai'ngteett -in thie catalogue, but simply as chance or tonvenienie aray ha e direifted out attes- tecato each in the ...

The Grace the Duke of Newcastle.—We are happy to record tbat bis Grace' 6 health is still improving. We believe

... that the noble Duke's recovery would be bailed with great delight, not only by the whole county of Nottingham, but the country at large. His Grace's numerous tenantry, and the inhabitants of Worksop especially, heartily wish for his life to be prolonged amongst them—for, as lord of the manor of Worksop, the Duke of Newcastle has latterly given mauy substantial proofs of his kindness and regard ...


... 7.- - .- 1, ? I , , I ?? , ?? 7 6 fil-:, ? ., - ? ?? . P . V ; . :. ;T. H E_- 0Y E'ASR O0F * SY :4N1 S* ! [w uVITTEZF FOR' Tfil. NEWS'lF.fT T.] , Itoul;s .fr~o their sleep thle dtrcaniers, oh,)ye chiimes .. ; Those.wvhoam the Old. Year. bade alast:good ili'-hlt. rre withi thie middle wvatoh:hlid'ped hisiHiglt: To the, eternity of byegone times.:. - .j ;Pdal in their earstheejoyful sound- ...


... The inhabitants of Nottingham and its environs are be - coming justly alarmed the frequency and daring nature of the burglaries and housebreaking which arc continually talcing place their midst. Within the last week several such occurrences have taken place without the least apparent hope that the perpetrators of the outrages against the rights of property, and the laws of man, will brought to ...


... BEFORF. MR. B. T. BALGUV, CORONER. Yesterday (Tuesday), an inquest was held at the Guildhall, in this borough, to enquire into the cause of the death of Henry Bardell. The deceased was cordwainer residing: in the Bag-lane, in this borough. On Sunday afternoon last, he went home, and complained of feeling unwell. About seven o'clock the wife of the deceased stated in evidence, she made some ...

Fashion and Varieties

... , ?? .. V CTE GOURT. HRa MAETrSTY agid 1th -rest ot 1hg Lyayl Pa-mixy ?? their 6ulS goad her.thja i4lit; 1tplgli -Their au-us- tamzed zcxCI Siii ntim 'oundl~s aiexutn,11A\lhl1o-- U i~stieJ (lurni'' the lpatst.vwed. . 'lhiaD q p ak d lnelmw 3 do 'J0e- mallui sind the Ptlinc'e do' loiiv ille `irr-i ve*l at the GLste Cod Ltliida9 ob l'visiittoth Quic'ieniiand 'tirfllc&-'-: Thlie healh of' te Vol ...


... TiEiy ''1iE NIBIT3ITON, I T111f. LONI)CK fRvi' 1!(101:3 TO Wll(OM' a ' ?? AI~~i C.] iD. 13!:.f 35.: ..':Cqwbcuna ren:~ ?? ?? ,- alr-A I 0i: t Lot' 0e'ci;n. of Or, ' 3 l,tesilve 11(3134 IVAIII t,.r- ~ ~ ~ ic.: T J ?? M, . 24 ,. 41.' 13 '4 'm ?? 4' 4C 43'(cT334 A ?? iN un.~~ .4 ?? ?? I C it '3''CS4' ?? 1 'Ii 4~ ?? . -P Stcv il~~23): ~4 ,jip.1 ?? fl'M, IcC I -relz sI~ C u.t4'f' '£41. QX4it ...


... MIlURMURS FROM SUMMER WATERS-No. 4. BY AN ANGLER. T OO B R I G H T. Too bright, too bright-'tis all too bright! Away with rod and line! The river glows with daz(ling light; Thine eye doth dazzle mine! Within, without, around, above, This sunny summer day, 'Tis all too bright for angling, love, I'll throw the rod away. The silv'ry dwellers of the stream May see the lure go by; But, basking in ...


... I IT ER AT U RE. A The A)Wt-Popiei Agitali-on stplined: being tan Inquiry re- spec//ng -its Origin, Rceasonsbleness, and Probable Results. By the Rev. S. IIACKINTosHi, D.D., Senior Minister of Aber- deen. Aberdeen: Lewis Smith. T DR. MACHINTOSH{ has comne before the public at a, late' period ofh the agitation on which he treats. The public mind appears tob have become somewhat settled on the ...


... Previous to the completion of the works at this fer splendid structure, and the handing of it over to co the Royal Commissioners-a= event which will now one in a short time take, place-it was thought desir- Spe able by some of the members of the Royal Society pre of Arts that they shouild have asu opportunity of' F viewing the works in their present state, and con- la templtiting the combined ...

Literary Extracts

... Afteraim. lExtracto. - ?? Id - ?? THEBET AY a! ENTERING LONDNoe.-Our ancestors e, 'ae understood this thoroughly. Au ambassador to the court ofor re Westminster or Whitehall was, on lauding at Dover, re- ret a stage wvas to the great cathedral city of England, Canter- ver 9, bury, from whence the. route was to Rochester, where theth noble castle, with the ships in the Medway, would ll his ...