Advertisements & Notices

... E L K I N G T O N and C O., E PATENTEES OF THE ELECTRO PLATE, Maiansfacturing Silversmith, Bronzists, &c., beg respectfully to call attentiosi to their Establishments, 22, Regellt jtreet, London- 45, Moargate-street, I o And Manufactory, Newliall-street, Birsssinghiam i at either of which places they hiave always an extensive stock of their own productions The Patentees feel the necessity of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *GflEAW 33ANKRaUpT BArLEIII 26, 27, 28, 29, TOP OF CASTLE STREET. *~HEIIS Bankrupt Stock was purchased for eash by PATRICK COLLIE, from the Trustces on the estate of Mr JA3IEs Gor- DON, and he is now sUhing the same on the promises at an enormous Reduction from the original cost, it boing P. C.'s de- termination to give the public a large sharo of the benefit of this transaction; and, as the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RESPIRATORS.-It is presumed that few per- s ons wil be misled by specious announcenments of improve. meats on the Respirator, which were all anticipated and purposely rejected by Mr. Jeffreys at the first as unsound in principle aed dele. terious in tend'ency. The real Respirators, as now made, are perfect in action as well as in principle. Information, onewhich ?? re- liance may be pieced, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PANISH THREE PER CENTS.-PAYMENT of the DIVIDEND oile this STOCK, which beconses dole oil t se is in t n , il o s s e c at t e Sp hislo F in an cial C o ns- missions of Londols aod Paris-viz., ait the fomr,7e Tkn liooue-kard, every Tisursdav and Saturday after the Ist Of January esexi, hetweess the boors of Eleven and Two. As the Coupons 11l0st be left tllree days previously for exanainatioli, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rope-Work, With Dwelling-House, FOlR SALB. ftere will be exposed for Sale, within the Writing-Room of XA2HS EDMOND, Advocate, 21, Adelphi Court, Aberdeen, 4EM FRIDAY the 3d day of January, 1851, at 2 o'clock, P.M., Fj'VoEComnodious PREMISES at MILNEBANH, long occupied -A by Mr John Wynnes, Ropemaker. The Walk is 240 feet in length, well built and covered. The whole Promises arc com- plete, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY WHICH THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WJANTED, a Resident TEACHER~, to talko the Latin ind tV Greek classes, and assiet in Aritmetoio; onewho loves obing, and wvill not object exccc mpanyinlg tie boairdors to h arch yor eslaye~ n ?? to Ur. ~Mosley, Holgate (Doty. Pree. TOWNSHIP OF IANCHEL'YER.n-WANTED, at the M4an. ebiester Vor-kholio, a respectable Unmarried FEMALE, able to write wall lll ?? acotilits, to lill the situation of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUTIrCULATION AND MLOCVrTION. V R11 A. MELVILLE BELL, Professor of Eloeution and Vocal i Physiology, Edinburgh, begs to intinmate to Orators, Tell- Irs, 'Tutors, Governesses, and the Public, that lie Will pay his RST PROFESSIO-NAL VISIT to ABERDEEN, for a Fortnight, ux thc 3d of January ; when lie will give short coUrscs of Pli- o ustruetionis in Articulation, Elocution, 01111 the Art of Hle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ., fl3-t-V * ' .;Y ¶. ?? :i, . i a ?? ?? 1.. ' ?? 4.4' 0 ?? A44' 44.4; 1o ~ ~ ~ C * . , , ?? ..44: ?? * ?? A .4,4 44 4 ?? ' I ?? 44 4 4.4 ?? ?? tI' rw v~lI a 1 44'444444F ik IWO1h or. cI d. ?? 4. Npel', ?? '1 . ra'n '4 . i I o: 2511, Ind ian's ?? ?? ?4(44'4''4 I' L1 A4. Yl;.A ~ ~ ?? I'½'rii' 44'4'4 . . *14 ?? i 4 ?? 100 PC'!;,)J 44~. 44 ?? Jro'xrp norh, ?? '1 ti' i' l'l4 P 4' Vt ?? -r~t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INSOTI'TANH RME. toALEY- usqecao h ra b'- rim thepeo for th xiiinf hSMdl oi. pta iiiND CONTCERT, NEW YENR'S DAY I 01 ECFI0'INSTITUTION, COOPER-STREET. i'- RINCIPAL PERFORMERS: IE;I ~ ~ruiaOI'l (her first appearance since hner serious ilr3.IXN RBT~ indispositionll. be .,i Brayton M 11thlh Mr. Ri. WESTON. - 50 hiur lo..hg' Gallery, Sintpence; Regiaterdd Seats, Oit%\emibers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY.MESSRSl. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. A-MEN ALLEY, DERBY. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. MOODY and NEWBOLD, (Under the Authority of an Act of Parliament), at the kING'S HEAD INN, in Derby, on THURISDAY, the 2nd day of January, 1851, 'it Six o'clock in the Even- ing, subject to conditions of Sale to be then produced; A AL , tle 'rWO DWELLING HIOUSES or TENE- MENTS (formerly in one house), situate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FELT OR BEAVER-BODIED HATS. Our position as manufacturers, doing our business ex- clusively for Cash, and possessing the necessary knowlodge of our Trade, places it in our power to give a Velvet-napped Felt-bodied Hat for TEN SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE, that we can guarantee to our Friends as an Article quite in keeping with the elegant appearance of a Gentleman's Hat of the presentday, for style ...